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Posts posted by Daisy

  1. I had a dream that my brother was about to loan someone a large sum of money ($11,000 to be exact). I knew in the dream that it was a REALLY bad idea. Not sure who he was going to loan it to, but I felt in the dream that I needed to warn him. I went to his house in the dream, and remember trying to find him in the attic. There ended up being 3 bad guys that were there. At first they seemed good, but then they started getting aggressive. There was a swimming pool in the attic, and these guys were making my brother and I think two of his friends duck under the water, then someone drove a truck over the pool, if my brother and his friends weren't under the water and didn't listen when these guys said to do something, then something bad was going to happen to them. If they tried to come up for air, the truck would run their head over. Weird! Doesn't seem to make any sense to me. I was kind of observing this, almost like I didn't get to him to warn him in time. The bad guys didn't know I was there.

    Then~Not sure if this is separate dream or somehow goes with it, but I remember at the end of the dream me holding and handling a lot of eggs. I was being very careful not to break any of them. I was taking them out and putting them back into the egg carton. It was about 3 dozen. None of them were broken. Once again, WEIRD! scratching chin Im stumped! Any help appreciated.

    IRL I have a great relationship with this brother of mine. He also is very wise with his money.

  2. Thanks D and Lola. No...I didn't post this one because it had some graphics in it that weren't appropriate to post. But knowing this about the lady bugs helps me figure it out. In the dream they were in my house, and there were a lot of them. I was trying to hide them and push them to the side so that company couldn't see them, instead of killing them...which goes along with what you guys both said...that they are a good bug.

  3. Do you feel a calling towards people?? Broken people by chance, maybe that have had a hard lot in life?? I didn't see part two till just now. I posted on the first part of this dream from a different post of yours that didn't include part two. I wonder if God is calling you to bring restoration to His people, and His house (the church), and Im wondering if the King is symbolic for Jesus....which would go along with the first part of my thoughts I gave just a little while ago. Once again, Im wondering if this means that God is getting ready to increase you and your ability to reach others for Him. Please know that I am just a fellow member, and not an interpreter. These are just my thoughts. As you pray on this, you will know if this is what the dream means or not. Bless You

  4. Hi Starlilli! Please know I am not an interpreter, just a fellow member sharing my thoughts. If anything doesn't fit, please disregard. I didn't have any idea of what the first dream may mean. But Im wondering if the second dream is about something that may happen in the future. Maybe you have something that you can give to others...for example and encouraging word or even a hug...and maybe God will be bringing many people into your life that seem that have a need for encouragement etc and feel very drawn to you for you to share with them what gifting you have. Maybe a season for pouring out into others, in a more than usual way is coming. If this is the case, those overwhelming feelings will prob remind you of the dream when its actually coming to pass...just my thoughts...hope I have somehow helped.

  5. Just my thoughts~not an interpreter..please pray on this... The first thing I thought of when I read this was that maybe it means something that you were requesting of from God will be granted to you...and you were bold enough to ask for more than what was originally offered! Not settling for anything less than what you needed. I thought of the scripture I think its in proverbs or psalms that God will bless us with our hearts desires. We serve a God of increase! The thought also came to mind that you weren't greedy in asking for TOO much....Hope that is of help somehow. happy dance

  6. My 1st thoughts are of vindication, provision, and protection. A couple things stood out to me...the elevator going up... wondering if that means anything to do with going to a higher level and taking the high road like you did with the elderly woman and her 'wisdom'. You were still respectful, yet you still stated your case and you were the bigger person. In the end you seen that you were right after all~like God vindicated you. Another thing that came to my mind was when the car started to sink into the pond... you were still able to get all the stuff that you needed out of the car~wondering if that could mean not lacking the things you have need of. The biggest thing that stood out to me was when you were in need of protection, the car sinking into the pond didn't harm you or your son, even your goat turned into protection for you...and the snakes didn't harm you. Even the baby hippo wasn't affected. Im wondering if this may be to bring peace to you, that not only you, but your family, and all that is yours...including your animals will be protected. My thoughts only~I could totally be off on any or all of these things...please disregard if it doesn't fit. I hope something I said was of help somehow... Bless You

  7. And I quoted the wrong scripture above...my prophecy was Isaiah 42, not 60....LOL. It was spoken over me that I was called to those like a bruised reed and the smoking flax. That I would minister to the bruised reed that most would just completely break, but that I would have a tender strength to minister life to those easily broken...and to those who seemed to lose their fire for life...those who are barely smoking or just barely hanging on.

  8. You know~just a question Connie. IRL I am afraid to take on such a responsibility as this class, and I would be really embarrassed if I couldn't follow through on my commitments because of my kids. Im thinking that my responsibilities as a mother could interfere with this commitment, and this holds me back from pursuing it. Do you think there is any way this could correlate to the dirty diaper in the dream, or am I grasping for straws???

  9. Thanks connie for your thoughts. I was thinking on this and praying on these things as well. I have had prophecies of being called to the bruised and broken (Isaiah 60). I have a desire to teach a class at church, we have a program that is specific to broken people~this program actually brought me to my church. I just didn't know if it was Gods timing yet~I have had the desire for years to help teach one of the classes. Since my kids are still quite young, I have held off acting on this and pursuing this more fervently. The dirty diaper and embarrassment really threw me off as well... I hope I wont b too embarrassed IRL...LOL! hee hee

  10. The thoughts I had were similar to piano's. I am thinking if you normally don't have a strong gifting in discernment, that this may be the day God is going to increase you in this area. It seemed that the tornadoes snuck in unnoticed by the others-and the smiley face to me seemed like there was some kind of deception going on. I would keep praying, and be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit...and also to that intuition that God has given you. Maybe God wants to train you to trust that intuition a little more. I had the same thought that each time, you had a plan and knew what to do to keep your family safe, even though others were clueless to what was going on. Even though the voice said, 'This is going to happen', I wouldn't get fearful...I would just be on alert and have my eyes and ears opened to see what God wants to show you-maybe something or someone who causes turmoil is going to somehow surface in your life. I would also look at this dream to help bring you a peace and to also bring great comfort to you that God is not only showing you the problem in the dream but He is also watching over you, and your family in each dream. His word never promises that storms wont come, but it does say that we will rise up like eagles above the storms of life and that we can take rest under His almighty power. Please know that these are just my thoughts only...I am just a fellow member, NOT an interpreter. Please throw anything out that doesn't seem to be a fit for this dream.

    Isaiah 40:31
    But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.

    Psalm 91:1
    [ Safety of Abiding in the Presence of God ] He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty

  11. Thanks so much Connie! That does help! I will be praying for the truth to be revealed to her. Some of my thoughts are this could be her house~with much beauty and potential. The slide I'm unsure of~maybe she has 'slid' down a level in her walk with the Lord...still not sure about that one though and why it was see-through. I appreciate you taking the time to look over my post. thank you

  12. I had a dream my old boss from the past was talking with me, and sharing her heart with me. She was saying in the dream that the man she was starting to get involved with IRL when I quit working there, had broke her heart. It was really sad. It wasn't abnormal for her to open up to me IRL when I did work for her, she did this on a regular basis. I was her nanny IRL. Then the next scene in the dream was where all these people were sitting around on the ground in like a group therapy session with Dr. Drew~the celebrity rehab therapist. My old boss was there, so was I and like 20 other people, one including my two year old son who made a mess in his diaper. At first someone told me he needed a change, and we thought he got some on the wall, like his diaper was leaking somehow. I felt embarrassed because it smelled, and was disruptive to the others. I took him in the other room, changed him quickly and sanitized his hands and got a wipe to clean the wall where all the people were, and realized it wasn't all over the wall, that was just the wall paper. They continued the session till we got back, and then we joined them again when we were done cleaning up. Weird!!! Scratch Chin Any help appreciated...

  13. Hi dreamatitian~ Welcome to the site! I'm sure you will love it here! I want to start off by saying I am just a fellow member, and I am NOT an interpreter. These are just my thoughts, so please disregard if anything I ever say isn't a fit for you. Do you feel IRL that 'J' moving away for two years is going to really be the end of this relationship?? If so, do you feel that by the little boy's reaction in the dream that this could in any kind of way correlate to your possible feelings of devastation that you could be feeling inside for 'what could have been'?

  14. Im in this mansion...it beautiful. I bump into an ex-church member that is operating the front desk. The desk is not right when you walk in the door like one would think it should be. The front desk is near the front of the house, but kind of in a weird spot, its off in a room that should be like a formal living room~but instead its like a counter top island type deal that you would see in the middle of someone's kitchen. The windows in this room were a super tall two story bay window with LONG beautiful custom curtains. She was standing behind the counter and its right in the middle of this huge room. I don't remember anything else in this room. IRL I'm friends with her daughter, she left our church due to offenses from people trying to talk her out of making some SERIOUSLY bad and potentially DANGEROUS life choices. In the dream I start talking to her. I was asking her about her new church. She says she is going to a church called "zoo-lagen"...or something weird like that...I know it had 'zoo' in the name. Also, IRL I know the new church she is attending. I was loving, not judging toward her and felt the conversation went well. I remember seeing a see-through glass slide, instead of stairs, coming down from the upper level. It was really beautiful, the railings were made of glass too! I didn't feel like this was my house in the dream. I would love some insight on this~I have been thinking and praying on it without much progress. Any thoughts welcome....
    Scratch Chin
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