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Posts posted by christmaidservant

  1. Hello All,

    I keep having these baby dreams, from conception to a possible birth.

    In one dream, I was bathing in my bathtub. Water seemed to be flowing from the showerhead as well. It was probably one of the most relaxing baths I ever had, perfect feeling. Then a large dose of sperm came out of the tub and tried to impregnate me, I was so scared I kept trying to move because I did not want to be pregnant. It kept following and it was so powerful I could not get it away, but I kept trying.

    Second dream, I guess I became pregnant because I saw the fetus. However, the fetus was in my room and on top of a tall dresser. I knew that I was only 6 weeks along. I saw the eyes only, it was all my fetus had, but they were big eyes. I knew I had to keep nourishing it.

    Third dream, all of a sudden my stomach was big and I did not know I was pregnant. I was thinking to myself, "Thank God that I had been taking my prenatal vitamins anyway, because I did not know I was pregnant." My fiance and I went to the doctor because I did not know how far along I was, and for some reason I was 6 months. The doctor was giving me a pap smear and asked if I was taking care of her. I said yes, I had been taking prenatal vitamins even though I didn't know I was pregnant, then he allowed me to see her. He took her out of me and wiped her up, then she was running around as a 2-year-old toddler instead of a baby. She was fully clothed and energized. I called my mother and told her about the baby being a girl and described all that she was doing. My mom said that she was just like me. She even was playing with something my fiance had given her. Then the doctor said that it was time for her to go back inside to finish developing.

    Fourth, I was ushering at church, which I am not an usher. One of the ladies asked me when I was going to birth Richard? I said well hopefully not too soon. I looked up Richard and it meant, powerful leader, strong power, hardy power.

    Alright now these dreams have occured over a period of a few weeks....
    I pray you can help and that God will continue to reveal it to me.

  2. Hello All,

    I keep having these baby dreams, from conception to a possible birth.

    In one dream, I was bathing in my bathtub. Water seemed to be flowing from the showerhead as well. It was probably one of the most relaxing baths I ever had, perfect feeling. Then a large dose of sperm came out of the tub and tried to impregnate me, I was so scared I kept trying to move because I did not want to be pregnant. It kept following and it was so powerful I could not get it away, but I kept trying.

    Second dream, I guess I became pregnant because I saw the fetus. However, the fetus was in my room and on top of a tall dresser. I knew that I was only 6 weeks along. I saw the eyes only, it was all my fetus had, but they were big eyes. I knew I had to keep nourishing it.

    Third dream, all of a sudden my stomach was big and I did not know I was pregnant. I was thinking to myself, "Thank God that I had been taking my prenatal vitamins anyway, because I did not know I was pregnant." My fiance and I went to the doctor because I did not know how far along I was, and for some reason I was 6 months. The doctor was giving me a pap smear and asked if I was taking care of her. I said yes, I had been taking prenatal vitamins even though I didn't know I was pregnant, then he allowed me to see her. He took her out of me and wiped her up, then she was running around as a 2-year-old toddler instead of a baby. She was fully clothed and energized. I called my mother and told her about the baby being a girl and described all that she was doing. My mom said that she was just like me. She even was playing with something my fiance had given her. Then the doctor said that it was time for her to go back inside to finish developing.

    Fourth, I was ushering at church, which I am not an usher. One of the ladies asked me when I was going to birth Richard? I said well hopefully not too soon. I looked up Richard and it meant, powerful leader, strong power, hardy power.

    Alright now these dreams have occured over a period of a few weeks....
    I pray you can help and that God will continue to reveal it to me.

  3. I had this dream that I walked into this room and there were two beds. On one bed, I could see a black dog and it was giving birth to black puppies. I only saw one puppy though and it was very alert. In the other room, I saw my mother laying on a bed and she was giving birth as well. She was giving birth to me. I walked over and saw myself as an infant and I was actually overjoyed. The infant me was sitting there, with my umbilical cord still attached. My mother looked drained. The infant me, saw the adult me and she actually stood up and put her arms up for me to pick her up, and she was smiling and excited to see me.

    I keep in mind that a few days prior to this, I was re-baptized, however, I am not sure if that has anything to do with the dream.

  4. Hello everyone,

    I am new to this forum and let me tell you, I am glad that this exist and is out there to help people. I myself have the gift of dreams. I only can interpret them sometimes. More often, I am puzzled when trying to interpret them. I cannot wait to get to know all of you and continue to uplift one another.

    God Bless
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