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Posts posted by Daisy

  1. Right~I agree about that sentence not making sense. IRL his job would never threat to HAVE TO move to keep his job. If they wanted to demote him they would. One thought I did have was that this could mean fears of something jeopardizing his relationship with our daughter, but those could be fears in our hearts. Could be totally off on that...just a thought of mine.

  2. Had a dream that some friends and I were having a sleepover, in one of my old childhood houses. One of these girls I know really well, the others Im am fairly new at getting to know. In my dream I remember going behind one of the chairs in the living room and slamming a cup of coke and rum. I was like 'Wow that tasted great!" I felt like it was a stress reliever in my dream. [IRL I DO NOT drink-not even a little. I have quit drinking for almost 20 years, and its not even tempting for me to be around. A lot of my family is not saved and they drink all the time.] Everyone was sleeping in the living room, just like when teenagers have a sleepover, there were crumbs of food left around the living room floor (We were adults though-weird). I remember watching as everyone was sleeping these what I thought were mice coming out and eating the crumbs around. There were like 6 or 7. They weren't hurting the people sleeping, just eating the food. Then when some of the girls woke up there was one on the arm of the old chair and the girl was like- "Thats not a mouse its a RAT!!!" Everyone in the dream started freaking out... I do remember thinking that the rats were somehow were coming up out of the basement. I went to the kitchen to see how they were getting in. I moved the stove and put a tarp down where there was like a vent sort of with slits inside of it, and then put the stove on top for weight to try and keep the rats from getting upstairs.

    Then at the end of the dream I saw up close a hornet FORMING. It was a dark maroon color and it was only partially formed but continuing to form the rest of its parts. It wasn't on anyone, I couldn't see where it was like if it was outside or inside. It was just up really close and I couldn't see anything else but the hornet. (Completely unsure of what this part means)

    I think most people would agree that I do NOT like hornets and especially rats! UGH!
    ***I do have an idea of what this dream may mean after looking through some of the postings and the dream dictionary, but I am looking for a confirmation. Thanks!

  3. Yeah-at least that was what I was thinking...in the dream our kitchen was a rich looking restaurant with a ton of people in it and dim lighting...lots of activity. The upstairs was where our bedrooms and bathrooms were at. In the dream he HAD to come to the restaurant part of our house and I was relieved thinking that he would never know it was our house...then I noticed on the edge of the restaurant was our living room...it was brightly colored and VERY obvious that he would figure out this was where we lived and we didn't want him to know where we lived. I was super bummed in the dream that he would know it was our home.

  4. Most of my dreams I have had recently I have been posting on here, to help me not only keep track of them when things come to pass, but also to learn how to interpret my dreams myself (with aid of the Holy Spirit of course). "Estranged brother finding out where I live' is a recent one that I posted on here, these dreams were within the same week of each other...if not a day or two apart.

    Cant think of any other dreams that may tie into this one.

  5. Our church to me is one in a million. It offers so much in my opinion that many others dont. Its like a hospital for the broken. Many broken places in my husband and I have been healed in this church...thankfully because of that our kids are whole in Christ. So my thoughts are maybe my brother needs this house more than us since he has a lot of things for God to heal. My hubby said the other day..."Our marriage and family are built on this church." And my reply was "No hunny, our marriage and family is built on Jesus, not this church.." Even though this house has been such a blessing to us and our family and we have all so many relationships there (our daughter has many relationships too)...the church is not our GOD. Its sad if we do leave though, because we did get married here, dedicated our children here, and pictured raising them in this house for their whole lives. The family drama is really wearing us down though...it may just be best if we go.

  6. Delightful-would like to ask your opinion on this... these were my thoughts on this dream... I am so new to interpreting my own dreams so I am looking for STRONG confirmation, and really praying about this. First of all IRL There has been some recent things happen in my life that have happened recently that have been causing us to seek God about possibly changing churches. We LOVE our church and are really sad that we may have to make a change for the sake of our family. We are very involved and very planted at our church...so this change would be HUGE for us! This is something we are not rashly considering...we are moving VERY slowly in this instance.

    Since it was a board room and oprah is such a BIG figure...Im wondering if this may mean us contemplating the BIG decisions. Im wondering if the demotion may mean I feel like we are downgrading by changing churches...but really it wont be a downgrade...even though it may feel devastating for us...and moving out of the country meaning changing worlds/or churches. We want to make the right decision for our family and want God's blessing to be on us not only for now but for us and our children's futures.

    I could be off on this...and don't just want to interpret what I 'want' to out of this dream. I also dont want to 'miss' anything that may God may be trying to show me that may not be brought to my attention on this.

    Any thought Delightful...or anyone on these things??????

    Seeking God and Confirmations....
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