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Posts posted by Daisy

  1. My first thoughts are that you got a delivery (so to speak) and that delivery helped you to see so far ahead. Im just wondering if that could mean that God is going to show you some things that are going to "spring forth" into your life...to continue to seek him for the direction He wants you to take. The scripture in Isaiah 42:9 comes to mind...
    "Behold, the former things have come to pass, And new things I declare; Before they spring forth I tell you of them.”

    Im puzzled as to what Oprah could represent...but people to come to her show to share the new directions they are taking in life. I find it interesting that you weren't awestruck by her...it seemed like a casual friendship/aquaintance between you and her.

    I did see your 'chess dream' too~to do with strategic moves. Not sure if my thoughts somehow help...hopefully it does. Bless you sister!
    Please know these are only my thoughts...not an interpretation.

  2. Hi again star~ I can totally relate to your feelings with broken people. Because I know how it feels to be hurt, rejected, and unloved...I can carry such a heavy burden for others...so much that it can effect my quality of life. So EVERYTHING you said makes total sense to me. I personally have really been learning some things about this lately, I will share with you...#1 that I am to reach out in love to the broken people God puts into my path, but not to make them my best friends...just to give whatever encouragement I can give them with my love and the word of God...#2 I have learned that these burdens are WAY too heavy to carry on my own, after I encourage and sow the word of God, knowing that God is faithful and He will send someone to water those seeds and cause them to grow, and most importantly I'm suppose to also pray and intercede for them...then the burden goes back on God who can do ALL things. #3 because I care so much about people, I have to limit the amount of time I spend trying to helping these people, and only do what I'm capable to do, otherwise I will be SO drained that I wont be able to have enough energy to do the other things God wants me to do during the day. These things have helped me very much...and I am still working on these things and a work in progress right now...hopefully somehow this has helped you too. If not, please just toss it aside. As far as the queen part of the dream goes...I'm thinking that God is trying to show you how incredibly important, valuable, and special you are to Him. I think the gifts and talents you have to offer God's people are very valuable too! Think of the importance a Queen has in her kingdom. I think God want YOU to know you are of HIGH importance and GREAT value to Him. Again, just my thoughts.

    I had a dream something was in the house that I was in. There was a scene that I was in the laundry room doing all kinds of laundry that was piled up. As I was doing laundry, someone kept coming a messing up my piles, and making it hard for me to get done. Then the washer kept breaking. I was getting irritated. I remember feeling feelings of anger toward my mom during this time. I remember thinking of not giving my mom anything for mothers day, but then I decide to do the right thing. I also remember thinking of the changes I am going to make in this house. Then I started praying in the Spirit, and there was an evil presence in the house as I prayed in the Spirit the spirit would leave a room and hide somewhere else. I was at the point that I was fed up and I started praying loudly and with much authority. So loudly, I almost woke myself up, I was kind of half awake and half asleep still dreaming. That was when the evil presence left. I started thinking again of the changes I was going to make to the house. Making it safer, knocking out walls, and making it more practical of a house. Every now and then this evil presence would try and come back in, and I would pray in my prayer language again in authority, and the evil presence couldn't come back in. I couldn't see this presence, I could only feel it.

    Im at my childhood home, and for some reason my mom is living in this house (IRL my dad owns it and lives in it, they are divorced). There is a dog over on the property (IRL its in the neighbors yard, but in the dream it belongs to this house), its black and huge! Its climbing up on the fence with his front paws, barking and carrying on, and damaging the fence~Big time. I holler into the house and tell my mom about the dog. (IRL I really dont care for dogs. I didn't feel fear from the dog in the dream, I just didn't like him) Then I remember thinking about buying this house...and thinking I know that the loan is more than the house is worth. (IRL its a piece of junk, and would never invest in this.)

    **I think I have a good idea of what this means, but would love a confirmation and would also love any ideas in case I am missing something that I should notice.

  4. Just some thoughts of mine Sirianta~The queen part reminds me how we are Royalty of the King of Kings....The name Elizabeth means 'to be set apart, or consecrated unto the Lord, God's promise, and God's daughter'. I know this because we gave this name to one of our kids because of its meaning. I think God is speaking to you how incredibly special you are to Him. Im not an interpreter, please pray on this.....Hope this has helped somehow. :hooray:

  5. Just some background on me real quick first. I don't drink any alcohol IRL or use any drugs. I have been drug and alcohol free since I gave my life to the Lord, 17 yrs ago. I have had much addiction in family past upbringing, and seen the damages that these substances can have on people.

    My friend had a dream about me that I went to her house one night, I was coming from somewhere, and stopped at her house before heading home. She was having a margarita (IRL she drinks moderately), and I asked her if I could have one. She thought, 'I thought she didn't drink, I hope her husband isn't going to be mad'. She said I had a bad day. Instead of one I had slammed like 4 or 5. Then I started to shoot up heroin. Then I left to go home. She thought it was odd that I was stopping at her house at 10pm at night. Her and her husband were wondering what to do with the left over stuff, so they flushed it down the toilet! Then she was like, why did I even have heroin at my house!

    IRL some of the moms all went out for dinner and drinks not too long ago, and I didn't join them. I wonder if these are just thoughts of hers because she knows about my past, and my upbringing etc. She shared the dream with me, so I thought I would post it and see if there is something God may want me to see in this....any help or insight appreciated!!!!

  6. One door~Thanks so much for the confirmation. I feel a confirmation from all of the things that you said. You are right in that he is doing his best in his strength right now. God is a very touchy subject to him, he is a believer, but some really off the wall Christians put a bad taste in his mouth long ago, and he does need to be handled carefully because of this. He is currently seeking a closer relationship with God, and has just now started attending church. I will keep all these things in mind as God uses me in this, in the right timing. thumbs

  7. Hey jen~Im just a member, but noticed your dream in the wrong category. This part if for dreams that have alreadybeen interpreted. If you cut and paste this dream and put it in the 'dreams and visions to be interpreted' you will get an answer from someone quicker. I did this same thing when I first started with this group and wondered why I never got a response. Bless you.... :hooray:

  8. Do you feel at all allentara that anyone or anything in your life seems to be putting legalistic pressures on you at all??? Sometimes legalism can have the tendency to make people want to rebel. Are you having any issues with anyone in authority over you at all??? Or, do you know of someone having issues with authority over them at all??? Im not saying this in a condemning tone at all. Please take this in love. Rebellion could sometimes come across in an attitude in our hearts... for example it could be as subtle as a teenager ignoring their parent when they ask them to clean their room before they get home from work. They just didnt feel like doing it, and decided they weren't going to and they didn't HAVE TO do it. I dont believe rebellion always comes across for example again with a teenager cursing and flipping their parents off. Im not saying this toward you at all, just a thought on the subject of rebellion. Sometimes in my own dreams I have noticed that God uses dramatic exaggerations to get my attention in a certain area. Please know that I am NOT an interpreter, only a fellow member, and a new member at that. If anything doesn't fit...please toss it away. I hope these thoughts and questions somehow bless you!
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