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Posts posted by Daisy

  1. Had a dream I went to a laundry mat to wash clothes. Realized I didn't have any soap, so I asked if they had a laundry service. Can't remember what happened.

    Then had a dream I met a new neighbor of mine. Seemed like she was in my old childhood neighborhood, the small house was a duplex. We were talking for while outside in the driveway. We were talking about the kids trick or treating. I was telling her how I don't like to take them on my own...I like to do it as a family with my husband. This woman's husband was nearby listening on our conversation but not joining in. Then she started talking about her daughter and how she does a special kind of dance. The wording sounded familiar to my daughters dance. I started asking her questions about it...thinking both the girls may know each other. I was also thinking we might go to the same church together possibly, if she was a christian, because this dance studio is IRL at my church.

    Scene change We were in a car now. Someone was driving..there was someone with me back seat with me. This lady was in the front, but she stopped talking all together. I kept wanting to ask her more about her daughters dance class. She was completely ignoring me. She turned to the other person in the back seat and said 'I am just a big fat liar, so I am not going to talk anymore!' Then I thought, o maybe our girls dont go to dance together.

    Somewhere in here I started peeling these small and thin patches of skin of my arm. It didn't hurt. Somewhere along the drive, I realized our girls did go to dance together..weird! I could see them doing flips together! (which is weird, cuz they dont do flips in dance, that would be gymnastics which my daughter is not in lol! )I was thinking its a small world.

    We drove back to the laundry mat from before, but there were different owners this time. My laundry was still there from before, just like I left it. I remember my aunt and uncle somehow coming into the dream for some reason. I feel like we were driving in the country to get to the laundry mat. I asked if there was a laundry service again, the owner said yes. I thought I didn't have laundry soap to wash the clothes. Then I spotted it! I started to wash my clothes (had my own private room in back), there were like 3 or 4 big loads to do. Started transferring my clothes from the front room to the private room. I felt like I was pressed for time...even though I had laundry soap I decided on having the service done.

    Went up front to ask for the laundry service. Started talking to the lady. As I did, I seen these girls carrying out something to the car. I realized this woman just got talked into buying into some multi-level marketing thing. I told her she just got sucked into a multi-level marketing scam....she had no clue!

    Woke up
    IRL I do have a lot of laundry that needs to be done literally! lol! Sure would be nice if I could hire someone to do it for me... lol! rofl

    Thought it was coincidental that my neighbor ended up needing to borrow some dishwasher soap this morning too.... lol!


  2. Just my thoughts mark but I instantly think of things being written in black and white. Could this dream mean something along the lines of a KEEN discernment of sorts??? Seeing things so clearly...no in between or gray so to say....

  3. What a beautiful dream!!! I have heard baby dreams can by literal, or symbolic. I have read on here if its symbolic that it could be something that requires much commitment and nurturing. I have also read the age of the baby is significant as well...almost as a time marker. If the baby was 3 months old, was there a new project or something that happened 3 months ago that was requiring a lot of attention or time?? Just my thoughts....please toss what doesnt fit... :hooray:

  4. I am not an interpreter, but I will share only my thoughts. Please toss what doesn't fit.

    When I think of an abuser of any kind, they have a knack for making innocent people (like the little girl, and yourself in the dream) seem like THEY are the ones that are wrong! They also have a way of isolating the victim as well (just like in the dream).

    Do you feel at all that since you were the one with the discernment in the dream, that this could relate to someone that is in your life right now? Maybe someone who is going through any kind of abuse (not necessarily this exact kind of abuse)? Do you know anyone going through any kind of abuse right now? Someone slowly being isolated, or even enticed/decieved? It makes me think that if you do know someone, to be cautious of how you go about confronting it and to be careful, praying for Gods wisdom and protection for yourself too...so that it doesnt get turned around on you somehow. Either way, maybe its a call to prayer....

    Totally just thoughts of mine...please toss it if it doesn't sit well or fit.

  5. Is there anyone in your life that is into occult practices? Do you feel this dream mirrors anything you have been going through in your life right now?? Do you feel a call to intercession??? I think of the knife in your dream being the WORD OF GOD~the sword of the Spirit....

    Ephesians 6:11-18
    11Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
    12For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
    13Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
    14Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
    15And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
    16Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
    And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
    18Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

    I am not an interpreter...just a fellow member...please toss if it doesnt fit...

  6. This has happened to me too! Sometimes, something from my day the next day will trigger me to remember my dream from the night before. This is very interesting that the dream happened 2 YEARS ago! Maybe its an encouragement that you are on the right road for your purpose and calling...being that you dreamed of it so long ago. I like to think that with everything that God shows us there must be some kind of purpose for it. It could also be a attention grabber for you to start a journal or paying more attention to your other dreams you have at night, considering it seemed prophetic...

    Just my thoughts....

  7. I instantly think of the scriptures in:

    James 3:10-12
    10Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.
    11Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter?
    12Can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive berries? either a vine, figs? so can no fountain both yield salt water and fresh.

    Was there anything going on in your life at the time of the dream that you could have done or said that caused harm towards another (or maybe something was done to you)? I keep thinking this might be about a relationship that went sour, or bitter I should say. The dream seems to offer hope, that with time effort and prayer...that this was repairable. If irl this didn't fit for you, could it have been a fit for a burden you were carrying for another that went through something similar?

    Just my thoughts...

  8. Surely will be praying. Father God~I pray for comfort, and refreshing to come upon your faithful servant steadygaze! I pray that you would give her the spiritual and emotional strength to make it through such a trying time right now. Father, I pray that your anointing would just kick in full force and ease the load in every way possible in this situation, and most of all that your glory and power would be seen all over this family! Thank you that your grace is sufficient and that in our greatest times of weakness, is when you show your mighty strength.....in Jesus name...amen.

    Looking forward to hopefully hearing back from you soon on your progress steadygaze. Will continue to pray.... praying

  9. Did you post it under the "Dreams and visions TO BE interpreted" section yet??? I know when I first joined, I put my dream in the wrong section and was wondering why I didn't get a reply for a long time, till I finally figured it out. lol!
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