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Posts posted by Daisy

  1. Wow!!! I have never heard of having a physical manifestation afterwards! It must have seemed SO real! So after praying about this I really dont have an interp, but my own thoughts make me wonder a couple of things. Could this be a real warning of an actual/literal fire? Or, could this be a warning for you or someone to stop smoking?? These thoughts come to me because of the manifestation afterwards.

    Honestly though, my very first thoughts right after reading were, I was wondering if this was a nudging from the Lord perhaps to not be 'performance orientated' and to not allow the pressure of people to motivate you to perform. If it was not about you performing...Im wondering if it is about someone else being 'performance orientated'.

    I really could be completely off on any of these things. I am very curious to find out the actual interp. The physical manifestation really makes me SUPER curious as to what this one could be about...

  2. I am not in touch with her, though I left on good terms. She has never returned any of my messages since I left though...worked for her for 7 yrs. I think her daughter was very attached to me, and because of that the mom may have thought it was better not to continue the relationship. The daughter has tried calling me, and I have talked with her...but she acts like she is sneaking to talk to me. I have only approached the mother in order to get in touch with the family~never the daughter only~out of respect for the mom. The daughter keeps telling me to just stop by the house, and I keep telling her that I will only stop by when I hear back from her mom to make sure I am not imposing. It has been six years since I left working for this family, and the daughter still tries to get into contact with me. I figured my old boss must know what is best for her daughter...now that I am a mom~and have dealt with attachment issues with my own adopted daughter, I understand a bit more. I was really hurt at first~knowing I was very good and dedicated to this family. I thought we were closer to one another~and it really surprised me for her to just not return any of my calls and it kind of broke my heart. I understand now though it just may be too hard on the daughter...or even maybe an insecurity of the mother. Something did just come to mind while typing this...the mother always used to tell me how she could just shut people out of her life when a chapter was finished...she could do it to everyone (even her husband, now ex) but she said the only one she couldn't do that to is her kids! That helps me not take it as a personal rejection either. I was really a good worker here..obviously she wouldnt have kept me for 7 yrs if not...lol! lol! I have a hunch you are spot on with this posting/your thoughts! This could very much be a call to prayer. I will also keep trying to contact the mom...though I cannot make her contact me back. I will always love this family, and pray for all of them.

  3. Had a dream I was watching someones kid that I used to nanny for. My kids were there with me, as was my husband I think...thats fuzzy. I know there was at least one other adult there with me to help out. My old boss was on a trip to chicago, and I was there for a couple days. I went upstairs into one of the bathrooms and there was a candle burning, with a plastic toy burning inside the candle. I felt relief that I found it...because it could have started a fire. I blew it out and everything. Went downstairs, at the bottom of the stairs~in front foyer by front door, I seen the house was in small flames. I started grabbing stuff to throw water on it, it seemed to be growing fast...the flames. Then I finally got the fire out. The little girl I was watching was the one who was starting the fires. I dreaded telling my old boss what happened to her house while she was gone~even though I did save it from going down in flames. (she is pretty particular about how her house looks)

  4. I had a dream that some of us were traveling to magical lands. We were traveling in kind of a time traveling thing.Whoever was in charge wanted me to pretend I was a queen for the day. I asked them 'The people in the land are going to ask me what land I am the queen of...and its simply not true. What am I suppose to say?' I was uneasy about making up a story, they decided to send someone else with me, that was comfortable making up a story. Everyone was dressed really weird, like in renaissance clothing. I remember people sitting by the pool or pond, there was a hand sticking out of the pond holding an horderve', someone said 'o thats my mom, she is the server today.' She was under the water but the hand was sticking out...and her hand was painted to look like it went with the pond~kind of a mud color. I remember thinking that she must have a straw to breath under the water! lol! lol!

  5. Had a dream that someone put these squiggly worms down the backs of our shirts. Mine didn't squiggle and one of the other ladies said, 'o they wont squiggle if you dont have muscle on your back.' Hers were really moving around a lot and she was laughing. Some others around us also theirs didn't move either. Mine just dropped down to the bottom of my shirt and sat there not moving! Wierd. lol! bouncing

  6. Hi Jasmine! Hopefully things are better now. I havent ever experienced ovarian cysts before, but the dizziness and stuff I have. When I was pregnant with my son~I got a really bad experience with my inner ear and the spins. My dr. said it must have been an inner ear infection or something. This lasted for days for me. Thankfully it hasn't happened since. One thing I learned about with my ears being plugged up and stuff is there is a natural remedy that really helps. Its called a 'neti pot' sinus cleanse. You can buy it at the drugstore, and it really really helps with plugged ears/dizziness from plugged ears. I also take clairton d which is now over the counter to help when my ears are super plugged and Im feeling lightheaded. Hopefully that helps a little...and I hope you are feeling all better by now!

  7. :hooray: Thats a great idea!!!! Wish there would have been something for me when I was a teen suffering from depression, due to a bad family life. I wish I would have known the answer was Jesus all along! I didn't end up finding him until I was an adult...but nonetheless He rescued me! woo hoo

  8. Freeprincess wrote:
    So at this point I am asking for prayers of protection, revelation and yes, deliverance. And also that I would walk this out right. Oh God, give me the strength to launch a love war and not defend myself but to go through that narrow path. Please give me a spirit of prayer for them.

    This here to me shows such a heart of forgiveness and love and maturity! I really hope things get better for you, or that God leads you out to a place that will embrace you for the wonderful person He made you to be!

  9. Not sure about the manager, or the ex~but the word 'networking' seems to stand out. That could be anything from facebook, to twitter, even this site is a sort of networking. People network for all sorts of reasons though. Some to find mates, some to find friends, some to minister to others, some to advertise....that could mean a lot. Does that bring anything to mind that resonates to you???

  10. Just my thoughts sister~but my thoughts are yes to the new level...but maybe in a different area of your life other than just work...maybe just going to a higher level in God, your everyday walk in Him (which includes your job, your emotions, your past, your future, your relationships, everything you encounter on a daily basis). Not an interp...just my thoughts.
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