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Everything posted by xfadyx

  1. deer santa i would like to have the following : 1.pro athelte shirt 2.leopard plushie (big or small ) 3.any tws mystery box item 4.any item 5.any item
  2. xfadyx

    please close

    penguins recived and 999s sent
  3. buying penguin plushies (big one and he small one)
  4. xfadyx


    realy so there is a chance ?
  5. xfadyx


    i was loading pet society and it loaded for a secend then the mayer appeared and said that my account is temporarly unavailable help?
  6. thank you so much at the begining i thought it was bad.
  7. xfadyx

    the shop closed

    dont be sad i have a lot of stockig my shop will be reopened again soon
  8. xfadyx

    the shop closed

    she ran out f stocking
  9. xfadyx

    the shop closed

    nice shop! but why is it for 2 days only??
  10. oh sorry sorry i didnt know. http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs066.snc3/13370_1255351780197_1121664614_30818246_7670203_n.jpg
  11. http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs066.snc3/13370_1255351780197_1121664614_30818246_7670203_s.jpg what do you think?
  12. what is the red gold fish baite?? please help .
  13. its kinda funny to me but its bad
  14. thank you for the info kasi
  15. i am sorry i ll send the rest of the items after a couple of hours
  16. Shall i add you with a note:) yeah please
  17. sorry people this is my first shop
  18. i ll snd everything to every one but the computer is kinda slow
  19. i ll send the items for lisa,rail,zach right away
  20. pet society aint opening please help?
  21. ok 13x999 , and choose your free gift please free gift is it anything listed above? ok can i havice throne? lol ok
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