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Posts posted by Daisy

  1. Great questions guys!

    Mark~I cant think of anything off hand that we are involved in currently that would need to be put aside...or given up on. Thoughts from Debs question I listed below. I dont think that God would want me to give up on going to church...possibly could be a ministry I recently (month or 2 ago) stepped down from.

    Deborah~I am involved in my local church, as I am meaning rooted and planted...though I have not been as 'involved' lately. I just stepped down from my volunteer position as a care pastor not long ago...as it was bringing negative stress on me. I was asked to work with the kids, but I feel that right now is a time of rest for me. I have always been so committed, and I feel a bit burned out...also we are going through a transition period right now with my husbands work hours...so I need time to adjust. I have considered leaving this church~(we have an adopted daughter, and her bio dad is my brother, he has been threatening to come to our church...we have been planted here for 10+years. I may have to file a ppo if he tries to come...as he cannot be around my daughter) I have looked at other churches and cant find another church that compares to what this church has to offer. Our church flows strongly in the prophetic.

    I would love to hear both of your thoughts, and if you think that this dream reflects anything I listed above....

  2. That makes total sense how you feel hinds. I am so sorry, it must be so hurtful. Nobody likes to feel rejected, especially by family...that should be our safest place. Sometimes it does help to get it out. I will be praying for you, and hoping things get better. crying praying

  3. When I think of a catalog...I think of picking out things I desire to have. When I was a kid my dad would let me look through the sears catalog and circle all the things I wanted for Christmas. Could this dream possibly be about thinking of the things you desire as far as qualities in your Godly mate that God has for you??? These are just my thoughts...if anything doesnt fit, please toss it out.

    I read some of Daphanie's Testimonies about having dreams about her husband...I will post the link here. She has a wonderful testimony of how God gave her dreams of her future mate....

    She has a whole bunch of different topics on it, hopefully this helps...

    Blessings.... :hooray:

  4. thewhiteshadow wrote:
    I remember feeling that I wasn't all that thrilled to be working on this shift, but that I was more than knowledgeable/skillful at what we needed to do, so that I would more than out-perform that crew.

    Hi Mark~I just have a question for you. IRL do you ever feel like your job is without purpose or unimportant in anyway??? Do you ever feel bored in your job or over qualified in anyway??

    Just my thoughts...if anything doesn't fit, please disregard. Flower Power

  5. I instantly think of the scripture in Isaiah....Isaiah 42:16
    I will bring the blind by a way they did not know; I will lead them in paths they have not known. I will make darkness light before them, And crooked places straight. These things I will do for them, And not forsake them

    Here is another awesome passage that I love:
    Isaiah 45
    Cyrus, God’s Instrument
    1 “Thus says the LORD to His anointed,
    To Cyrus, whose right hand I have held—
    To subdue nations before him
    And loose the armor of kings,
    To open before him the double doors,
    So that the gates will not be shut:
    2 ‘ I will go before you
    And make the crooked places[a] straight;
    I will break in pieces the gates of bronze

    And cut the bars of iron.
    3 I will give you the treasures of darkness
    And hidden riches of secret places,
    That you may know that I, the LORD,
    Who call you by your name,
    Am the God of Israel.
    4 For Jacob My servant’s sake,
    And Israel My elect,
    I have even called you by your name;
    I have named you, though you have not known Me.
    5 I am the LORD, and there is no other;
    There is no God besides Me.
    I will gird you, though you have not known Me,
    6 That they may know from the rising of the sun to its setting
    That there is none besides Me.
    I am the LORD, and there is no other;
    7 I form the light and create darkness,
    I make peace and create calamity;
    I, the LORD, do all these things.’
    8 “ Rain down, you heavens, from above,
    And let the skies pour down righteousness;
    Let the earth open, let them bring forth salvation,
    And let righteousness spring up together.
    I, the LORD, have created it.
    9 “ Woe to him who strives with his Maker!
    Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth!
    Shall the clay say to him who forms it, ‘What are you making?’
    Or shall your handiwork say, ‘He has no hands’?
    10 Woe to him who says to his father, ‘What are you begetting?’
    Or to the woman, ‘What have you brought forth?’”
    11 Thus says the LORD,
    The Holy One of Israel, and his Maker:

    “ Ask Me of things to come concerning My sons;
    And concerning the work of My hands, you command Me.
    12 I have made the earth,
    And created man on it.
    I—My hands—stretched out the heavens,
    And all their host I have commanded.
    13 I have raised him up in righteousness,
    And I will direct all his ways;
    He shall build My city
    And let My exiles go free,
    Not for price nor reward,”
    Says the LORD of hosts.

    Sorry for the length...I just love this set of passages! Theses are just my thoughts... :hooray:

  6. I'm so sorry Hindsfeet! That is not fun at all. Please know I am praying for you. I know it can be hard with different dynamics within our families at times. I know with me, the body of Christ has brought much healing in some of these areas with me. It seems where my own biological family has lacked, that the Lord has brought brothers and sisters in the Lord to make up for that lack. I feel at times that I am closer to some of my brothers and sisters in the Lord than my own flesh and blood..but then again, a lot of my family is not serving the Lord. Hope that encourages you somehow....

  7. I must say that this OVERWHELMED feeling in the dream is very familiar to me IRL. The feeling I felt in the dream is similar to how I do feel the burden for certain friends/acquaintances God has brought into my life. While I am very thankful to have so many people in my life, at the same though I find it difficult to give some of the people in my life the attention and care that they deserve or need at the time because of other responsibilities (husband, household, and kids). This girl in my dream doesn't have any kids yet. I felt relieved when her apt. showed up, so that I could finish my phone call without guilt. Not why sure that I didn't remember this key earlier. Anyways, it gives me more to ponder on. scratching chin

    Seems like at least with me, the meanings to my dreams usually unfold, kind of in layers. lol!

  8. My husband, two kids and I were all on this SHIP type home. It was falling apart. I remember a sink that ended up backing up, with all this nasty black water. We called someone to come and take a look at it, and they said it was pretty much a lost cause and that we should abandon the boat-home. We did not abandon the boat-home.....then all of a sudden we all started started to flip out of control. I remember seeing all of us flipping upside down...not sure what the FORCE was that was flipping us. I seen something that was on my husbands' back, it was plastic like a shower curtain...I was concerned it would suffocate him...so during my flipping I grabbed the plastic thing and ripped it off him successfully. This part of the dream had a feeling of panic to it.

    Another scene of the dream was seeing a very familiar bay area...with really big houses on the shoreline. I feel like I have seen this bay before in my dream. (I think I have dreamed of this bay area being the place where one of the families I used to nanny for moved to. They moved to a new lakefront home~but I have not seen it yet IRL...they love the water. Its a possibility that this dream could be about them.)

  9. These are just thoughts from my experience with earwax... lol!

    My son produces excessive wax, and this happened to him. Due to us using q-tips, the wax got pushed down and it was so impacted that the dr. couldn't see his ear drum due to the blockage. I had to go to a specialist, and he had an instrument that got the blockage out in one piece, like you stated here. Dr. told me not to use Qtips and to just let the wax come out on its own...or to use drops before it becomes too impacted.

    Coincidentally my son has had issues with his speech. After the blockage was removed, he even started speaking clearer. I can notice when he has a ton of wax inside his ears now, just by how his speech sounds at times. Now I can put some over the counter drops in when it seems bad, and then his speech sounds clearer.

    I say all that to say that when we have any blockages with our ears...it throws other things off as well. I also believe that we can pray that the church can have ears to hear what His Spirit is speaking in this day.

    Just my thoughts.....

  10. O ok. Thanks for taking a look at it. When you say abilities...it makes me think that maybe God is going to sharpen those gifts and talents He has given me and I am just going to increase in these areas. I had a vision not long ago of a 'higher level of anointing'.


    If thats not the meaning, then I'm sure the meaning will unfold in time. I will be certain to be praying for this friend of mine too...

    Thanks for all your help Mia!! Bless You
    Thanks for your comments too Hinds! Bless You

  11. When I went back to the celebrity hotel the second time, there was another family touring the same room with the hidden jacuzzi. There was a mom, dad, and two school aged kids prob 4th and 6th graders based on their size. I thought it was strange that they didn't notice that the bathroom only had a sink and a toilet. I didn't feel like I was suppose to share with them about the hidden jacuzzi.

    Someone from this family wanted to see and trade me for my shoes...it was either the mom or the daughter...I cannot remember for sure.
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