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Posts posted by Daisy

  1. Gillboa wrote:
    Hi Hind’sfeed

    I’m new with this so this is just my thoughts

    When I read this dream I could actually experience the love relation you have with the Lord. It is like this sweet and lovely relationship , where you mis nothing. The spirit is like a flagrance all around you and it is like He is learning you new things in this love relation. You love the original experience so much that you don’t want it to be spoiled, so you share it with someone else.

    This is so beautiful.

    I just love this! It is a beautiful dream! :hooray:

  2. I had to go back and look up some of my longer dreams to find out... lol! I did see some long ones..but this one (linked below this paragraph) is the only one so far that seemed to be one really long dream but it was about a couple different things...this is just what I could think of to my knowledge. Most of my other longer dreams seem to be about one thing. But that doesn't mean that this dream wouldn't possibly fit into that category.


    I had a feeling that with my friend, I was possibly seeing the condition of her heart (her inner life)..how she has gone back to the immoral things of the world (gay guy in attic). I think her heart condition is a bit run down from her hurts in her past with her ex and her family. Even though in our last conversation irl she acted happy...I think really in her heart she is NOT happy...and is in a really crappy and unhappy place in her life. Now that I type this, and through the other things you taught me about dreams this week, maybe the hidden room is God showing me the hidden secrets of peoples hearts through my dreams. Just not sure how the running and shoes come into play. I felt so FREE and FAST while running. I could be wrong on my thoughts...still figuring things out about my dreams.

    Would love to hear your thoughts.

  3. Hi Hindsfeet! These are just a couple scriptures that come to mind about fragrance. Not sure if they fit or not.

    Eph 5:1,2
    1 Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children 2 and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. (The footnote you had made me think of this script. 4. High or exorbitant in price : expensive)

    Philippians 4:18
    18 I have received full payment and have more than enough. I am amply supplied, now that I have received from Epaphroditus the gifts you sent. They are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God.

    I thought there was also a scripture about our praise being a sweetsmelling sacrifice to the Lord...but I couldn't find it.

    These are just some thoughts from some scriptures that came to mind. Hopefully it helps somehow...but if anything doesn't fit..please toss it. These are just my thoughts...

  4. I had a dream that I was touring these beautiful suites/hotels~these ones were historic though~very rich. There were pics of the famous celebrities that had stayed in each room~Elvis Presley being one of them. I got a private tour by an old time celebrity that used to go there himself in his famous days~he had showed me a secret, the floor opened up and had a jacuzzi hidden underneath it. Not sure why I happened to be the one who got a special tour, with the inside scoop...

    Scene change~I am talking with a friend who just went through a divorce. I remember during this part of the dream feeling OVERWHELMED bc there was another person who needed to talk with me at the same time~I think over the phone. I kept switching between two conversations. My divorced friend and I were talking about her ex. She is staying at a different hotel~our conversation gets interrupted by a business meeting...her apt shows up. I start touring this hotel. I remember my friend telling me~'The owner used to be so generous...but now is a stingy lady!' She said 'This place sucks!' The kitchen looked a bit run down but the rest of it was a bit more modern than the celebrity place. The guy who helps run the place shows me the upstairs. He is shows me all these clothes that are for purchase. Most of them are men's clothes, but they are pretty flamboyant, patterned and stuff. He starts to pretend this area with the clothes are HIS closet. I realize this guy is prob a gay guy.

    THEN I decide to sprint back to the celebrity hotel again. I was so SURPRISED at how FAST I was in the dream. I wasn't even wearing my running shoes! I felt REALLY fast and FREE! I thought about timing myself in my running...I was so much faster than before. I get back to the hotel...and another family is touring the same room I was earlier. EXCEPT they had no clue about the HIDDEN jacuzzi. I didn't feel I should tell them about it. I did think to myself~its funny that nobody notices that in the bathroom there isnt a shower OR a tub!!! I dont think they had a tour guide~if so, it wasn't the celebrity that gave me mine...He had the inside scoop! Also important~I dont think any of these hotels were mine....not sure where my house or dwelling place is in this dream. It wasn't even a thought! lol!

    I was getting ready to RUN again~someone wanted to see my shoes. They were checking them out and asking me if I wanted to trade. These shoes I wore during my pregnancy, but still love them to this day irl, bc they are comfortable and they slip right on (they look a bit worn out~but still work wonderful!). They are walking shoes~not running shoes, and in the dream they looked worn out just like they do irl. I don't think I was going to trade. Though I did think about running barefoot~then I remembered it was a dirt road I was running on and decided it was not a good idea!!! lol! I cannot stress enough how FAST I was running in the dream! Also important~I was running for FUN, not out of fear...nobody was chasing me and I didn't feel any stress.

    End of dream. :nite: Any thoughts VERY MUCH appreciated!

  5. Mia Sherwood wrote:
    When I feel butterflies deep in my stomach, or a blowing up inside of me, it is the Holy Spirit and any words that I get inside of me at the same time are from Him and are prophetic. Sometimes it will happen when a certain person walks by me and I know a word is for them.

    This is awesome! I haven't tapped into giving many words yet. Not sure if I will or not. I think I am in a training right now, where I am gaining some confidence in this gifting.

  6. Cholette wrote:
    Recently, God has been using a different "technique" with me regarding praying for people. Like everyone else, I have a deep burden or the person is on my mind a lot, but also I begin seeing people around that reminds me of them. For instance, one day recently, it seemed that EVERYONE I saw resembled my father. It was crazy...I kept seeing these men walking around and I would do a double take because they looked like him. I got in my car and I heard the Holy Spirit say "Pray for Him". Since then, he's used this with several people he's wanting me to pray for. Really interesting...we can never put him in a box...EVER!

    I am so glad you posted this cholette!! This happens to me A LOT too!!! I'm so glad I am not alone! Totally confirmation..

  7. It very well could be. I think that's part of the reason I was so resistant to go out with all of them, I was wondering about how uncomfortable I would feel about being myself around a big group that I don't really know well. I was surprised at how comfortable I was being myself, and how natural the conversations flowed. Here is a thought though, one of my friends that I do know better than the rest rode with me that night. It helped me to feel a bit more comfortable, not so out of place (for example: the renaissance clothing... lol! ) The only thing that doesn't fit i guess is that nobody asked me, or pressured me to do anything that I believe in morally. (I did voice at another time when I was invited by another mom to go out dancing, that I don't drink.) Maybe my sub-consious was worried I would feel pressure to drink~when in fact there was not one bit of pressure.

  8. The only thing I can think of that I was uncomfortable with is doing the dinner thing with the other moms. These dreams were pretty close together...within a week or two I think. I didn't feel like anyone at the dinner gathering was asking me lie or to do anything against my beliefs though...so I am not sure if this would be a fit or not. Though, the horderve' thing and the waitress stands out.

  9. I do love working with kids and teens, and love to be role models to younger girls...I used to work with teens who were in jail and would bring a word of encouragement to them each week. I think around my peers, I feel a little more self conscious though (where with teens, they are much more self conscious than I am so I dont feel as much pressure).

    Just a question...do you think its possible that the teenager in the dream may symbolize me being an example to 'teenage' Christians on their journey to maturity??

    Thanks for the confirmation....

  10. Well the only thing I can think of is that some of the moms from my daughters school have been trying to get me to go out with them for a while. I kept putting it off, as big social gatherings are not my strong point...due to lack of self confidence. I much prefer getting to know people on a one or two at at time. So I went to dinner with this big group after having this dream, and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I actually had a great time, and got to know some new people. Its funny, b/c a lot of these moms were talking about their church, that opened the door for me to ask where they go. Some opened up to me about their lives and some very personal struggles they have been through. A lot of them were having drinks with dinner, which didn't bother me because a lot of my family drink heavily. I was an example by not drinking, and it wasn't a bar atmosphere. I thought I would feel like a weirdo for not drinking, but I had a good time and got to know some really good people. All these moms go to non-spirit filled churches. This is the only thing that I could think of...

    The night I went out with them, my husband had to work a midnight shift which I needed to make sure I got home in-time for. Weeks later He told me a story about his shift that night when he was moving all these metal beams that night, to restock the steel at his work. The steel made me think that my hesitation to get connected with these moms was what this dream was about. This is the only thing I can think of...

  11. Thank you for all your comments! Mark..I like how you described it...'deep within your stomach'! Maybe thats what I am feeling. I dont feel like I'm going to throw up...its just a constant stirring...like butterflies or something till I pray and the burden away. Didn't know if others felt this.

    I also love your comment Connie on only sharing with others if you feel led to. I totally agree with this!

    Thanks everyone!!! :hooray:

  12. Hi genevieve~Sometimes I get in touch with the person. Sometimes I just pray. It really depends on how well I know the person, and if it seem appropriate or not. If it is a close friend, then I will for sure. Its always reassuring to me when they tell me something was going on for them during that time and that they really needed prayers. Confirms I am hearing from God...also normally blesses the person who I was praying for as well, because they realize that God really cares enough to lay it on someones heart to pray for them. Then if it someone that I don't know that well, and they just so happen to cross my path...then I would share it too...IF it didn't feel awkward. I have had a dream about a family who were going through a really rough time financially...I dreamed that I was giving them a bag full of winter coats and clothes for their kids. I heard through a friend that they WERE in fact going through rough rough times, and that they needed prayers (the winter coats). This was before I understood my dreams had connected with intercession. Now this family I didn't feel it was appropriate for me to tell them my dream, or that I was even praying because I hardly knew them....it would have seemed like people were gossiping about them (when really God was encouraging me in this area of my gifting). It wasn't long after that I was able to find this website that opened the floodgates of knowledge in these areas of dreams and intercession being connected for me!!! :hooray:
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