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Posts posted by Daisy

  1. I think I remember my dream of this church from before. I think its possibly the same church, though I dont remember being in the actual sanctuary in this dream. For some reason I feel these two are connected. I remember a school being connected to this church. In this dream I was actually going to work at in the daycare portion of the school. The school had many classrooms, down two or three different hallways. These were regular classrooms with doors and windows. There were monitors in the hallways. The child-care portion was at the end of one of the hallways and it was 2 different rooms that were connected with a half wall between the two and all around them...the roof was that of a picnic covering at a park. There were not windows in this child-center. It was just a half wall, all the way around these two rooms, without windows it was open to the outside elements. It was nap-time and the kids were all sleeping on cots. Teachers were around. It was kinda dark, not very well lit. I got a job at this child-care portion.....Strange......

  2. Ok, I am only remembering bits a pieces of this dream...so bear with me...

    I had a dream my husband and I were on a pirate ship. There were pirates there, but I dont remember seeing any or feeling threatened in any way by them...I dont remember feeling fear or like we were captured or anything, though I do remember seeing GREEN land coming up...besides that I dont remember anything else of this part...except that my hubby and I were a team...connected in this part. The water was calm and normal...not muddy or yucky at all. We were coming up to the really green land.

    Then I had a dream that we were at this couples house that we know. (IRL we Used to be super close to them, things are fine now...we have had some issues in the past with them and are just now reconnecting with them slowly...though I am a little hesitant and moving slowly) I remember being in (what was in the dream) their house, and realizing that there was these 2 things on the walls that looked like temp control for the heating and cooling in the house, but they were actually recording everything that we said. These things typed out everything that was coming out of our (mine and my husbands) mouths. I remember feeling a little slighted, betrayed, or decieved...like they were trying to catch us in a lie or inconsistency or something. Like they were trying to find fault with us...thats what it was! This part of the dream my hubby and I were once again like a team...connected.

    Then all of a sudden I remember my husband and I being 'separated' as in the trial time before a divorce. (IRL we have had our moments and challenges in life, but we really really love each other and are very committed to each other and God, and would never separate or divorce...never even a thought of it) This part of the dream I felt very serious, like it was time to get our relationship back on track. I didn't want to divorce in the dream. I also remember A LOT of other people we know going through hard times in their relationships and 'separating' in the dream as well. One of which is our pastor and his wife (IRL I dont think they ever would).

    The end of the dream I was re-organizing earrings. There were backings that were on the wrong earrings and I was finding the proper back to probably a dozen earrings. I remember finding ones that the backings were too loose on the earring, so I kept looking until I found the backing that fit snug on each of the earrings so it wouldn't fall off and be lost. All these earrings were silver in color, some had dangles others were just studs.

    Woke up....

    This is a little concerning to me...would love an actual interpretation PLEASE.........
    Other thoughts are welcome though too....

  3. Those are really good thoughts...thanks for commenting. I will def take them to prayer. I think I may have dreamt about this church before. I dont think I have ever actually been there. I will pray over this for sure. I was wondering if the pew I was curled up in, since I couldn't see out if it could mean something like not putting God in a 'box'?? I feel like the church was big, but for some reason I couldn't sit up, and I couldn't see out. I was all cramped up. Though I didn't feel clausterphobic (sp.) or anything. There just wasn't enough room. thank you

  4. Ok, I dont remember all of this dream, but I do remember being in a more traditional church. It felt familiar to somewhere I have been IRL but I cant put my finger on it... I can remember seeing a few people in the foyer...but I was not IN that part of the dream. I was observing them, like watching a movie. I felt like one of them was the pastor, didn't recognize any of the people. Seemed like the others were trying to impress the pastor. Not sure why I thought that, body language didn't seem to give any clues and I couldn't hear what they were thinking. They were walking into the sanctuary. I was in a church pew...seemed as though I was up above the sanctuary, maybe like in a balcony...but I couldn't see out at all. I remember not even being able to sit up in this church pew. It was all white all around me. I was all cramped up in this pew, kind of in fetal position. I remember thinking, "There is just not enough room in here! They need to add on!"

    Wondering what this could possibly mean. Any Ideas????

  5. Im really going to be guarding my heart...and keeping my spiritual feelers up for sure. Sister even said that it seemed like I was going in circles...exactly what the Isrealites did for 40 yrs. The part that really really concerned me was in the 'kissing steven tyler' dream, was the part about my daughter. I would never want a choice I am making in life to ever hurt her in any way.

  6. Just a thought sister...a balcony to me makes me think of someone who is wealthy. I used to be a nanny, I worked for a family that had two balconies on their winter home (and 8 bathrooms I might add..lol), and they had two condo's on the ocean front with balconies as well. A home with a balcony...especially one on water and even more so on a OCEAN front home speaks to me of great wealth. It is also somewhere that gives you an advantage to see something you couldn't have from the ground. Also want to add, its a place where you can unwind and have some rest and relaxation and it can be a place of tranquility. Hope that helps somehow...once again just my thoughts....

  7. That makes sense..yes I def seen myself as very naive in both situations at first. But do you feel that it is good in both dreams, though weak at first...I did see the situation clearer at the end of both dreams, I seen them for what they really were.

    Do you think this could be about me being too trusting towards others at all? Could this be a warning about a person who may try or could be already trying to deceive me???

    ***One thought I had was about the 'Steven Tyler' dream is this could be a possible area that I am letting the enemy deceive me in that is standing as a possible 'idol' before my relationship with the Lord (Steven Tyler being on 'american idol', but not so sure about that). These thoughts would def go along with the post you put about the Isrealites and them being deceived and having to take a much longer journey than it needed to be.

  8. Thanks so much Peter for taking the time to look over my posts~I do have a desire to counsel, yet I don't feel fully equipt yet to minister in my church. We have a counselors training class that I have wanted to take for a very long time, but it is very lengthy and a HUGE commitment (Two years...and I have been told its like a collage course, not an easy thing to do), this is a requirement to counsel in my church. I feel God's timing will hopefully be perfect for me in this, and hopefully and eventually He will give me the grace to do. I feel like Gods timing is soon for this, but not quite yet.

    As far as the intercession goes...I feel like NOW is the time for me to really press into this part of my calling...and I think God might be using this dream to help confirm that. I will be praying more diligently for this family and our friends.

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