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Posts posted by Daisy

  1. Had a dream that someone put these squiggly worms down the backs of our shirts. Mine didn't squiggle and one of the other ladies said, 'o they wont squiggle if you dont have muscle on your back.' Hers were really moving around a lot and she was laughing. Some others around us also theirs didn't move either. Mine just dropped down to the bottom of my shirt and sat there not moving! I wasn't grossed out or scared of them. Just was kinda bummed mine didn't wiggle. We were at a dinner table. Wierd.

  2. Had a dream that someone put these squiggly worms down the backs of our shirts. Mine didn't squiggle and one of the other ladies said, 'o they wont squiggle if you dont have muscle on your back.' Hers were really moving around a lot and she was laughing. Some others around us also theirs didn't move either. Mine just dropped down to the bottom of my shirt and sat there not moving! I didnt feel grossed out or scared by the worms...I just was bummed out that mine weren't moving! Wierd. bouncing bouncing bouncing

  3. I had a dream that some of us were traveling to magical lands. We were traveling in kind of a time traveling thing.Whoever was in charge wanted me to pretend I was a queen for the day. I asked them 'The people in the land are going to ask me what land I am the queen of...and its simply not true. What am I suppose to say?' I was uneasy about making up a story, they decided to send someone else with me, that was comfortable making up a story. Everyone was dressed really weird, like in renaissance clothing. I remember people sitting by the pool or pond, there was a hand sticking out of the pond holding an horderve', someone said 'o thats my mom, she is the server today.' She was under the water but the hand was sticking out...and her hand was painted to look like it went with the pond~kind of a mud color. I remember thinking that she must have a straw to breath under the water! lol! lol! lol!

  4. I had a dream I was in this hospital/high school type place. There were certain areas that were off limits, and me and some others decided to break the rules and go there anyways. I remember a woman from my church coming to gather us to take us out of the building, and saying for us to meet her at a certain time. When we were trying to get out I had to tear a part of the wall out, it had scotch tape that I just ripped right through to get out. I was carrying parts of the structure of the wall, metal beams and stuff. This woman picked us up in a topless jeep, and I just kept carrying all the metal beams, they weren't heavy at all. Then I remember her teenage daughter bragging to her mom about me~like she really looked up to me. I remember thinking, I DONT want to be a role model to this teenage girl!

  5. I have been struggling in a certain area of my life for the past few years...I feel like the Lord is wanting me to break free from being 'performance based' with him and with how I handle others in my life. It hard for me to strike a balance between having good boundaries, and yet not being too rigid. It seems to be all or nothing with me. I either let down my guard and then it seems people walk all over me...or I go to the extreme and put up such firm boundaries that its abrasive. I seem to bounce between these two extremes. I seem to either expect too much of others...or I dont expect much of anything at all. I know the Lord doesn't want us to be critical of others or ourselves. I just seem to have expectations at times of myself or others that are not attainable. Please pray for me and if you have any encouraging words or prophetic words...I would greatly appreciate it....

  6. I have been struggling in a certain area of my life for the past few years...I feel like the Lord is wanting me to break free from being 'performance based' with him and with how I handle others in my life. It hard for me to strike a balance between having good boundaries, and yet not being too rigid. It seems to be all or nothing with me. I either let down my guard and then it seems people walk all over me...or I go to the extreme and put up such firm boundaries that its abrasive. I seem to bounce between these two extremes. I seem to either expect too much of others...or I dont expect much of anything at all. I know the Lord doesn't want us to be critical of others or ourselves. It seems that at times I have expectations of others and myself that are just not attainable. Please pray for me and if you have any encouraging prophetic words...I would greatly appreciate it....

  7. I have been struggling in a certain area of my life for the past few years...I feel like the Lord is wanting me to break free from being 'performance based' with him and with how I handle others in my life. It hard for me to strike a balance between having good boundaries, and yet not being too rigid. It seems to be all or nothing with me. I either let down my guard and then it seems people walk all over me...or I go to the extreme and put up such firm boundaries that its abrasive. I seem to bounce between these two extremes. I seem to either expect too much of others...or I dont expect much of anything at all. I know the Lord doesn't want us to be critical of others or ourselves, but am I wrong to hold some expectations? It does seem that at times I have expectations of myself or others that are not attainable. Please pray for me and if you have any encouraging prophetic words...I would greatly appreciate it....

    Thanks! Flower Power

  8. Wow~that must have been really hard to go through...sounds like you handled it with such grace! Its not so fun when we go through things like this~but it sounds like you learned so much through this experience.Thanks for sharing! This interpreting testing section is such a wonderful learning tool! I would def like to hear Mia's take on the physical manifestation too.... :hooray:

  9. My very first thoughts were of when someone says 'When I get my life together, THEN I will give my life more fully to the Lord.' Im that the barrels may represent the things of the spirit~that are being stored instead of tapped into... and the size of the garage representing what great potential this person may have with his calling/ministry. These are just my thoughts...
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