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Posts posted by Daisy

  1. Lord I also pray for Delightful Soul~I pray that you would continue to lead her and guide her by your Holy Spirit and I pray that you would help her to trust the discernment that you have given to her. I pray Lord Jesus that you would bring the right man into her life at the right time and that she would know by the fruit of his character that this man is the man you have for her as a blessing and a lifetime partner. I pray between now and the time they cross paths that you would prepare both of them spirit, soul, and body. I pray for favor and blessings to go everywhere Delightful Soul goes....In Jesus Name...amen. Bless you sister! =)

  2. I was standing on the land, looking out to an island across the water. It was a good distance away with a lot of water around it. (To row a boat out there would have def taken a long time) It looked like a bunch of trees were shaped all together forming a HUGE green shaped turtle. Then all of a sudden I was inside of this so called turtle building and I was being given a tour of what was inside. The first thing I saw was Hugh Hefner sitting in a chair relaxing, and I knew this was his home/world. Inside there were all kinds of promiscuous women walking around in bathing suits. One woman was in a pool, and she said 'you have to be careful of this pool, there are diseases in it, some people catch it and some dont. Be especially careful not to touch the bottom, the disease is definitely catchy if you touch the bottom.' I did not speak in return to the woman, and continued to tour around the mansion. I definitely did not plan on staying there. I don't know who exactly was giving me the tour. At the end of the dream I seen one of the girls that I used to babysit for there...she was an adult now and joined this world or house with Hugh Hefner and all these promiscuous women. Once again, I didn't talk to her or anyone in the house.

    ~~~My thoughts are maybe I should be praying for this girl, and God is giving me this dream to intercede for her for protection and salvation. Looking for confirmation and also any other revelations from the Holy Spirit I could be missing on this.

  3. Had a dream about my ex-fiance, he was holding a baby that was wearing a human velcro suit. He was going to toss the baby onto a velco wall...you know the kind that adults do for fun! The baby was about 6 months old and was a little girl~I was thinking..."What is this loon thinking!!! This is NOT for a BABY!!!" Yet in the dream they had the little suit made just for a baby. I didn't feel like it was 'our' baby or that we were really together in the dream...but at the end of the dream I remember looking down at a bracelet that I was wearing and it was gold and in the dream he gave it to me! (IRL this man never really bought much for me, except for the engagement ring that I gave back to him when I broke off our engagement! Im SO thankful that I didn't marry this man and that I waited for my Christian husband that I now have!)

    Looking for confirmation...thinking this may be for me to either 'stick' with something i may have started six months ago....or to 'stick' or stay on the course for something good that may happen 6 months from now...any ideas????

  4. Wow! I can totally relate with wanting leaders approval...I have found it very painful when it seems that a person I so respect seems to think I am not making the best choices. It has made me doubt my own decision making abilities. When Im for sure that the intent of that person was to try and protect me. Boy, have I struggled with this one. Its been a real struggle for me to try and break out of this..but the Lord is really helping me to trust my own discernment and the prompting of the Holy Spirit regardless if others opinions differ from what I feel the Lord is leading me to do. I still struggle in the area, but am growing...lol. I will lift you up in prayer for sure sister~please do the same for me! =)

  5. Hi Delightful, Im not an interpreter, these questions just came to my mind when reading your post. Do you IRL ever worry about picking the wrong person to marry? Do you feel suspicious about anyone in particular recently IRL that maybe you discern or think may not be 100% truthful about who they are or what their intentions might be??? Just my thoughts...

  6. My husband and I were at a retail store of some sort and as we were in line I noticed that we had an unredeemed winning lottery ticket. The funny thing is, instead of being a cash prize, it was a free banquet dinner that we won. lol! The ticket was expired-and we were just as bummed as we would be in real life if it was a cash prize! We wished we would have redeemed it in time.
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