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Hubby reading bible story to children!!!

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Hey guys, this might seem like a small thing to some, but to me it's huge!

Every night I read a bible story to my children. Last night the kids reminded me again to read to them and I jokingly said "ask daddy" but in front of my hubby and he said okay!!! He read not only one but two stories to the children.

What was kind of special is that he read "Hannah's prayer" and "David & Goliath" both stories is about faith. And when he read the story of David and Goliath I thought of my dream about "Handling giant horses". I've posted it in the dreams and visions forum. Isn't God amazing!!

One of these days my hubby isn't just going to read childrens bible stories but do bible study with me! I trust God for this. happy dance

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Amen Daisy!!! flower Even if it is children's stories, it helps 'cause each little story has a message and speaks to my hubby. I just love this laugh

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Thats right!!! Those seeds of Gods word will not return void, but will accomplish what they have been sent forth to do! This is a huge step in the right direction!! :hooray:

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Absolutely! Stuff like this just encourages me so much to keep on praying for him :hooray:

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At one time in my life, coming out of a season of religious abuse, children's bible stories were the only thing I could read, but they kept me going until I could navigate scripture again. This is indeed a very positive development!

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Absolutely Deborah!! Things are going so well! My hubby is so loving these days. God is doing wonders in our marriage!

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Hi Sirianta and everyone else,

I haven't posted on this forum for a while as I've been pretty busy, but I really felt led to comment on this post!

That is so awesome Sirianta! I am so happy for you! I pray all your family members will come to salvation through the power of God in Jesus name!

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Awwww, thank you John!!! We miss you here at this ministry!!! Thank you for your prayers John!! Once again like in my previous reply to your comment on the other testimony I want to say that since I stopped complaining about my issues and changing my attitude God stepped in and started moving things around!! I just love Him sooooo much! I know I say this A LOT, but I will continue to praise Him in the storm!! No storm is too big for Jesus to calm huggins

Hope you are well John! and God bless

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Thank you Jesus :getthee: :hallelujah: NO ONE AND NOTHING can stop the amazing POWER of our Lord!!!! Amen

Father I ask that you pour your blessings out on this couple and their children. Father I pray you keep this household in the palm of your hand. Bring this man to Christ and open his eyes to see, ears to hear and heart to understand.
I ask you this in the name of Jesus, our living Savior. Amen!!!!

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Amen Tinique.

I will lift my voice in prayer on your behalf Sirianta!

I am so happy for what God is doing in your life!!! Your prayers are being answered. Just continue to put your trust in Him and He will work everything out!!!!

Have a blessed weekend my dear!

good night

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I just want to let you know that did read this before and it is SO ENCOURAGING!!! I'm sorry I didn't reply when I read it i\\'m sorry God will save our husbands, Sirianta and Angelwings, we must believe that He already HAS huggins

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