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Posts posted by star_lilli

  1. I've had two dreams in this series now.. (great stories not sure if they mean anything)
    The one i have already posted:
    I am in bed, or in my parents place... and i'm going about my usual routines and all of a sudden there are all these people wanting to meet me and know me, like I was famous, I was gob smacked at their keeness and eagerness to know me.. It wasnt scary or anything just overwhelming

    The second half of this dream I had last night was like a continution

    the first half was me cleaning out my grandparents old house,
    -------------*they have both passed away long since my granfather 15 years ago and my grandmother 5 years ago*----------------
    In my cleaning up I was folding up some dooners and my gradfather was standing behind me and said "thats not how you fold them up" and proceeded to show me, so that would fit in a bag like a sleeping bag bag...
    At this point i was woken up by my sister in RL it was about 4 am i think. I'd just like to say that this dream is a little funny because my grandparents had a soft furnishing business making dooners, sheets, bedspreads etc and packing them and shipping them off.

    The second half of dreaming was a continuation from the dream on the weekend..

    Being famous, as I was famous..; I was proposed to by a very wealthy man, who owned a very large, old house (it was almost like travelling back in time to the early 1800's) who wanted me to help him look after the house and 'restore it' and that my only 'lot' in life was to deal with his younger half sister as both her parents where dead, she was older school age (like 15) and he was happy for her to live with him, and 'everyone' kept telling me to turf her out of the house or send her to boarding school, because she was really awful, and such a painful person to know. But I refused to listen to this 'gossip' as such and I got to know her she was really nice. I didnt see her living there as a burden at all, we got along really well.. And then I found out that he was a King.

    any idea's on what this means?

  2. I've two dreams to mention...
    I had this dream a few weeks ago now, but it has been plauging me. I was driving in my car a black medium size car and I parked it or I blanked out. When I come back to the car it has a massive curve in one side of the front end.And the first thing that comes to my mind in the dream is that i've hit one side of a heart. The half of the front end that was crushed in /missing was perfectly neat shape of a heart from the top (if you know what i mean) and it was on the drivers side of the car. I was driving it around and it worked just fine i showed my brother and my mother, and they where in awe of its size.
    When I woke up the next day it dawned on me that in reality the car would not be able to be driven with half the front end missing.

    The other dream i had was recently... ie last weekend.
    I am in bed, or in my parents place... and i'm going about my usual routines and all of a sudden there are all these people wanting to meet me and know me, like I was famous, I was gob smacked at their keeness and eagerness to know me.. It wasnt scary or anything just overwhelming.

    Any idea what they could mean?

  3. Not as such; although I am getting help for a overeating/binging addiction. which means that I am very overweight. But I have been very lucky because I really do eat exceptionally healthy, just too much; and I'm not a junk food binger- I overeat. And I do exercise.. although albeit not very much of late; which I am trying to change as well, by committing to exercising thrice a week.
    So technically I don't have health concerns. Just the threat of them if I don't loose weight. Which I am getting help for.

    And as an update to my previous dream about moving... I'm not actually moving.. but I am changing jobs today is my last day at this place, and i'm starting a new one tommorrow which is such a huge blessing from God; I truely am ever ever so grateful for his blessings and love. Although It doesnt really fit with the dream about packing, so i'm not sure.

  4. The last few weeks, namely this week and the week afore, skipped a week or two and then for about 2 weeks before that...but since the beginning they have slowly been getting more intense, more scarey, my frightening and more real.

    I have been having horrible nightmares; I cannot remember their content much, but i know I am been hunted, chased, threatened. And i was so frightened in the dream that i would wake up each time either holding my breath or with such a start, my heart would be beating ever so fast, I'm out of breath, ( even when not holding my breath) and all sweaty and really frightened..
    a few weeks ago when they first started, it was my brother chasing me with a shopping trolley through several layers of a grocery store. And although in life my brother and i have a simple but friendly relationship. i was terrified in the dream..

    I have felt each time I have woken up in the last week, that I am being 'haunted' and 'hunted'. I KNOW that nothing evil can possess me, because Jesus lives in my heart, so my 'house' isn't empty..But last night I had the most dreadful night sleep, tossing and turning and frightening dreams that i cannot remember, but being 'woken' in fear , and the only thing I remember was 'them' (nameless) grabbing my hair (after being chased- and then defeated, like i was cornered) and bleaching and lightening my hair, til was platinum blonde. It was a mess, and awful, i didnt like it. (in real life my hair is dark blonde/medium brown), But when i woke up, I sat bolt upright and i could feel my ears all hot and the rushing sound like my blood pressure was up, i was holding my breath and sat bolt upright.. and I was so frightened...I thought 'they' where still there...

    Any idea what this all means? I have prayed about them.. and they are not every night, just sometimes. and they do seem less often... but they are still occurring..

    thanks :)

  5. Moving? Hmmm. That is interesting.

    I was just starting to get settled in my new place after 2½ years
    I guess i will have to wait and see why I am moving.

    Although I must say, moving does scare me... There could be a whole list of reasons why I have to move. none of them nice. Although there are a few reasons for moving that would be nice..but they really are long shots.

    Anyway... Thankyou for letting me know :)

  6. Hi :)

    I had an afternoon sleep for a few hours today becasue of all of the sleep I haven't had with Uni exams and assignments, And as a mature age student with a full time job- Nights unslept is often the price payed :)...

    Anyway I dreamt over and over and over of packing, packing in general, and then I forgot what the dream was about, other then packing because I was already dreaming another dream of packing.. then I forgot the details of that dream too and was already dreaming another dream of packing... I'm not sure how many times i dreamt of packing or of what I was packing for, or what I was packing, but in the dreams I felt they were all different but the same and it had a sense of urgency. and right before I woke up I heard very clearly "Start packing!"

    Any idea's, I feel excited, yet concerned at the same time about packing... packing for what? where am I going?

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