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Posts posted by Daisy

  1. WOW!!! What an amazing vision! My thoughts about the rope and the scepter are that God has called you to an AMAZING calling...something to do with HIS WORD (double edged sword)! I think of the ship rope, in the awesome and mighty places God is going to bring you to with your calling, and I see the scepter as an item a KING holds, with much authority!

    Revelation 5:10
    And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.

    Please pray on what I have said, and toss if it doesnt fit...these are just my thoughts...

  2. Hi steadygaze...I know you are raising money to go to india soon, and also of your current losses with your close family members. I am wondering if this is God's encouragement to you that you WILL in fact meet your goals for funds needed, AND that He is going to really do some mending of your heart concerning your loved ones that you have recently lost. These are just my thoughts...please pray on what I have said, and if it doesn't sit well...please toss it.

  3. U mean like curling your lips inward? If so, I think of one person wanting to get close but the other not wanting intimacy (or for germaphobes not wanting to actually touch lips and exchange germs..lol). Just my thoughts

  4. The thing i think of is 'OUT with the old, IN with the new!' Seems the new teeth are pushing the old ones out of the way.... I also think about the things the experts say when we are trying to get rid of bad habits....its not just the old habits we need to get rid of, but we also need to replace them with new ones. For instance: I LOVE sweets! I have read that instead of focusing on what I SHOULDNT have, that I should just try and add BETTER things into my diet (like MORE veggies), not leaving as much room for the sweets. REPLACING my bad habit of sweets for a better habit...just my thoughts...

  5. Just my thoughts...please know I can relate a bit to you with the drugs and addictions in the family...it does stink to not be able to bring my kids around my family as much as I would want to because of it. Please know my heartfelt prayers are with you....

  6. Cloud Connected wrote:

    i used a TOWEL to block the snake whenever it would lunge at me
    The first thing I thought of with this is that you were using this towel as a sort of shield...then I thought about how the Word of God says that as we use the shield of faith it will quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one....just my thoughts...

  7. The water was black from the sink being plugged up...I didn't see the water from the faucet coming out. The sink had a puddle of black water in it, and the water couldn't go down because it was plugged... sigh

  8. Had a dream I was on this train...but for some reason I think it was an underwater train? In the dream it seemed perfectly normal. I had a dream that the pilot/driver of the boat was interested in me...and was pursuing me. In the dream I wasn't married (irl I am). When he was done getting the train started and running (done with his responsibilities, then he would come and visit me. I remember a bit of the dream, where this guy was then flirting with another girl in the water.

    IRL my husband had a falling out with a friend of his when they both made the decision to work with one another. Hubbys friend then became his boss. It was a foolish choice on everyone's part. Things are fine now, no ill will, but unfortunately the close friendship is gone. We seen a really ugly side of this guy during the days my husband was working for him. This old boss/friend of my husbands in the dream gave either me or this guy that was pursuing me a HUGE engagement ring! (IRL this guy makes tons of money) It was really big and square! We were talking at a table, and the old boss said that he got a great deal on it, and he had it made where my hubby made my ring irl. I think since this other man who was pursuing me and I were just starting out our relationship, we decided that it wasn't time for an engagement ring quite yet. So my hubby irl ex-boss flipped the ring over~it had a slot in the back part of the diamond then he stuck a screwdriver in it and popped the diamond right out. Then he shattered the diamond into thousands of pieces! He said you can take it to the place I got it made and get a necklace or bracelet made out of the diamonds instead of an engagement ring for a good price. I was not upset or mad when he did this. Then~I remember scooping the diamond shards and slivers all together to not loose any part of the diamond. Some parts were big, others were really finely slivered...I didn't want to loose any of it.

    Not sure where this part came into play...but at a point in the dream, I seen one of my friends sleeping on the bathroom floor! Grossest thing ever, is that her head was right by the base of the toilet! She was sound asleep. I remember thinking, 'WOW thats not very clean!'
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