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Posts posted by Angelique

  1. HAHA!! I just read Owens post! Talk about SPOT ON!! God totally nagged me, pursued me relentlessly! I even tried to join a small group and the Lord would let me have no peace as I knew He was wanting me to teach. So with in a few weeks of saying I absolutely would not lead anything, I was the Women's Ministry Worship Leader and Teaching a Small group of 23 ladies. LOL!!! Many are the plans in a mans (or womans) heart, but its the Lords purpose that prevails!

  2. Very interesting journey I've been on but I now see this dream beginning to manifest. Long story but I will try to make it as short as possible. When I had this dream I had recently moved away from my home for my husbands work. I remember thinking that the sanctuary felt like my home church but bigger. I dismissed this because I figured I was just missing home. Well 2 years later and a move across the country and now we are back home. God has brought us back to our home church and we are serving again. This was a long and painful 2 years and a lot of desert so I came back feeling like I wasn't ready and didn't want to step back into leadership though I was pursued. I dug my heels in for a very short while but the Lord kept sending people my way, one of which is our Worship Pastor to confirm that HE was waning me to step up. So I did. reluctantly and with and exit strategy only as a team member and not a leader. I would help out. Circumstances arose that landed me in leadership despite my best efforts to avoid it. I have been struggling and on the fence not feeling ready for all this would require spiritually, emotionally and with my time. Our Pastor shared about the new building we will be in next summer and that it is over twice the size of the building we are in now and the Lord brought this dream back to my mind. Anyway, needless to say, no more reluctance in giving myself to what God has for me to do. :) I appreciate your help on this one Godchick!!

  3. I have had two dreams in the last week or two that seem very similar. I have been praying for understanding but have only bits and pieces so I am hoping someone can maybe offer some objective insight.

    The first dream was of an intense Lightning storm. I was looking out my door or window at my husband and son who were outside. There was a lot of flat land backed up by two hills or small mountains. Im not certain but it felt as if I were facing West in both dreams if that matters. In the sky above the mountains a lightning storm began to light up the sky. It was immediate and absolutely awe inspiring. I called to my son and husband to come in as I knew the storm was building. There was a light rain. The lightning began to strike the two hills but specifically the one on the right. It was so intense and so bright that all you could see was white light at times. There was so much lightening that it engulfed the hill on the right and then did it a second time. The second time the lightning consumed the mountain and left it charred.

    The second dream is similar but yet different. It feels like a part two. I was in a room with my husband. It seemed like a hotel as we were up several stories. I was looking out the window again and began to speak out scripture though I cant remember what it was. I do remember that I felt as though God was calling me to prophesy. It looked like the same scene out the window but now the hills or mountains were covered in snow. As soon as I finished speaking out the words it began to rain. But this was a very heavy rain. It immediately began pouring out of the sky so heavy that it saturated everything outside instantaneously. I knew something was going to happen as I looked at the mountain and began to step back as my husband stepped closer. We could see the mountain beginning to erode and that a huge mudslide was on our way like a flood. My husband closed the shutters and put the mattress up against the window and held back anything that was trying to get in. When it stopped, which seemed almost immediate, he opened the shutters and right outside our window was dirt & debris, a palm tree, and a car. We were several stories up and understood that we would need to stay here for a while so we left the room to check on the others. I went to check on my children who I found right away. They were safe and unafraid. My husband and I were unafraid the whole time. There was no sense of panic but only doing what we needed to do. My daughter was sitting at a table with others eating and I told her to wait as we may need to ration our supplies. I went to search out what our resources were and was concerned about taking care of everyone with us. There seemed to be too many to count. As i went through the halls looking for supplies I was checking on everyone and asked what they needed. Then I came to a door and opened it and was awestruck. I found a storeroom that was so big and tall and wide that I couldn't see the end of it. I didn't know where to start (in a good way). It was filled to the brim with every kind of food and drink and it went on and on and on it seemed in every direction. My mind couldn't conceive how this could be where it was as it was so much larger than even the hotel. I stood in awe and at peace.

    Any help would be appreciated!

    Thank you!!

  4. Hi Owen,

    You have received some great counsel here. My heart goes out to you. I was in a similar situation once and the Lord did not release me to leave. That was difficult. Instead He requested of me to love, cover, serve and pray for those who were over me for a season. Eventually the Lord did release me to leave and when I left I did it with honor and in peace. The owner eventually came to me a time later and apologized for the behavior and shared how God had brought conviction through my service and then departure.

    I dont know what God will require of you but I am certain that He has placed you there for a reason as your heart is so right! You understand that it is not our place to judge but to allow the Holy Spirit to bring conviction. There are times where He may call us to bring correction but this is not the norm and He usually uses people that have a place of influence with those needing the correction... (ie Samuel to Saul, Nathan to David, etc)

    I like what Cholette said. Just watch and pray and pray and watch what God does! I know it grieves your spirit as it grieves the heart of God which is why I am certain your prayers will be effective! Praying for strength for you to endure this season with integrity and peace. So remember to rest in the JOY of the Lord; Carry it all to the cross and let Jesus to the heavy lifting!

    God bless you!!

  5. I was on FB for a few and was reading several of my friends posts about the ever present unending love of God no matter who or where we are. Then a question popped into my head, "What is your response to this love?" I began to think about what the difference is between those who love and serve God and surrender their lives to Him and those who don't and a very basic thought is that it is our response to the Love He offers. Some realize their need for Him and the VALUE of what he offers and others don't. And then even in that there are varying degrees.... How much do I really value the love that He has.. that cost Him His very son, that cost Jesus His perfect and blameless life, that the Holy Spirit beckons to reveal every day? If I allow myself to meditate on all He offers in the light of all that I have done I am undone. He offers all of himself and holds nothing back from me. As if relationship with the Father of all creation isn't enough He has extended to me as a redeemed and adopted child of God promises, blessing, direction, provision, healing, unending forgiveness, unconditional love, friendship, counsel, peace, joy, hope, victory.... well you get the picture!

    Anyway this line of thought blessed me and brought me into His presence today as life was crashing down around me trying to pull me into the emotions of my circumstances. This helped me to reset my line of sight back onto the Kingdom of God and my life as a member! I am so grateful to God for chasing me down and breaking me with His lovingkindnesses. Now I just want to chase after Him with all that I am (after I pick myself up off the ground in humble gratitude and worship) today and every day and shout from the rooftops how wonderful, amazing, awesome and lovely He is!

    What's your response to His love today?

  6. I totally agree Christi!! One Pastor friend of mine always says.. if you've got the joy of the Lord it should show on your face! I've been bitter and hopeless before... NEVER GOING BACK there! I LOVE to laugh and am so grateful for the Joy I have IN HIM no matter what life throws at me!! Not saying there are no tears but I have yet to lose my JOY! Just keeping my my eyes are on HIM...

  7. Got it. Well.. that can be a really good thing considering all that God did there! :) Hang in there... our situation is precarious at best as well. I am praying for you and me both bro!! I am just trusting and believing in all that HE IS to get us through no matter what the terrain of the journey looks like. Praying for Peace until the provision manifests!!

  8. That is AWESOME Daphne! Great analogy!!

    LOL@ JA1721 "Well they ARE CHICKENS" hahhahahahahaa! Clever girl!

    "is there any general difference between our voices and his voice."

    I had a good friend once help me with this... I asked the same question when I was first learning to hear and distinguish His voice from my own. My very wise and amazing friend told me that I should always go with what gives me PEACE. It may not make you happy, or comfortable, or warm and fuzzy.. but God's will ALWAYS leaves me with a deep and abiding PEACE. Even if what I am hearing goes against everything I WANT to do... That is how I know it's HIM. Whereas my voice... (I can convince my self of just about anything BTW) may be saying what would make me happy or what MAKES SENSE to my carnal mind, but there is a deep uneasy gut check when its not in line with God. I hope this helps... There will probably be a lot of trial and error and that is OKAY!!! God never gets angry at you for LEARNING to hear His voice... The more you step out there and experience it the more you will recognize what is Him and what is you. You really do ask GREAT questions!

  9. Hello all you lovely God-loving, Jesus stalkin' beautiful Kingdom kids!

    I am just gonna reach out for a bit of prayer support. This year has been one of the most difficult years of our lives.. along with many others I know! We moved away from our church, ministries, friends etc to take a job here in Las Vegas (we also believed God was calling us here) about 9 months ago. We found out about 6 weeks ago that the company is selling. So far over the last 6 weeks this company has fired most of its Executive and Management staff. Praise God my husband has not been one of those fired, but instead the owner of the company and the COO has approached my husband to come up with a business model selling only a certain portion of the company and keeping the part that my husband manages along with a few others. My husband did so, the COO and owner presented the business model to the board and things are looking promising to move ahead with this plan. HOWEVER (you saw this coming right?) there is a person in the company who stands to gain more financially if they sell off the entire company even though it is not in the best interest of the owner and this person has been sabotaging the company and certain managers to suit his own interests. My husband is wise and is a Godly man of integrity and has exposed these inconsistencies just die to his impeccable work ethic and eye for detail. My husband has asked a lot of questions trying to understand these inconsistencies and as such (I believe) made an enemy of this individual. Okay.. so with that said... we are still waiting to see what is going to happen with this company and in the mean time my husband is still subject to this individual. My hubby called just now and has been called into his office along with the HR director. Which is how each person has been fired in the past 6 weeks.

    Please just keep us lifted up. I trust that God sees and has a plan and I am not afraid of what the enemy might be planning... but I am also wise enough to recognize his attack and the see the need for some prayer warriors to come along side me.

    God Bless you in advance and THANKS!!

  10. hehee. You are so very welcome! Just be sure to brag on ow God comes through! I love to hear about how He puts us in situations where we have no one / nothing to look to but HIM! Because I KNOW HE IS FAITHFUL. It isnt something He does.. it simply is WHO HE IS! He cant Help it! He is looking for opportunities to bless His kids and show off who He is!! This is just an opportunity for Him to come into your impossible situation and BE GOD. It never feels good to the flesh but on the other side... (however long that takes.. I pray quickly) when we get to experience Him in new ways... you look at that trial as a BLESSING. That is how we can have JOY even in the midst of sorrow. Because WE KNOW IN WHOM WE HAVE BELIEVED!! Cant wait to hear the praise report!!

  11. Amen Delightful!! So true!! Hang in there Hiskid. Take courage in the fact that You must be doing something RIGHT! Your enemy is trying to stop you! Greater is He that is in you!!! Keep following your maker in humble service and keep loving and praying for the hubster! God has you covered sweets!! I will be praying for you! Please keep us posted.

  12. I stumble again, I’ve lost my way, can’t get back to the place where I used to be, You feel so far, so far away but I know it must be me… have I run off again on my own path, my own way? Have I lost sight of our secret place? No passion in me, just pain and misery with the hole in my heart that needs you.

    Nothing else satisfies; you are all I need so why do I keep trying to fill my life with everything but you. Come and save me again, wash me anew and bring me back to you. I can’t find my way. I need you to save me today.

    Everything’s going so well, yeah I am feeling so swell, got favor and fortune alike. Friends all around, I hear the sound of laughter and sweet conversation. Winds at my back, the sun’s shining down, the road rises up to meet me, but no passion in me, just pain and misery with the hole in my heart that needs you.

    Nothing else satisfies; you are all I need so why do I keep trying to fill my life with everything but you. Come and save me again, wash me anew and bring me back to you. I can’t find my way; I need you to save me today.

    And I stumble again, I stumble again, will you still love me? Will you still save me? Have I gone too far this time? I don’t deserve your love, it’s more than enough but yet I stumble, I stumble again…

    I stumble again, I’ve lost my way, can’t get back to the place where I used to be, You feel so far, so far away but I know you are here… I am listening for you to show me your way, I long to be with you in our secret place. Your passion fills me, no pain and misery with the hole in my heart filled with you.

    Nothing else satisfies; you are all I need so I will keep trying to fill my life with everything that is you. And you save me again, and wash me anew and bring me back to you. Your love is the way; I delight in my savior today.

  13. Ps 27:13 I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.

    Standing .. Believing... praying with you and for you! As a citizen of Heaven (YOU) I am confident that our Lord has you covered no matter what it looks like or what the trials are / will be. He is Jehovah Jirah!

  14. I think its process. The more time you spend with Him, the more you get to know His voice. Sometimes He speaks more than others, some times it is louder than others. Sometimes there will be seasons of silence that are difficult but necessary for maturity. It's all a process. The simplest answer is just to Listen... and then when you do hear Him.. respond! And when you don't hear Him..WAIT and Trust. Not much help, huh? LOL! He wants to know YOU. He wants all of YOU. So He will make this all very personal between You and HIM. There is no method or step by step guide. It is all about building your relationship with Him because He is jealous for you. Yes there are certain things you can do that make hearing Him easier, like fasting, praying, seeking, spending time with Him everyday and being in His word every day but the motive should always be just to know Him and to be with Him. Hearing Him will be a natural byproduct of your relationship with Him if you take the time to listen. Spend as much time in your prayer time (if not more) Listening to Him as petitioning and talking to Him. I do hope this is helpful.
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