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Posts posted by Daisy

  1. In the dream I was in a basement, and I bent over to grab something, when I went to stand up I felt a light bulb on the back of my neck, I grabbed it with care in the dream to not break it... But the light bulb wasn't lit, or hot. Then I seen the words "three months" written in a shadow on the floor of the basement and I woke up. This basement had an unfamiliar feel to it~which made me feel a little anxious.

    ***Side note~A week earlier I had another dream of another basement, it was a short dream, this was in one of my childhood home basements, I was standing by and looking at a pilates 'reformer' on the ground of the basement~my thoughts are these two dreams may be connected. This dream was in the basement of my childhood home. Any confirmations or extra thoughts??? Scratch Chin idea

  2. Any clue to what a light bulb could mean??? My thoughts are 'ideas' or 'revelation' of some sort. Could it mean something else besides those things that Im missing???

  3. Thank you so much for your feedback stacy! I really appreciate you taking the time to respond to my post. I really do feel like it is an honor and privilege to get to mother this child. My daughter does know that she is adopted, and that she had a birth mother and that her birth mom was sick and is now in heaven. She knows she loved her, but she was sick and couldn't take proper care of her because she was sick. My daughter is now 7. I do intend on telling her the whole story when I discern that she is ready and mature enough to handle and comprehend the full details. I have always known in my heart if I handle this with grace, it will benefit my daughters outlook on herself. I don't want anything to damage her own self image or identity in any way. I really think that's why I was SO MAD in the dream that this woman was there. I don't want anything or anyone to ever cause anymore hurt to her emotionally~or to bring any confusion! I was also mad b/c my family wasn't thinking of protecting her. She has endured so much already at such a young age. I don't feel like she is at an appropriate age to handle the full details of the situation right now~but you are so right...someday she will! I do believe that you are 100% spot on that as I handle this with a compassionate attitude towards the birth-mom (when the appropriate time comes), that my daughter will feel the compassion and that will hopefully help the situation. This is such a confirmation to me. Thank you! I also knew the plate was significant (posting in the symbols section too), but had no clue what that could mean~THANK YOU SO MUCH! She was SO hesitant to give me the plate, but I wasn't going to let her stay. I will def be interceding for this situation, knowing that the Lord has accomplished the breaking of all iniquities on the cross and believing for a life of happiness and joy to the fullest always for my precious one! Thank you so much for your input! You are a blessing! p.s. If you have any words of wisdom for me concerning this situation, please feel free to post. I appreciate ALL your input~I really want to handle this the best way possible when the right time comes. :hooray:

  4. I'm so sorry to hear that this is happening to you free princess. It sounds to me like you want to stay committed to this church, but you wish the others were treating you better. I will def be praying that things will get better for you. I will also pray that God brings at least one or two really good friends into your path, so keep your eyes peeled for those who may also be feeling left out of the clicks and in need of a good friend. Sometimes that's all we need to feel connected, one really good friend! True friends are far and few in between and you will know them by the fruit they display in their lives. praying

  5. Do you have any clues as to what some of these symbols could be signifying? Does any one symbol really stand out to you in this one?? I feel like I'm possibly lacking one more revelation here. I just know I'm missing a key piece to the meaning of this dream. I'm really praying God unlocks the full meaning to me~I know this one is suppose to really speak to me in a big way. praying

  6. IRL if used to be a nanny for this family for 7 yrs. Her kids are grown now with the exception of one 13 yr old child. It has been 7 years since I have worked for this family. Right now Im a stay home mom and do not work.

    My dream was that I came back to work for this family. They were happy I was back. They updated their house, totally remodeled since I left. I remember walking into a room that had wallpaper that had angel wings all over it. Someone showed it to me and said this set of angel wings symbolizes you! I was SO touched that they named a set of angel wings after me, I started crying!

    Then I was outside of the house, and I remember the grass being very green and my old boss' husband came up to me and handed me a BIG stack of checks...there were at least 15 or 20 checks!!!!! They said that they wanted to pay me for my time off!! In the dream I only took 1 summer off~not 7 years!!! I really was SURPRISED and HAPPY! happy dance

  7. Wanted to update this posting. Since having this dream I was reading a chapter in a book on grieving. I realized that I did have unresolved grief in this area of my life from the things that were lost during these times. I finally cried out to the Lord and let some feelings out that I didn't even really acknowledge before. Thank you for your comments...they really have blessed me! :hooray:

  8. I have been thinking about this, but cant put my finger on anything in particular. I don't remember feeling really anxious or fearful in the dream, but we were hiding. Even when I seen the guns I wasn't scared~I knew they were for protection and I didnt fear the men who were in the house. In the end the only thing I felt was relief.

  9. I had a dream my husband and I were homeless. The kids were not a part of our lives in the dream. We found a really good spot to sleep up in this big hill there was a place that others were staying too~they didn't own this dwelling place though. They told us it was ok if we slept underneath the two twin beds. We had to cover ourselves up though and hide, because this place belonged to someone else. We hid under the bed and put tons of blankets and clothing all over us and around us to not be found. The guys that let us stay there were nice, but I remember seeing one of the guys hide 4 or 5 guns for protection in a cubby~they didn't want to get caught staying in this place by whoever owned it either, yet they didn't hide under stuff they walked around freely. The end of the dream, one of the men said we didn't have to hide anymore~because now the place belonged to him! I felt relief.

  10. IRL I have a VERY special adopted daughter. IRL her biological mother has passed away~though we adopted her before her death.

    My dream is that she came to visit at my dads house. I was there with the kids, and I felt VERY uncomfortable, since we did not have an open adoption and the adoption was against her will. Also, my daughter does not know who her bio mom is, though she does know she is adopted. So in the dream I felt very betrayed that my family let her into their home and was not protecting my daughter and I in this situation! The Bio-mom was sitting on the love-seat in my dad's living room, and she had a empty dinner-plate in her hands. I tried to take it from her (not sure why I would feel the need to serve her considering I didn't want her there), and she didn't want to let go of the plate...she gave some resistance but ended up giving it to me. Not sure what I did with the plate, but then I went in the dining room/kitchen where my daughter was (I went to check on her)~she was sitting at the kitchen table, and my daughter was like, "Whats wrong mommy?" IRL she has a VERY keen sense of discernment, and picks up very quickly with my emotions and the emotions of others, she is VERY sensitive to others. I was trying not to disclose to her what was taking place. I was like, 'nothing sweetie'. She didn't have a clue who was in the other room. Feeling FURIOUS that my family even let this woman into the house, and that I had to be the one that had to confront her and make her leave! I walked over to her and told her politely, "You need to leave." She asked innocently, "Why?" I answered calmly but with authority, "Because it is not appropriate for you to be here, if you dont leave NOW I will be calling the authorities." As I said that, I immediately got out my phone to follow through with what I told her I was going to do....This was all done successfully without my daughter finding out that this woman was even in the other room.

    Then I woke up.
    This one is a little disturbing to me....any help appreciated. Thanks!

  11. Had a dream I was in a building or house which was unfamiliar to me. All of a sudden sirens sounded and winds started to blow inside the building. I had children with me, not even sure if they were my kids~felt like there was more than just my two. I don't remember seeing the children in the dream. I just remember feeling responsible to protect them and get them into the basement quickly! We were headed for the stairs, the winds were really really strong in the building, debris was starting to fly around the room. I knew there wasn't much time to get to safety! I woke up before I got downstairs with the kids. what tornado

    I woke up and went right back to bed and this dream followed. I had a dream that me and 3 or 4 friends were going to go out on the town for the night. We were going to go dancing and have a few drinks. I was single in the dream. I remember sitting on one of the guys laps that we were with (actually my good friend's brother irl). I told him I have a boney butt (my mom used to always tell me that as a kid when I would sit on her lap)! :laughing: I remember thinking, 'I hope Im not hurting his leg by sitting on his lap'. I kept getting up, thinking I may have been hurting him. But then I would sit back down again. We all planned on dancing and drinking that night. I was interested in this guy in the dream, feeling lucky that he may even like me back. I remember being in an upper area of a huge house or a banquet hall, for some reason the beautiful railing that goes along the stairs and the balcony really sticks out in my mind. My really good friend and her brother I remember in the dream, yet the others who were with us I cannot remember who they were.

    Then right before I woke up I seen someones bare low back, and an instrument of some sort pushing blood clots out of someones body! ???? :shocking: Then I woke up! Weird!!!

    IRL I never go out dancing, but I did when I was single. I am married and not interested in this man. This man is VERY committed to the Lord and the things of the Lord (He also is single, believing God for a mate). Also, IRL these people and I do NOT drink at all. This must be symbolic for something. ANY THOUGHTS WELCOME!

  12. Hi Connie! I really feel like I have forgiven all those involved. Yet, I still have regret for the years I had wasted in bondage and the years that I didnt talk with my mom. I just wish I would have known the truth about God and His ways sooner. Is it possible to forgive yourself, yet still have regret? During the dream itself I didn't feel regret. But seeing myself in the dream reminded me of myself during that time frame when I awoke and pondered on the dream~which then filled my heart with regret. Maybe its myself more than anything that I need to forgive. I know regret is such a wasted emotion, b/c I can't go back and change anything. I was more concerned about the thoughts of how much longer my mom will be with us for, and the thoughts of her health more than anything during this dream. crying
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