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Posts posted by Daisy

  1. Hi Mark!
    These two scriptures come to me...
    1 Corinthians 9:24
    Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.

    Hebrews 12:1
    Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us...

    With it being a kiddy bike, and a waist high pool, it seems to me that you were WELL equipt for this race (with the exception of the swimming trunks..and what you did have ended up working out for you)!

    Is there anything going on in your life right now that seems to mirror the feelings you had in the dream???
    Just my thoughts...

  2. thewhiteshadow wrote:

    If there's a theme to the dream, it would seem to be something that starts out small, and has the potential to grow in to something very damaging, perhaps to some type of investment (physical, relational, etc). From the dream, it seems that with your digging into it would reveal more than what you originally perceived. I know that's not very specific, though!

    Going along with this theme, is there anything going on in your life that could easily slip through the cracks, causing MUCH potential damage if not dealt with properly and promtly???

    Just my thoughts....

  3. sink backing up?? Had a dream of a ship-house...it was falling apart. The sink backed (water was all black) up and we called someone out to come look at it..they told us to abandon ship. We didn't, and choas broke loose. Any clues?

  4. I am open to the Lord's leading...thank you to ALL of you for your postings...as they have opened my eyes to many different perceptions with this dream. Please keep me mindful in your prayers...as I don't ever want any of us to be shipwrecked in our faith or in our lives. Pray that I would be sensitive to the Lords leading, and IF he desires for us to move on from our church, that he would show us where to go....

  5. thewhiteshadow wrote:
    Hi, Daisy -

    I wanted to ask, based upon the beginning of the dream: Have you (or, perhaps the family you mentioned) noticed anything negative going on that someone may have seen as a sign to cease involvement in something? That's not the best-worded question, is it?

    I was thinking about how you noticed the sink backing up and how someone checked it out, and advised giving up. If such a thing is going on, the dream may speak about what would happen if you didn't follow the advice...lots of chaos, it seems.

    When I read this dream the first time early in the day, the first thing that came to mind was Paul's sailing to Rome that ended up as a shipwreck when no one heeded his advice...

    Only a thought.

    These are great thoughts Mark! Actally...the more I think about it...I did ask my one of my other brothers if he were in my shoes (with the situation with my daughter) what it was that he would do. He did tell me that he would find another church so that I didn't have to deal with my other brothers (daughters birth father) drama. Now...honestly...the drama of this ordeal was nonstop drama between my mom and I, but it was almost a year ago.

    I think your right in your second posting, that this could be about a different future event (even a possible ministry)...but I will keep prayerful about this. I believe that God will speak to us about whether to leave the church or not...and if so...a direction of where we are suppose to go next. I do in fact miss being able to go to church all together as a family. But, our church has def been a huge support to us over the last 10 years. It would really be hard to leave, as we have so many connections there...and that takes time to build.

  6. Gillboa wrote:
    Hi Daisy

    I’m new at this and hope I could help.

    I would like to agree with whiteshadow on his point of Paul’s shipwreck experience. The boat is like your ministry in your local church and that the state it is in and asking for help , could be of a situation that is to come. I think the Lord shows you what would happen if you don’t take the advice. The new lakefront home could be the new place of ministry.

    Let me know

    These are great thoughts to ponder on and pray about. Thank you for your input. I honestly cant think of anything lately that someone has advised for us to abandon, that we are not heading to. This could be something that is about the future. Though I must say that there is A LOT of drama concerning some of the changes that have taken place in the church recently. A lot of people are discontented, and some are jumping ship. To us, it doesn't effect us...as I don't feel God has told us to jump ship yet...and there aren't any immoral reasonsfor us to consider leaving the actual church. We did step down from the pastoral care ministry, but nobody advised us of it...we just felt strongly from the Lord that this was having more of a negative impact on us and that the anointing or grace to continue in this was no longer there. Would love to hear your feedback on this...

  7. thewhiteshadow wrote:
    Daisy, I had another thought. It may already seem obvious to you, but in the event that this is a prophetic dream, you may want to be in prayer for your husband's protection...as indicated by the shower curtain thing that threatened to suffocate him. You were the one that removed it. I believe you have an active role to play in watching out for him.

    This is assuming that the dream is about something to come.

    Just another thought,
    Great thoughts Mark! I will be sure to do this. His new work schedule has limited his availability not only to serve, but also to even attend on sundays at all.

  8. So glad I could at least encourage you a little. This scripture comes to mind for you....

    Proverbs 4:23
    Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

    I pray that God will show you what will be the best way for you to keep your heart guarded while around these family members. I am so sorry they are being hurtful. I will be praying for you...keep us posted as time goes on.

  9. Deborah wrote:
    Are you attending a local church? If so, are you feeling fed there?
    I answered your first part of the question, but got lost on a rabbit trail and didn't see this second part... lol! Sometimes I feel fed there. The church is pretty youth centered, which I feel is great for my kids as they get older. God has been setting me free from some legalism, which I am seeing a little clearer lately. So sometimes I will hear a little of the legalism from the pulpit (old test. preaching, focusing on performance based relationship with the Lord)...and I wont receive that. But then there are other times like today, that the word is FULL of God's grace and focusing on HIS righteousness~instead of our own self efforts. I have been praying for this revelation to get stronger and stronger for our pastor...as I know he is a great man of God with such an openness to hear Gods voice. Hopefully that helps answer your question...sorry it wasn't a flat out yes or no. lol!
    Would love to hear more of your feedback
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