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Posts posted by Daisy

  1. I had a dream that there was a spider on me. I didn't see it or know it was there. In my dream my daughter told me it was on the back of me. Before I could even spot it or see it, find it, or brush it off I woke up.

    Im not sure what spiders symbolize at all, or the fact that I couldn't see the spider for myself in the dream, what that meant.

  2. Thank you so much for this insight. Initially I felt that the dream signified that God was protecting my children, I didn't know what the other children meant or the tornado. I was really worried though when I read that tornadoes signify destruction, but in my dream did not really feel fear, just a desire to protect and get to the kids. This interpretation meant so much for me, as personally I have been dealing with some painful things of my own childhood, and because of my upbringing, I do try and protect my children so much. I didn't feel fearful like it was a warning dream, so your interpretation really confirms to my spirit. Now, my oldest is a girl, but in my dream my oldest was one of the boys I was a nanny for. So this you feel symbolizes my experience?? Our eldest daughter is very creative, and very brilliant (sometimes much smarter than I give her credit for), and very much has a huge call on her life. I am really really protective of her. I also worry about her, if she is where she needs to be for her age maturity wise, given all she has been through. This speaks volumes to me~and nearly brought tears to my eyes. I will be mindful of these things God is trying to reveal to me, and am thankful for your insight until I can fully interpret these powerful dreams for myself! Thanks Owen!!! Bless You

  3. In my dream I did feel like the older boy watching the children did belong to me~so weird. I was always really good about keeping good boundaries with the families I worked for IRL, knowing these no matter how much I cared about them, they were not my kids. The other children I didn't recognize, but I knew they were ours.

  4. Yeah, I changed my name cuz of privacy reasons in case I refer people to the site, I put some pretty personal stuff in a couple of my postings...lol. I just want to make sure I am covering those in my life.

    I just read the link, it was good, but Im afraid of any upcoming dread.

    Its funny that you asked about the older boy watching the kids, I was just about to update my posting, because I remembered who it was. The boy was actually a boy I used to nanny for IRL, but haven't seen for many many years. He was the same age as he was before I quit working for the family (11 or so yrs old)~right before I got married to my husband. My kids IRL were the same ages as they were in the dream. I felt like the other kids were mine as well in the dream~they were around ages 8 or 9 years old. My kids IRL are almost 3 and 7.

  5. I had a dream last night that my husband and I were having fellowship with some other adults (not people I recognized inr). I looked out the window and all of a sudden this HUGE BLACK tornado formed over top of the water. (Which doesnt really make sense, cuz water would normally destroy a tornado.) I instantly thought about the kids-who were being watched over by an older kid (irl i would never leave the kids even with a teenager babysitter, always an adult). I was struggling to get to the kids, but couldn't even make it through the hallway because of the strong winds that were even in the house-but I tried with all my might, so was my husband. The kids were outside of the house that we were in-I just cant describe where, I just know I was trying my best to get out there to them. Once the storm passed we were able to go and get the kids, they were ok! I asked the older child how did he keep them safe. He said he played a game with them where they twirled around, and fell to the ground covering their heads to take cover and they all were safe. Also, IRL I only have 2 children, but I think the older child watching the kids was possibly our child too, and there were at least two other children there that belonged to us as well-what didn't make sense is that they were all older than our children IRL.

  6. Today during an alter call at church, I went up. I was worshiping the Lord and praying in the spirit. The power of God was so amazing, I had to open my eyes to not fall over.

    This is the vision/picture I saw:I was sitting at the feet of Jesus and I handed him my heart~I held it in both of my hands as I handed it to Him. It was clear and shiny and there was a brightness and a glow coming out of it. When I gave it to the Lord he opened it up, and it had an unseen hinge~when He opened the heart it stayed connected on the back side. When He opened it up it looked like two hearts~one is His left and one in His right hand, it was mostly hollow inside . There was a orange shiny ball like thing inside of it~the size of a golf ball. It had like wavy rays moving and waving back and forth coming from the ball all the way around it that I could see. The waves were not pointy or sharp, but sort of rounded all the way around. I felt such peace! I couldn't see his face, but I know it was Jesus, and He was seated on His throne.

    There are times that the Lord sometimes shows me things in the spirit...sometimes in prayer for others...though I am immature in interpreting these things at times. Hopefully by posting some of the things he shows me, I can gain understanding to somehow interpret fully for myself soon.

  7. Godchic, I feel like you are spot on with this. I did feel that this was a warning dream, but just couldn't piece things together~but also at the same time didn't sense any fear. That gives me so much peace that you mentioned that by the grace of God I will recognize this opportunity is not from God! I want to share that the interpretation of the house part actually is clearly a situation that I have been dealing with but didn't see it until you posted this tonight. I do have a friend that is really stuck in a bad spot right now~she really doesn't have good boundaries at all. I have been spending hours on the phone trying to help her, and nothing seems to be helping. She is in a very awful relationship, and he has been treating her poorly. Though in the meantime, I have been beginning to feel totally exhausted from our conversations, there is always something negative going on in her life...but she isn't making the decisions to change things. So I have been feeling frustrated with all these hours on the phone and she isn't doing anything to change the situation. I have been avoiding her calls recently, because I feel like Im so drained of my energy after these phone calls, and its prob 90% about her problems during our conversations for months now. So today her and I had a actual conversation and I told her how I felt..she is pretty upset with me right now. I feel bad in one sense, because I feel like I hurt her...but at the same time I have to set healthy boundaries for myself in the amount of time and energy I spend on the phone with her. I think I am wanting to be left alone from her problems right now~or at least in smaller doses, I just couldn't find the 'door' to tell her, or to set the right boundaries for myself. Do you think that some of the people could possibly represent some of my negative emotions about the situation??? I just had this dream a few nights ago, this came to pass pretty fast...I wonder if the 'opportunity' part of the dream will come to pass just as quickly.

  8. I do not know who's house it was. It was clearly not mine, I do know though that I was the responsible one over the house as if I was keeping watch over it. I was searching for the entry doors that these unwanted people were coming in and was frustrated I couldn't find out how they were getting in. They weren't damaging things, and they didn't seem harmful. I was just irritated with them and I wanted to be there alone. But I wasn't asking or telling anyone to leave, I just wanted to make sure nobody else entered in.

  9. I slipped near the hole, and almost fell in, but did not fall into the hole. When I went to leave I didn't see the house in the field~nowhere near it., just a huge open field, and dont remember running or panicking, just turning to get out of there quickly then I was IN the house. Bees didn't follow me there.

  10. Well, I wasn't really wandering around aimlessly, just kind of walking. I didn't actually fall into the hole, just kind of slipped and picked myself up. Only two of the bees flew out of the big hole...and I got out of there as quickly as I could. I don't remember running, just leaving and I went straight from the field to the house. Neither bee got me, nor did I disturb any of the others that were in the ground...which is surprising because there were TONS of other bees. I when I slipped I was like, 'what the heck' and it looked like there was poop in the hole...and it wasn't until the two little bees flew out that I noticed the others in the hole. IRL I don't really have any new people coming in or out of my life that I can think of right now.

  11. I was outside walking around in an open place and almost fell into a huge hole in the ground~it was really deep. I remember people hanging out around far in the distance. At first when I slipped and started to back out of the hole, I thought the hole was filled with feces. But then I noticed a bee or two starting to fly toward me...that is when I noticed the whole was filled with a HUGE COLONY of bees~there were possibly millions of bees in this hole. I got away from then as quickly as I could. (In real life, I would much rather deal with any other insect besides bees! I hate them!) Then I was in this house that I was suppose to be keeping an eye on. Somehow these unknown and unwanted people kept getting in through hidden doors or doors that I wasn't aware of. I just kept trying to find the doors so I could lock up the house and keep the people from trying to getting in. I didn't tell the people to go...they acted like they had a right to be there~even though I didn't want them there. But I was searching for a way to keep more people from coming in. I did not know or recognize anyone from my dream. All the people in my dream were strangers to me in the dream and I did not recognize any of the faces. I didn't feel a ton of fear~maybe a little with seeing all the bees in the ground. In the house I felt more frustration than fear. I just kept searching trying to find the entryways to these annoying people that keep getting in.

  12. I was outside walking around in an open place and almost fell into a huge hole in the ground~it was really deep. I remember people hanging out around far in the distance. At first when I slipped and started to back out of the hole, I thought the hole was filled with feces. But then I noticed a bee or two starting to fly toward me...that is when I noticed the whole was filled with a HUGE COLONY of bees~there were possibly millions of bees in this hole. I got away from then as quickly as I could. (In real life, I would much rather deal with any other insect besides bees! I hate them!) Then I was in this house that I was suppose to be keeping an eye on. Somehow these unknown and unwanted people kept getting in through hidden doors or doors that I wasn't aware of. I just kept trying to find the doors so I could lock up the house and keep the people from trying to getting in. I didn't tell the people to go...they acted like they had a right to be there~even though I didn't want them there. But I was searching for a way to keep more people from coming in. I did not know or recognize anyone from my dream. All the people in my dream were strangers to me in the dream and I did not recognize any of the faces.
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