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Posts posted by Daisy

  1. lola21st wrote:
    It's been a few weeks since I was last on the site but I'm back and I wanted to give a praise report! I had my radiation treatment last week - the characteristics of the tumor that was removed and other factors made me a candidate for a more intense but shorter form of radiation that took one week instead of the standard six weeks. At the end of the week, the MDs confirmed what God had showed me all along - they let me know that I am now officially CANCER FREE!!!!!


    woohoo :hooray: woo hoo :hooray: smiley dance smiley dance woohoo

    Thanks be to the Lord!! Thank You Father for Your healing, for Your grace, and for Your comfort through this trial!!! I will praise Your name forever and ever! You are great and greatly to be praised!

    :glory: praiseGod praiseGod praiseGod :hallelujah:

    Thanks everyone for your prayers and words of encouragment, I can't tell you how much they were really appreciated! :hearts: :ilovethissite: huggins thumbs
    O, PRAISE GOD!!!!! I am so happy for you! What a awesome praise report!!! I did see your first posting on this a long time ago, and did pray for you at the time! I was wondering how things were going concerning this!!! Im so glad to see the follow up praise report!!! Our God is SO wonderful! praiseGod

  2. I have attended a womens only bible group at my church. My schedule has changed and I cannot attend anymore. They all bring a yummy thing to share...its in the late morning, so things like cookies, brownies etc. They always had coffee brewing, and then people would eat and fellowship for the first half hour/45min while everyone drifts in. Then they started out with prayer requests...the leader wrote notes down as people asked their prayer requests...everyone agrees in prayer and she starts her mini bible study, reading along on her bulletpoint sheet. Its kind of nice that she allowed people to interject their revelations too along the way. The actual bible study portion was about 20 min..but then allowing people to share along with her theme helped it to stretch out a bit longer. Hope some ideas helped....
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