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Posts posted by Daisy

  1. This is an amazing dream! I especially love the part about your nephew getting saved later!! So most of the dream was about past events...and the part about you nephew happened later, after the dream?? I actually have a dream I have been trying to figure out lately~and this makes me look at it a little differently...how sometimes we can actually have dreams about something that has already happened. Very interesting! Thanks Daph! Even though I was way of on my thoughts~it really helps me to see differently! thank you

  2. It was on my heart to pray for a certain couple I know of that are planning on getting married. I seen a pool of water~at first there was nothing visible. Then I seen all kinds of things floating around in it and coming up to the surface. I felt to pray that the Lord would stir the pot~so that this man knows what he is dealing with before he marries this woman. I do not know them well, but that was on my heart to pray. I have nothing against either of these people. Curious to see how this one shakes out. Posting this for additional thoughts, and also to keep track when something manifests.

  3. Just my thoughts~I have been told here that tornadoes can symbolize emotional upheaval. After having two tornado dreams myself I can see that to be true. But since it hadn't touched down yet, had no debris, and didn't cause any trouble yet...it makes me think that maybe this is FORESEEING something that could have caused an upheaval of some sort, and avoiding those things. Once again...just my thoughts. Since you were alone in your house with your kids~if I'm on the right track, could this have something to do with one of them by chance?

  4. Hi Cloud~ Please know that these are just thoughts I had when I read your dream. I am not an interpreter...just a fellow member.

    I have family members that are in the armed forces. The way I have heard it described is that there are ranks in the way they recruit for the armed forces. In the air force I have been told you have to be very intelligent in order to get in...one of the elite so to say. I have also been told that in the army, its pretty darn easy to get in...like they let almost anyone in that group (unless you have felonies or a bad record). I have been told that~not sure if that is completely true or not, or if that is just a stereotype. Those ideas within the context of your dream make me wonder if others in your college group may think you are sending a signal of superiority? Just my thoughts~please pray on this and toss it if it doesn't fit.

  5. I JUST seen Cholette's post~I may have been posting while she was~or else I didn't see the second page. What a great post Cholette! I totally agree! I would have never thought of those things happening after confronting the situation. Yikes! It does seem like the 'right thing to do' and even though your hearts in the right place freeprincess, thinking about the emotional damage it could cause afterwards is a really good idea. I'm sure if they were open to seeing their part in this mess, they would have sat you down like Cholette said long ago. Just my thoughts...lots of prayers coming your way. praying Bless You

  6. Wow Freeprincess!!! I really LOVE your post!!! Such a mature way of looking at all this! Such a heart of love and forgiveness! I love that you are guarding your heart from bitterness, considering all the wrong that has been done to you. What blows me away is that you are not just concerned about your hurt or your heart~but you are also concerned of at least holding them accountable so that they have the opportunity to grow. It is also SO GOOD to see that your eyes are being opened to see that you have outgrown this church. I will continue to pray for you, and that this confrontation goes well. I pray that God leads you to the right church home, and that you find a safe place to be planted~a place that displays the fathers heart of love for you and all others. Your heart is so precious~that is certain from reading your post!

  7. I had a dream I was walking in this open place~a public place. I was looking at all the people that I was passing. All of a sudden I get eye contact with this BIG guy~about 6'6 or taller. He was real solid~not thin at all. I discerned he was mean by looking at his eyes. After he walked past me, He turned around and came after me. I was scared! I started YELLING for help~there were tons of people all around and EVERYONE was ignoring my cries! This guy grabbed me, and he was digging his hands into my chest, like he was trying to rip my heart out. I thought to myself, 'He doesnt even know that my heart is on the OTHER side of my chest!' THEN I started crying out to Jesus, I said 'Jesus help me, Help me Jesus!' Then BEFORE the guy let me go, I said 'Thank you SO MUCH JESUS!' The guy was SO confused, and said to me 'What do you mean~THANK YOU JESUS????' duh

    Then I woke up!

  8. I am only remembering bits and pieces of this dream...so its a bit all over the place....

    I had a dream that I was with my ex. I dreamed I was choosing to separate from him (IRL a past event that already took place~good choice that I made). Then I remember covering up for someone who did something wrong from my past. I decided to cover up for them, just until I was set free (from captivity) myself. Then, I could be free to tell the whole truth....for some reason I remember a knife being involved (IRL this is a past event that already took place, another good choice~except there was not a literal knife involved). The end of the dream, I remember seeing a front loader dryer (like my own~but it stood up higher in the dream...I didn't have to bend over in the dream to get the clothes). There was SO MANY clothes in the dryer, it was spinning but there where edges of the clothes all around the outside of the dryer while it was drying. I remember opening the dryer, and trying to get all the laundry into the dryer properly, so nothing was hanging out. The dryer was SO FULL!!! Any thoughts appreciated...thanks!
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