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Posts posted by Daisy

  1. Please pray for my dad and step-mom's salvation. The have both had problems with addictions before, with drugs and alcohol big time in past. My dad had back surgery and has now stopped drinking (never do I recall my dad NOT drinking), he has replaced his beer with strong pain pills. Also, step-mom dealing with depression. She got meds from dr but is getting extra doses from someone NOT under supervision of the drs and mixing depression meds. Need urgent prayer for them, their health and most of all their salvation! Thank you brothers and sisters!

  2. I had a night vision before falling asleep, and there was this contraption that was holding all of these marbles. It had slitted openings in the casing that was holding the marbles...so that I could see them moving around. I kind of dismissed it, and didn't quite know if it was even relevant or not.

    So today, my friend called me almost hysterical with a panic attack. what She said she felt like she was loosing her mind. crying I encouraged her, and told her that NO she was not...that she has been given a SOUND mind, and the fear and panic would have to go as she chewed and meditated on the Word!

    Funny thing is that it was on my heart to pray for her in the morning...but I had no clue what the vision meant the night before. Anyone with experience with night visions, I would love input on this so that I can better handle this situation in the future. I guess I should have been praying the night before right??? Scratch Chin

  3. After re-reading your original post, and while typing my above post...these thoughts came to mind....
    hind'sfeet wrote:
    I was trying to breast feed another woman's son (I think she was a dream friend) but it was MY son IRL, at least I felt that he was my son but her son too.
    I had to help him latch on properly and a few times he lost grip and couldn't find "it" laugh He got hold again but just barely a few times but he always ended up properly latched.
    Oh wow, just looking up "colostrum" on wikipedia and the picture looks EXACTLY like how the milk looked in "my" babies mouth!!!

    Is it possible that this part or feeling could symbolize that your son FIRST belongs to the LORD, yet he is still yours too? Could this be an encouragement that God has it all under control, and YES your son belongs to HIM, yet he is using you as an instrument to minister his wonderful grace (and a beautiful example of a right relationship with God) to him?? Could this be an encouragement to you to keep up the good work and that he is SURELY going to get the AHOLD of the things of God??
    Just my thoughts, I could be stretching it here so please toss if it doesn't fit...Im so new at this. lol!

  4. hind'sfeet wrote:
    I thought God played favourites and thought God only answered other peoples prayers. I had mean and vicious parents... They played favourites.
    I'm sorry your parents did this! Its totally unfair and selfish to play favorites! i\\'m sorry This confirms what I have heard to be true, about how when we are children that our parent's behavior is how we end up perceiving God! Which is unfortunate in your case, but thankfully you know the truth now! woo hoo This is actually REALLY fortunate for your son though, because I can tell from your earlier posts that you are setting a REAL and TRUE example of God and His love! Be encouraged, He is watching the true and living GOD in you...I feel strongly that He will surely follow the Lord and His ways! You are being a natural example to him!!! I feel a lot of Christians try and 'super or over-spiritualize' things, and at times lacks a REALNESS and NATURAL example to what Christianity is all about. (I feel super-spiritual attitude pushes unbelievers away as well, and is a flaky impression of God.) If your son seems a little stand-offish right now, be encouraged that he is prob just trying to figure things out...most of it prob has to do with his age. I remember being 12, and its just awkward. Its prob a more self-conscious thing more than anything. He will come into his own. I'm praying and believing with you...He WILL become ALL God has destined him to be!! praying As precious as he is to you, it may be unbelievable...but TRUE, that he is EVEN MORE precious to God. Just my thoughts....

  5. hind'sfeet wrote:
    At church they would sometimes do a serious prayer for someone but only when it was a catastrophe, even then he used his "preacher, solemn holier than thou" voice. I love pastors who just talk normal when they are preaching and leave off the "Father, we just, come before you today, seeking you..." when praying. It doesn't make prayer real to me and it sound insincere.

    I know, isn't it funny when we get in the habit of things, that really make no difference to God, and doesn't effect the outcome of the prayer one bit? One day when we were praying at dinner, I was closing my eyes. My daughter says simply, "Mom, you know you dont have to close your eyes..it doesn't matter to God." Isn't this true! Its like, why do we close our eyes??? It doesn't make the prayer more holy! lol! Sometimes we do things out of 'religious' habits, that mean nothing to God...but somehow make us FEEL more holy.... lol!

  6. O Wow! This is a cool and interesting dream. Is there anything at all that is going on in your waking life that is similar to this dream? For example: In real life are you looking for a house, or looking for an investment in business of some sort?? Or, do you feel like God is making your 'spiritual house' anew in some way shape or form right now? Also, did you pick up on any feelings in the dream? If so, were any of the feelings similar to any feelings you may be having in your waking life? Just some ideas...please know these are just my thoughts...I am not an interpreter, just a fellow member...

  7. Just my thoughts mark, but I have been tracking mine on here. I pretty much just type it out right away in the morning if I can...before I forget them. Thats awesome that you can remember yours so much...and to have at least ONE every morning that you remember! holy moly I seem to go in spurts for some reason...like the last week or so, I have not remembered any of my dreams. Then all of a sudden I will remember a ton of them. Every now and then, and will read through them every now and then. (I will go back to my avatar, and click on all topics started by me, so that I can sort through them better and dont have to search for my dreams confusing them with other peoples post that I have commented on) Thats the way I kind of keep track of dates and stuff. This is just what I do, to keep track of mine. It may or may not be a good system for you....just some ideas for ya.

  8. Amen! I will be praying in agreement for you about the book! Its awesome that you can teach him young that God does and will answer prayers. Even if he doesn't seem to into it quite yet, God will prove to him that prayer works through your example. You are planting seeds in him, that I am sure will reap a harvest! Did you feel like it was just a empty ritual to say grace when you were a kid? It would seem pointless to pray, and I wouldn't want to either if I didn't thing He hears, answers, and cares. I love that God loves us so much that He knows the number of hairs on our head...if we loose one hair..He knows it! happy dance It blows me away that He cares about the little things. I love that nothing is too small for us to bring to God that is of concern to us. How old is your son, if you dont mind me asking??

  9. hind'sfeet wrote:

    I'm thinking that the dream is about me teaching my son the Truth. Showing and telling him when God answers prayer and that God can make something out of nothing to answer a prayer.
    That's just my thoughts on it too lol!

    That makes sense...the scripture comes to mind when you say this...about the sincere milk of the Word of God. Its such a blessing to raise up our little Godly seeds for the Lord! I had to tell my kids tonight when I was putting them to bed, that they are going to have to finish praying after the lights are off in bed, because they wanted to keep going on and on and on... lol! I had a hunch they were stalling a little. Nonetheless, SO glad they want to pray! happy dance

  10. Hi Hinds..I dont have an interp. but I have also heard of colostrum to be known as 'Liquid Gold!' I'm sure you may have already heard all of this before. I was new to breastfeeding, and used to be totally against it (for myself, not for others) until I had my son. I had a friend that was TOTALLY for breastfeeding, that encouraged me strongly over and over to at least give it a try. She explained to me to at least try until the colostrum was gone, so that the baby could get all my antibodies, and to help pass my strong immune system down to my child. Thankfully I tried it, and actually stuck with it for over a year! Was so happy I did, because it ended up saving us SO much money. My son had a SEVERE cow's milk allergy that caused his intestines to bleed (the hypoallergenic formula costed an arm and a leg to say the least)...which he thankfully he outgrew his allergy by age 2! :praiseg-d:

    Hope something I said shed a little revelation on the dream. If not, just toss it...Just my thoughts...

  11. Do you actually go on the lifts at work? Are you in charge of the safety of the lifts?? It could be a literal dream, for you to catch a safety hazard that can be prevented. If you have this authority irl, it wouldn't hurt anything to double check these things just in case. My husband took a safety course for his work with fork lifts, and they taught him operating these powerful machines is like operating a loaded weapon! This class brought to his attention that sometimes when people operate these things on a daily basis, they get comfortable on them and sometimes cast aside some of the safety precautions due to time crunches. One of which is, if the machine is not acting right...its better to put the machine aside until repaired even if it prolongs getting the job done on time. The class had all these statistics of how many people are harmed on these machines with either lifelong disabilities or death!

    Aside from work, another thing that I wanted to ask, is if there is anything that you feel you are being wrongly charged for right now? Is there anything going on in your life that maybe you feel you are being held responsible for that was NOT your fault? If so, maybe this is a confidence builder that God will come to your defense....

    These are just my thoughts, please toss what doesn't fit....

  12. Is there any possible way they could be getting into the house??

    I remember when we my husband and I got our first condo, right above our baby's bed we noticed a huge spot larger than the size of 5 basketballs coming through the drywall. At first we thought the roof was leaking...we touched it and it was soft. Come to find out, there was a HUGE colony of bees that were building a huge nest in the attic!!! They were sneaking in somehow underneath the aluminum siding. We were surprised we didn't notice the outside activity sooner...but it was in a odd place to notice. If this went on much longer the bees could have infested inside our house, and could have really hurt, if not even killed, our daughter! The specialist said if it would have went on for even a week more the ceiling would have caved in!!! Glory to God for His protection!!!!

    Just my thoughts...

  13. I heard a wonderful audio cd sermon today that was teaching on this set of scriptures...1John4:17 Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world. 18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. 19 We love Him[b] because He first loved us.

    Father God I thank you for your perfect love that you have for Deborah and her husband! I remind you of your word Lord, that says as YOU ARE Lord Jesus...so is Deborahs husband IN THIS WORLD!I am so glad Lord Jesus that you have NO infections in your body right now, nor will you in the future...and I thank you that as you are healthy and well at the right hand of the Father, I thank you that health and wellness belongs as a blood bought right to Deborahs dear husband! You see the pain, suffering, and sickness that he has been going through for so long...and Lord I thank you that this infection has NO RIGHT in his body, and I thank you for his TOTAL and COMPLETE healing manifesting right now...I also command EVERYTHING the enemy has been trying to steal, that it will be totally RESTORED IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME!!!

  14. I had a dream that my mom was DEAD-SET about leaving our church! IRL she LOVES our church, and would never in a million years want to leave. In the dream, I was so shocked that she wanted to leave the church!!!! Her mind was made up~and she was not going to change it...SHE WAS REALLY GOING TO LEAVE THE CHURCH! In the dream she wanted to go to a different church!!! This was almost unbelievable to me!

    Think I have an idea of what this means...but would LOVE thoughts and a confirmation please! shocked

  15. O wow!!! Thats an interesting thought Mark! Great revelation! My first initial thoughts was about the wrap was a protective coating...maybe something along the lines of being the type of person who 'covers, or protects' others people in a good way. Maybe, thats an easy thing for you to do that with people, because its built into your character....not sure if that fits at all with anything going on in your life right now. Also, the thought came to me how surprised you were with how easy it was...and then the confidence that followed. Is there anything in your right life now that you have gone to take a try at that you thought would be harder than it actually was for you??? These were just my first thoughts from you first posting...if anything doesnt fit, just toss it.

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