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Posts posted by Daisy

  1. I am all about budgeting, and bargain shopping...its not even fun to shop for me if I have to pay full price for anything. Reading this dream makes me think of how EXCITED :hooray: I get when I find a really good bargain or clearance at the store! I just love to tell people how much of a discount I can get on things...and they are blown away! I am wondering if this was a dream about a goldmine you happened to strike while out shopping for something? The prices of the meat in your dream were unbelievable!!!! Seems like an unbelievable blessing was about to come your way!

    Cant wait to see what this one was about! :hooray:

  2. The full dream itself was a little lengthy, but its listed as.....Touring different HOTELS, finding a hidden room and me sprinting SUPER FAST in dreams to be interpreted. Im wondering if this is connected to a vision I had right before I fell asleep about this being a time of a higher level of anointing!!! Seems to fit woo hoo

  3. I do remember reading about your goats. So a part of this is just from that knowledge...but besides knowing those things here are some of the things that stand out to me in this dream. Im guessing that your grandmother is symbolic for the goats. When you are backed into the corner, it makes me think of you doing ALL you can do at the moment to protect your goats...but is there something that is blocking you from fighting FULL FORCE? Maybe something was holding you back from being able to fully fight this attack at the time irl? Family obligations perhaps. This dream seems SO frightening! Though I really like the part when you able to get out of the corner and when you are jumping on their spines!!! This part seems to me like either you are walking in GREAT authority in prayer over your situation...or God provides an antidote for the health of your goats or possibly BOTH!

    ****In the end when you see your goat Gracie and feeling like it was too late....I am wondering if those were just your fears of it being too late. Even though it looked like it was too late~when I read the goat had gotten attacked while you were gone...I still felt as if there was HOPE since it was still alive and breathing.

    I am really hoping that this dream is just a dream of what things you FEARED could happen to your most precious goats~and that in the end even though danger was still close or nearby, that you and your goats were actually spared being attacked through much intercession or God providing a way out!

    I'm REALLY CURIOUS about the manifestation of this one! These are totally just my thoughts on this with the knowledge I have read with other post of yours regarding your goats. I could be WAY off base.

  4. :hooray: So this was an awesome vision I had right before drifting off to sleep last night!!! It seems pretty self explainitory~but would appreciate any extra thoughts or interps to details of what this could mean...ALL thoughts are very much appreciated!

    So I seen this building, with SEVERAL levels. At the top of the building there was a ROOFTOP. On top of the rooftop was a clear vile with YELLOW or GOLD substance inside. The vile was rounded on the edges~like a capsule. I cant think of a better way to describe it. I seen the different levels of the building~and heard in my spirit that 'THIS IS A TIME FOR A HIGHER LEVEL OF ANOINTING!' Then I seen my arm rise above the different levels up to the TOP of the rooftop ceiling~going through the other levels was effortless. I knew though, to get to the rooftop that I had to BREAKTHROUGH the ceiling to get to the vile. My fist broke through the ceiling and touched the vile~I could see a thick gold/yellow substance cover the entire building!!!!


  5. For sure~worry would def be the main feeling. Ugh...Im so sorry you had to go through all that. i\\'m sorry That must have been some of the hardest things to go through. I am really glad that things did end up being ok in the end. Aren't we so blessed to have such a loving father that sends comfort to us before and after we go through things? I honestly don't know how people in the world can actually get through life without God. Life sure can throw some rough things at us...but thank God we don't have to go through it alone!

  6. Hi Beloved~Im not an interpreter, only a fellow member. When I think of someone who is Jewish, I think of 'GOD'S CHOSEN' people~with special favor. Maybe it could be something new that will have God's special stamp of approval on. Just my thoughts...please toss it if it doesn't fit.

  7. Well~the good thing is the laundry was almost all the way dry! There was just SO MUCH of it, I cannot believe all the clothes that were in this dryer...it was STUFFED FULL!! I musta had A LOT of baggage....LOL!!! :laughing:

  8. That could make sense with wanting to keep things private. I don't like talking about my past a whole lot~kinda embarrassed that I took peoples crap for so long if you know what I mean. What do you think about the play on words???

  9. O yeah~those friendships were very controlling, the ones with a knife...and I'm very glad those people are out of my life. Well, Im hoping its a good thing that the laundry is clean at least! What do you think D??

  10. bandaid My bad deborah...please forgive me if my question came across the wrong way. It was just a thought when I read that a shoe could symbolize a career of some sort. Please just toss my thoughts out... I would never want to come across the wrong way on here. i\\'m sorry Blessings to you~


    I put this under dreams to be interpreted, and titled it 'Lots of laundry~a separation~and a cover up!' I didn't notice the play on words till I just reread my post to put some pieces together!

    Please note:the two events of me separating from my ex, and the so called cover up are events in my life that have already taken place in the past. I believe I have dealt with these things already. I'm wondering what the actual clothes in the dryer could represent????

    I am only remembering bits and pieces of this dream...so its a bit all over the place....

    I had a dream that I was with my ex. I dreamed I was choosing to separate from him (a very good choice). Then I remember covering up for someone who did something wrong from my past (IRL another event that took place already~another good choice I made to sever this relationship). I decided to cover up for them, just until I was set free (from captivity) myself. Then, I could be free to tell the whole truth....for some reason I remember a knife being involved (irl there was not a knife involved, lol). The end of the dream, I remember seeing a front loader dryer (like my own~but it stood up higher in the dream...I didn't have to bend over in the dream to get the clothes). There was SO MANY clothes in the dryer, it was spinning but there where edges of the clothes all around the outside of the dryer while it was drying. I remember opening the dryer, and trying to get all the laundry into the dryer properly, so nothing was hanging out. The dryer was SO FULL!!! Any thoughts appreciated...thanks!
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