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Posts posted by Daisy

  1. Yes it is! Thank you Lola! She loves the Lord SO much and has many gifts that He has given her! One of which is to sing...her singing voice for such a young child is very gifted. She loves to sing to the Lord while she plays...in the car...wherever she goes. Its so precious. Last year she tried out for the candlelight Christmas eve service solo~the music minister told me to make sure she tries out again this year...he promised a slot for her this year (as there were a few getting ready to graduate to the youth ministry~and the music minister wanted to give them a chance to sing on stage before they graduated. He said my daughter will have many years of opportunity to sing since she is so young). I was wondering if this was what the dream was confirming. For me to continue to encourage her to use this gift for the Lord. I have had trained ears for music tell me to make sure I follow up on this gift as she gets older.

  2. I totally didn't take it that way~you didn't seem like you were trying to make her seem like a bad evil person at all. I'm sure she has her path~but it sounds like your smart enough to get out of the way while she works these things out. I think your discernment will end up saving you a lot of pain in the long run.

  3. Im sorry that happened to you sister! God did give you the discernment to see through her though..which is good. The only thought that comes to mind, is when we brush our teeth...we get rid of filth, bacteria, and things that cause decay. Hopefully that is what happened in this situation. Even though the friendship has been severed~at least you can rid yourself of any further deception from her. Just my thoughts..hope it helps somehow.

  4. This is funny! I recently got together with each of these women individually over the last month. What is funny, is when I talked about my situation with them, my one friend said I should let my sister handle this...while the other said I should face it head on (this is the one that provoked the bear in the dream):donut:

    I am def praying about this confrontation~which is coming up shortly! Please be prayerful for me. Last time I approached this 'bear'...things were emotionally a whirlwind for a while. It was quite a draining battle I must say. tornado Please pray I handle this with peaceable fruit following. praying

  5. I had a dream that my daughter got to meet the Jonas Brothers in person! In the U.S. they are pretty famous~teenage girls being their main audience. In the dream one of the Jonas brothers was sitting in a chair on-stage, and my daughter was on his lap...but the weird thing is that she had Christmas lights draped all over her (not in a dangerous way~but she was covered or blanketed in these Christmas lights)!!!! The lights were dimmed in the auditorium...as if it would be in a real concert if the singer was going to sing a slow song. You could really see the Christmas lights good in this lighting. In the dream, I didn't see myself, it was like I was observing from above the crowd of people at the concert! Tons of people~like at any popular concert. I didn't have any feelings of fear, or danger at all. I didn't feel uneasy or anything. There was no concern for her safety or anything. (IRL I wouldn't want my little daughter to sit on some strangers lap~famous or not...LOL! I do tend to be a little over protective irl.) laugh

    I have a pretty good idea what this dream means...but am looking for a confirmation! So excited to see the responses!

    IRL~this band is a famous secular band and have a secular show on disney. She knows who these guys are, but couldn't even tell you one song that they sing. Its something that is a bit too mature for her age...she is only 7. I DO know for a fact though, that these guys are christians irl...not sure if that is important or not.

  6. I am wondering if during the time of this dream (or even shortly afterwards), if you were feeling like things were a bit out of your control and in a situation that you almost had no choice but to trust that God was going to get you through it in one piece? The part that really stood out to me is when you said you 'suddenly realized that you had to endure it, and trust God'. The BEST part of the dream~and the most encouraging part is that you all made it out safe and sound (even though you were a little annoyed)!! happy dance

    On a different note, another thought I had was wondering if this could possibly be a gentle warning to be careful who you keep company with?? Avoiding certain people that would only cause chaos in your life?

    All these are just my thoughts....

  7. One of the things that seemed to stand out to me in this dream was the part where the boys were just hammering for 'play'. I am wondering if this happens to be about how God gives each of us giftings, and the more we practice them...the more skilled we become. In the end~when you were encouraging someone in the Lord and helping them...this makes me think of you walking in your matured and much practiced giftings as well (as I know you have been a huge encourager to me and countless others on this site)!!! I am also wondering if the bridge has anything to do with bridging the the next generation and possibly passing good things down the family line (removing those things that were not of good use/rotted plank)??? I could be WAY off on this one....these are totally just my thoughts. Looking forward to the manifestation!!! Looking forward to learning from these postings! :hooray:

  8. I ended up talking with this friend, and asking her if she is taking the time to take care of herself....at times she does get busy helping people, and then ends up forgetting to take care of herself. I told her of the dream, and asked that she please take some time out for herself. She appreciated the encouragement.... woo hoo

  9. The biggest thing that stands out here to me is the part about you not wanting someone to take TOO much credit for breaking this huge nut. Was there someone at the time that was trying to take credit from something that you had a major part in too?? If not you, was someone in your life at the time of the dream trying to take credit for something that GOD DID for them? Its seems someone was trying to take credit for something that didn't really do the majority of the work. Just my thoughts....wondering if I'm on the right track.

    By the way I LOVE this portion of the site!!! What a good way to learn! happy dance

  10. In reference to both this dream and my 'confirmation' posting...it is possible (and the thought did cross my mind even before you posted) that these things connect. This is what my thoughts are on that....I am not certain, but I am pretty sure that the pastor who is in charge of our children's ministry (whom I love and respect highly~yet I do feel a bit intimidated by him at times) had asked the 'shepherds' of the children's ministry to approach me concerning the children's ministry position that needed to be filled. The reason why I think this, is these women who approached me were not informed that I had stepped down from my other ministry obligation~yet this other pastor knew I was released of this obligation (both ministries conflict as far as times~so you can't do both). This pastor also knows that I have a strong background working with children (another these women didn't know about me). That being said...I am prob feeling guilty for saying 'no' to this opportunity to serve in this area at this time, even though I know in my heart it is the right decision for my family. Relating this information to the dream, maybe God is possibly showing me how much I don't want to disappoint this pastor that I respect.

    (Though I have to be honest with you~I hope that the father of the dream doesn't symbolize our heavenly Father being disappointed in me for declining the opportunity to serve in this area! I do have a great peace about holding off on serving in this area for this moment...that doesn't mean I wont do it eventually.)

    Would LOVE to hear your thoughts on this sister! I'm still in the process of discerning this dream right now...and haven't had that AHA moment yet.

    Any thoughts appreciated.... :hooray:

  11. I really doubt that it is literal, in the sense of them having anymore children. Though it could be literal that their house/their lives are in disarray, and in need of prayers.

    I had posted in the prophetic posts under 'confirmation??' something I was in prayer about concerning being approached to serve in our children's ministry. If you haven't read it yet...check it out and tell me what you think. Im curious to hear your thoughts.
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