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Posts posted by star_lilli

  1. Not famous yet, but working on it. I've nearly completed my first book. I have spent a bit of time in prayer about this, and I've heard different talks that have touched on this subject, and each time I have felt encouraged and stirred to keep going. If He didn't want me to do this, he would stop me, but for now, he is encouraging me to continue my writing.

  2. Wow. This is some time ago now.
    In hindsight, I think the previous post are true. It may have been the particular wish of my parents... But I was exhausted going to two churches and so I gave it up. I prayed about it a lot, and it was like God said to me, 'I never asked you to go' After I made the decision to stop going it was a HUGE relief!
    He is as he ever was, as I have sine observed he is set on celibacy... at least for now... It was just a very strong feeling I got.
    But I am not in a relationship either. But I am happy to be this way. If God does intend me to marry someday, I don't ever see it being in my father's church, but in my church... I turn 40 next year and I hope to be travelling about the place, maybe even a job overseas in the next year or two. So I've no plans to settle down to an ordinary life with him. I have a feeling that God has different plans for me.

  3. It's been two years since I had this vision... Nothing has happened at all, last Christmas service he didn't even say hello.
    I think I may have misunderstood the meaning of this dream... I wonder now if it had anything to do with him at all.
    I am still very single and not attracted to this guy in the slightest. And after the brush off I got at the Christmas service I've no intension of going to my fathers church again.
    I have no idea why God gave me this vision, but clearly it was never about marriage to him or in general. Perhaps God wants me all to himself.

  4. I wondered that myself re: wealth and prosperity and it being a pagan symbol seeing as I am a commited Christian.

    Might it be related to me being rich and famous??
    I do want to get my books published, so I can rich and famous... That might seem crazy, but I would love to be a published authoress.

  5. Hi All.

    I dreamt this last night/this morning, It struck me so forceably that I am interested in what you might think it means.
    I was walking down a long sloping grassy hill with my sister and we were chatting. A large white bison came walking down the hill towards us and "chose me". It come right up to me, face to face.

    I must admit I was alittle frightened in the dream at first. He was a large and awesome beast; but when we came face to face, it was like this respect existed between us.

  6. My mum had a dream/vision that almost seemed so real it woke her up. She had the impression of a female (she said she didn't exactly see who but had the impression of a female) standing by her bed. Around the neck of this females neck was a rusty brown (like leather) lanyard and hanging off the lanyard were three very shiny, brightest gold thimbles. So bright they where blinding, so very very bright.
    They were in a hanging off the lanyard in three equal lengths, clustered together, the brightest one appeared to be on top. The female leaned in closer and the lanyard was dangling off her neck. Here my mum woke up and said 'Nooo!" and made to push her away.

    She was wondering what might possibly mean. She has had many prophetic dreams in the past and was wondering what this might mean. [b]

  7. I had a short dream.
    I was cooking in the kitchen (very normal) and my sister noticed on an empty packet I had used in my cooking, that I'd won 10 thousand dollars. Then she proceded to tell me I never check things I never look. (but that's not true.)

    There is a bit of tension between us at times, because even though I live at home with my folks because I got too lonely living on my own after 10 years... She was very much like she use to be; loud, rude and tried to set our father into arguments against me. My point being this is just the kind if thing she'd say in real life. Any ideas what this might mean?

  8. Hi All

    I had this dream during some very stressful sleep, being that I couldn't sleep properly or deeply... this dream continued in three parts of sleep with brief periods of wakeful restlessness in between. It could also be owing to the 5 episodes of an English crime show that i had watched with my mother before hand.

    I was at place that a crime had occurred, a heinous murder of awfulness. The place was dark and foreboding, but I felt no fear, only repulsion because of what had lately occurred.. I was with other people. But I was left alone in the room where it had occurred, the walls and room were dark grey and dirty, like they had been left to rot for 50 years boarded up. As soon as I was left alone, I was sprinkled/sprayed with water, I seen no one around me... but felt like it was outside the dream as I felt it on my feet as well... so half woke up and tossed and turned before falling back to sleep

    I then was at another place where crime had taken place. similar dark bleak, sadness. Again I was left alone, again I was sprinkled with water, this time it felt more like part of the dream as it was on my face mostly but I still woke up enough to toss and turn.

    I then fell back to sleep again at another dark and dingy place where crime had recently taken place... although this looked similar to the first place, boarded up... and again I was left alone in the room and again I was sprinkled with water. But this time I only felt it in the dream...

    When I did get up... I remembered them all and seen my bedroom door was shut, so no animals could have wet me in my sleep. I'm not sure how I felt it outside the dream as well as in it. And I wondered if I was being baptised or consecrated for something? or protected from something? I don't know.

  9. Thanks Mia...
    12 months on I look back at this and realise I was being 'hunted in the new job because I wasn't learning things fast enough; I felt panicky and stressed especially the last month... It was so wrong of them and one staff member in particular...
    I didn't sleep well for the 3 crazy months I was there. It took me a long time to find a new job, but I felt hunted their too although I lasted 9 months. I am about to start a new job I hope I dont get hunted here also...
    God told me to wait for the right job, and I think this might be it.... All other jobs I've applied for have been non event.

    Here's prayerful hope it goes well

    Thanks again


  10. I am curious as to what you will make of this ...and if what you say confirms my suspicions

    There's a guy at my fathers church that my folks have been wanting me to meet since January... He's a single man and very intelligent. Something I find very attractive.
    Anyway I went to their church instead of mine on good Friday ... And met this guy in the process... We arrived early as my dad was singing in the choir... And when I sat in the pew and looked at the front, my mum quietly pointed him out to me as he was in front if us on the other side if the church; I then had this sudden and very real vision of me standing there in a white dress getting married...
    It wasn't as a third person as any other previous visions; this was me; I was looking out through a lace veil ... It was so real it took me a few moments to gather my

    During the service he kept turning around and looking at me and After the Service we were properly introduced. I felt the strange sense of buzz and calmness around him like we were ment to be... I've never felt that before... He was very polite and amazingly good-looking and so easy to talk to... I was gob smacked!!! Why would a guy as hot as that look twice at me. Anyway he kept looking over when I was talking with other people ... And I would definately be interested... But I dont want to get my hopes up ao I'm just playing it cool but I don't want to play it too cool and let him slip away... What do you think?
    I haven't shared the vision with anyone else... I felt I shouldn't cept here of course lol

    Your thoughts?

  11. I had a dream that I dreamt while having a day sleep (I think). When I had the dream; I felt that I had had this dream before, but the dream had not progressed as far as this one had. And I only was just reminded that I had the dream by something else I was reading and it triggered the memory that I had had the dream in the 1st place.

    The dream
    I am in my unit, [which actually looks like a small house and actually looks nothing like my unit- I only had the sensation of it being my unit-possibly because it was home]. Some builders with big machines had to 're-postion' the house on its foundations.
    [I should mention in real life they are doing foundation work on my unit because the opposite corners of the building a cracking severely-my unit being one of the corners]At first I felt that a good job had been done. Then I heard a loud CRACK! but saw no damage anywhere. Then while sleeping on my bed in the dream, (it was a white bedroom with a single bed in pale blue in the corner a very plain room) I felt drips on my face, I wiped them off but they smelt 'bad'. I looked up at the ceiling which was an ornate plaster ceiling and saw no damage.. But I was dripped on again.

    I then got up in the dream as it was the 'middle of the day' and went and got my father, (my mother came too) and showed him the dripping. My mother felt the bed for dampness and found it quiet wet in places. When we all looked up, a large crack in the ceiling suddenly appeared and the roof opened up about 30 cm wide to expose an old thatched roof and a brilliant blue sky above and water poured (about a 10 litre buckets worth) in with a small amount of little pellets of poo, leaves, tree nuts and general debris (a 2 handful). We where all shocked and amazed, and I looked closer at the little pellets, they looked like possum poo, and then stared up at the thatched roof exposed.
    End of the dream.

  12. Hi True Flight, but your reference is incorrect.

    1 Samuel Chapter 8 is about Israel rejecting God as their king.
    6 But when they said, “Give us a king to lead us,” this displeased Samuel; so he prayed to the LORD. 7 And the LORD told him: “Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king. 8 As they have done from the day I brought them up out of Egypt until this day, forsaking me and serving other gods, so they are doing to you. 9 Now listen to them; but warn them solemnly and let them know what the king who will reign over them will claim as his rights.”

    Did you mean 1 Samuel 17:41-50. Although this too is very different from what you have said....

    41 Meanwhile, the Philistine, with his shield bearer in front of him, kept coming closer to David. 42 He looked David over and saw that he was little more than a boy, glowing with health and handsome, and he despised him. 43 He said to David, “Am I a dog, that you come at me with sticks?” And the Philistine cursed David by his gods. 44 “Come here,” he said, “and I’ll give your flesh to the birds and the wild animals!”

    45 David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 46 This day the LORD will deliver you into my hands, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head. This very day I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds and the wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel. 47 All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the LORD saves; for the battle is the LORD’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.”

    48 As the Philistine moved closer to attack him, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet him. 49 Reaching into his bag and taking out a stone, he slung it and struck the Philistine on the forehead. The stone sank into his forehead, and he fell facedown on the ground.

    50 So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him.

  13. I have wondered these things myself esp in relation to your comments on the 1st part of the dream.
    I have helped 'broken' people in the past; mainly because i'e been at the right place at the right time. And you're right i do understand them because of my own brokeness in the past. But here the purpose ends... I am so affected by what I hear and see of these broken people that afterwards I feel so much pain inside my heart that I cry so much I am of no use to anyone. And i know they do not want my pity; But i feel so much hurt and pain because i know they are hurting. if that makes sense.

    As the the other part... Becoming a queen... I've no idea how to be a queen; maybe its best if I dont know til afterwards. But I am single.. lol
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