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Posts posted by Daisy

  1. Amen! I am in agreement as well!

    Psalm 37:4
    Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

    Key word~HE SHALL not he might! praying

    Genesis 18:14
    Is any thing too hard for the LORD? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.

    Habakkuk 2:3
    For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. praying

  2. I am sorry for your hard experiences stevefgomez. I can relate a bit to your posting about the controlling/manipulative religious enviroment. I will be praying for your complete healing and restoration so that you can be a huge asset to any relationship the Lord brings your way at all times!!! praying

  3. I am going to post what I think to be the manifestation of the dream the VERY NEXT day in blue writing. I dont want to be reading into my dreams too much...so I Would love confirmations please...

    Had a dream I went to a laundry mat to wash clothes. Realized I didn't have any soap, so I asked if they had a laundry service. Can't remember what happened next. Manifestation?? My neighbor asked me if she could borrow some dishwasher soap the next morning...which was kind of funny..but made me aware of other things throughout the day.

    Then had a dream I met a new neighbor of mine. Seemed like she was in my old childhood neighborhood, the small house was a duplex. We were talking for while outside in the driveway. We were talking about the kids trick or treating. I was telling her how I don't like to take them on my own...I like to do it as a family with my husband. This woman's husband was nearby listening on our conversation but not joining in. Then she started talking about her daughter and how she does a special kind of dance. The wording sounded familiar to my daughters dance. I started asking her questions about it...thinking both the girls may know each other. I was also thinking we might go to the same church together possibly, if she was a christian, because this dance studio is IRL at my church. Somewhere in the dream I started peeling these small and thin patches of skin of my arm. It didn't hurt. Somewhere along the drive, I realized our girls did go to dance together..weird! I could see them doing flips together! (which is weird, cuz they dont do flips in dance, that would be gymnastics which my daughter is not in lol! )I was thinking, ITS SUCH A SMALL WORLD! MANIFESTATION?? I was folding LOTS of laundry while talking to my friend on the phone the VERY NEXT DAY, we were talking about the movie Black Swan..which is a movie about ballet...she was telling me if I see the movie to look away during a certain part when this chick in the movie starts peeling her skin off from a hang nail! This really grabbed my attention! Ok~the rest of the conversation over the phone with my friend...She was telling me how she met this new neighbor of hers..cuz she just moved to a new city. She said that it was weird b/c they live in the same apt. complex and that she started to see this guy casually. Found out they have a mutual friend that she happens to work with! Then she picked a random hair salon to get her hair done at...and the woman cutting her hair just so happened to be this guys hair dresser TOO!!! Then she said...'Wow, isn't it such a small world???!!!!' Of course this too grabbed my attention.

    Scene change We were in a car now. Someone was driving..there was someone with me back seat with me. This lady was in the front, but SHE STOPPED TALKING TO ME ALL TOGETHER! I kept wanting to ask her more about her daughters dance class. She was completely IGNORING me. She turned to the other person in the back seat and said 'I am just a big fat liar, so I am not going to talk anymore!' Then I thought, o maybe our girls dont go to dance together. MANIFESTATION??? So the conversation keeps going, and then she said she seen this guy with another girl...when she confronted him he STOPPED PURSUING HER for a while and then started to try and pursue her some more....and so she was asking my advice...and I was able to give her some Godly advice. She was SO THANKFUL, and totally bore witness to the advice I gave her.

    We drove back to the laundry mat from before, but there were different owners this time. My laundry was still there from before, just like I left it. I remember my aunt and uncle somehow coming into the dream for some reason. I feel like we were driving in the country to get to the laundry mat. I asked if there was a laundry service again, the owner said yes. I thought I didn't have laundry soap to wash the clothes. Then I spotted it! I started to wash my clothes (had my own private room in back), there were like 3 or 4 big loads to do. Started transferring my clothes from the front room to the private room. I felt like I was pressed for time...even though I had laundry soap I decided on having the service done. Manifestation??? I was folding laundry almost the ENTIRE time we had this conversation! The second I finished the laundry was when we both hung up the phone... lol!

    Went up front to ask for the laundry service. Started talking to the lady. As I did, I seen these girls carrying out something to the car. I realized this woman just got talked into buying into some multi-level marketing thing. I told her she just got sucked into a multi-level marketing scam....she had no clue! Manifestation??? One other part of our conversation... I reminded her that new guy irl that she met was VERY similar to a tragic relationship that she just finally got freed from, where the guy took TOTAL ADVANTAGE of her loving and genuine heart! She agreed completely!

    Woke up

  4. Hi sister! I missed you~havent seen you in a while! The only thoughts that come to me are of an partially finished project...maybe like a work in progress. Another thought comes to me wondering if there is anything distracting you from finishing a specific project. Does that fit into anything that is going on in your life right now?? Do any of the feelings of the dream mimic your waking life right now??

    The DRIVER/CHAUFFEUR makes me think of great blessings, and preferential favor/treatment...

    Just my thoughts...

  5. I think I do see what your saying though...if you are wanting to be able to fellowship with like-minded people, who are on a similar level spiritually...where you can just have deep spiritual conversations with, I don't think there is anything wrong with that. A baby christian might not understand some of the deep things of God yet. I think there are times with close friends, then there are times of fellowship with aquaintances, and other times when those who are mature in the Lord should be ready to pour out and reach out to those who are younger in the Lord as them (without putting them into their inner circle, so to say). One is intimate fellowship, one is casual fellowship, and the other is ministry (even if it has a casual feel to it, we can minister just by living a life of love). It's a easy line to blur at times. I think we need all three. Just my thoughts...

  6. Please know the following are only my thoughts and opinions. Please pray on anything I say.

    I LOVE ALL Marks thoughts! I especially like and agree with the part about someone possibly ACTING to be in a relationship with you as you share expectations. I would think it might be better to keep those expectations to yourself, and even pray about it, but then the fruit that you see from that person wouldn't be with the wrong motivation...and more likely to remain.

    I also especially like what Mark said about being on guard for a clique mentality. But I also DO NOT think its wrong to have and to maintain close/intimate relationships within the body of Christ. I think if its an actual church function..everyone should feel included and the love of Christ should make room for others. On the same note though~you shouldn't feel like you have to invite the whole church to go out to have a nice fun night. I do feel like God will give us wisdom regarding WHO to let into our inner circle...whom we can share our most private and intimate details of our lives with. It's also impossible to be close with everyone, as there is only so much time in one day. I think what I am trying to say here is to have a healthy balance between making time for close relationships, but also in church gatherings not being exclusive towards others, still being sensitive and inclusive toward others...making room for body ministry.

  7. This scripture came up in my heart for you...if you dont bear witness...please disregard...

    Habakkuk 2:3
    For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.
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