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Posts posted by Daisy

  1. Hi! I have a question regarding interceding. Is there anyone out there that when there is an URGENT need, or a TIME SENSITIVE need for prayer...that they feel sick to their stomach when praying for other people??? This kind of burden for others when I am in prayer is normally not a good sign. There are other times when a certain person keeps popping up to my thinking...almost like I cant stop thinking about this person until I pray the burden away. There have been a few occasions that the Lord has been waking me up in the middle of the night to pray...ugh.

    Just trying to understand my gifting a little better. Any insight or thoughts????

    By the way....have I mentioned how much :ilovethissite: :hooray:

  2. O steadygaze I am so sorry! I am literally weeping as I read your post! This is so sad and heartbreaking. Please know I am praying for you and your family during this time. I can relate completely to your life, and the strongholds that addiction can have on ones lives. There are many within my family that have struggled with this! This is such a sickness that the world has NO cure for...yet you reveal the key which is needed in here! Healing of the heart (through Jesus) will in fact break the power of this DARK thing off the lives of others!

    I see you as such a BEACON OF LIGHT for your family, and for those struggling with this stronghold! Please be encouraged, that I feel you will touch many people with your life story, and with this testimony of your dear cousin Tommy! I know his life was not in vain, and hopefully you will see the fullness of this through the lives of his children in the years to come! If God doesn't have a hold of them now...I believe He will in the near future! They have seen this struggle, and I believe they will find a better life! I'm sure you will be the key in this situation.

    Blessings my friend, and be comforted! praying

  3. Mia Sherwood wrote:
    This dream and interpretation is a great example of why (even when we know the interpretation) to share it with our brothers and sisters. Sometimes even when we know what a dream means, when two or more are gathered in His name there He is, and He gives us guidance and confirmation from others what He's speaking to us and it is such a TREMENDOUS blessing to know God is truly in your midst speaking to you!

    I love this! This is SO true!!! I am still blown away from this interpretation! :hooray:

  4. Congratulations to you Sunshine!!!! A Bachelors Degree is such a HUGE accomplishment! :hooray:

    So when you were not knowing which way to go...did you feel confusion, frustration, aggravated, or lost? Just another question~did you at all feel that you should 'knock' on any doors to see if they may open in the dream? When you think about it now, do you think if you knocked on any of the sealed doors in the dream that one of them could have opened?

    I am just wondering in your waking life, if you started (or continued) knocking on different doors, if you would see which ones open up wide for you. For example:Setting up apt with counselor for masters direction, mapping out a plan with timelines for finishing a masters, looking at budget plans for masters to see if it fits, putting your resume out there to see what opportunities open up, or going on a few interviews or to a job fair etc to see which door or doors actually open up for you and which ones seem to be sealed shut, for good. You prob have done many or all these things already. Sometimes after we do all we can to knock on every door possible, God just wants us to trust Him to open the right door in His timing (this one a hard one for me... lol! ) Who knows, maybe God will open a door for you where you can work full time (or even part time) and they could even help pay for your masters! Just some thoughts.

    The way God works with me is that He leads me by His peace that I have in my heart. If I feel anxious or frustrated, I am normally not operating in His fulness for me. This could be just me though.

    Hopefully something I have said helps somehow...just wanted to share my thoughts. Please disregard if anything doesn't seem to fit. Please know I will be praying for you that His path would open up to you, and He would simply pave the way for you sweetie and that there would be no doubt which way is God's BEST plan for you!!! I pray that He will confirm to you time and time again the right path to pursue for the plans He has for you! Bless You

    Here a few scriptures I found:

    Proverbs 15:22
    Without counsel, plans go awry, But in the multitude of counselors they are established.

    Proverbs 16:9
    A man’s heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps.

    Jeremiah 29:11
    11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

    This is my favorite...
    Isaiah 60:17
    “ Instead of bronze I will bring gold, Instead of iron I will bring silver, Instead of wood, bronze, And instead of stones, iron. I will also make your officers peace, And your magistrates righteousness."

    Please know I am just a fellow member, and not an interpreter...these are only my thoughts.

  5. Mia Sherwood wrote:
    Your clue that this was your daughter was the toothbrush being yanked out of her mouth. Correct. God definitely leaves us clues.

    Yes this was def a clue! Another clue is her friend didn't have caps...my daughter does!

    The interpretation is that you will know the truth, now and in the future, when she lies to you about something she has done; in spite of her trying to convince you otherwise. I think this is God's way of saying, You are right. She is lying.

    That's all there is to it. He's backing you up. =)

    Trust your dreams. God is coaching you in child rearing. =)
    This is such encouragement to me...continue to trust my dreams, my discernment, and that he is in fact coaching me and has my back!

    Thanks so much for your help!!! :hooray:

  6. I have a friend who is separated right now from her husband. They have been on my heart to pray for lately...I am not having a good feeling about their relationship~kind of feel sick to my stomach when I think of them...which is usually not a good thing when I intercede. In this situation though, I feel more sorry for my friend, not so much for her husband...he has put her through the ringer. The other dreams leading up to the separation part seems to fit with what is going on in my life..not so much for them. So I am not sure if this fits or not. It could, just not sure.

    The only other thought I had about the separation is that it could possibly mean that my husband is just as dependent upon me needing him as I am of needing him...that it might be sad for him when I am not needing him as much. Kinda like how a mom feels when their child doesn't need them to do things for them anymore...like tying their shoes for them or zipping up their jacket for them~when they are big enough to do it for themselves. Does that make sense?? lol!

  7. Mia Sherwood wrote:
    Here's your encouragment FROM GOD: Although you are fearful that you cannot the transition to doing things alone, you surprise yourself by how well you do!


    I totally feel this way...that its going to be so hard to do this alone! I am VERY encouraged right now!!!!

    As far as for my husbands feelings go...I really felt sorry for him..I felt sad for him...like I didn't want to move on without him.

  8. Well...I had the same thoughts of it representing someone else. I think this girl in the dream represents my daughter. She has been lying to us from time to time..and actually does have caps on a couple teeth. She did YANK her toothbrush out of her own mouth literally a couple days ago too. I have been concerned about some of her behavior lately. I def keep a close eye on her, and have a hard time trusting her lately. She tries to get away with things...but God shows me every time when she is lying or being deceitful. I have been super concerned about her. I was wondering if this dream was meaning: Even though these things are wrong for her to do...and I do need to keep addressing these issues...not to be to overly concerned because some of this is just something other kids her age are going through as far as developing her CHARACTER.

    Any thoughts on this???

  9. Wow! Yes, the dunebuggy did have two seats! I was riding the bike alone. My husband just got promoted and started working a different shift...requiring him to be away from home more than usual...and working most weekends. This is a shift he must work for a season, and I am believing it will be a short season. I will be doing most events with my kids solo for a while (which I am not too thrilled about~but I'm sure God wants me to just grow stronger in my relationship with him right now~leaning more on HIM instead of my husband so much). I know that this is a sacrifice all of us need to make for a season, with more freedom of schedule in the future hopefully. I have no interest in other men, and divorce or separation is not something either of us would ever want. Some others that work with him have lost their marriages due to the stress of these hours of this schedule. Of course, there is a fear there for me due to this, but hopefully we are both willing to do whatever it takes to keep our relationship strong (I know I am willing~even though Im not thrilled about this transition...I do know its God's will for us). After me posting what is going on in my life now..do any other thoughts come to mind???

    As far as my dreams go...I think I dream mostly symbolic...with some literal from time to time. Gosh I hope this is not a literal one. Maybe its just a warning to keep a guard on my heart during this time.

    Thank you SO MUCH for sharing your experiences with me...and for taking the time to help me understand my dreams more! :ilovethissite: :hooray:

  10. I had a dream that I was assisting run a huge production with all these school aged kids. It was a play, or a singing event of sorts. I remember moving the kids from one room to another. Then I remember moving all of the kids' shoes from one room to another....no clue why they weren't wearing them! lol!

    Next scene, there were all sort of people outside. I remember driving a huge dune buggy around. I remember the seats were red and were kind of open. Then I was riding this HUGE bike! It was really tall. I wasn't sure how I was going to get off the bike since I was up so high, but I was able to get on and off the bike easily.

    The end of the dream I remember someone encouraging me to see other people. Apparently in the dream my husband and I were separated (IRL we are not, things are going fine with us...though our lives are in a transition right now with his job change). I remember in the dream feeling sorry for him, that he was hurt, and that if I did decide to see other people it would probably crush him. It was more his feelings I was concerned of in the dream! This is the 3rd or 4th dream of a separation from him. bandaid

  11. Hi Angelwings! I also had two dreams of earrings close together. I will post them on here. I have been praying for some confirmations on a few things...please feel free to PM me if you feel like you have a word of encouragement for me. I seen your post, and passed it up...then I felt more than once like I should go back and read it. If these dont feel like they fit for what you saw in your night vision...please disregard. Thanks! :hooray:

    Dream #1 of earrings...

    Dream #2 of earrings...

  12. I had a dream of one of my daughters friends. She was at my house (not sure why) and brushing her teeth. She got angry and threw a fit yanking the toothbrush out of her mouth. When she did this, it ripped her cap off of her tooth. When she went home, she lied about it and tried to cover it up. Her mom asked her to open her mouth, she did...but she held her finger over the broken cap to cover it up. She kept swearing up and down that there was nothing wrong with her teeth.

    Her parents were extremely surprised and very concerned that she lied. They almost couldn't believe it!

    I have a really good idea of what this dream means...just looking for a confirmation. Thanks! :hooray:
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