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Posts posted by tjw

  1. Thank you Cholette. I prayed before even posting this in hopes that God would send one here who could really help me figure out what this means. I could not shake the dream off once I woke up. I just hate to see my babies attacked in any way. I will pray about this continuously. I have never fasted and prayed about anything before but my baby is on the line thus I will do it...

  2. I had a disturbing dream last night about my daughter that I need help with. I only remember bits and pieces of the dream but here goes: At one point I see my daughter as a baby in her crib. She then starts to levitate in the air but was able to hold on to the crib and prevent herself from floating completely. I see this happening but somehow shake it off as not really happening and then she is once again standing in the crib normally. Then she is in her present age and she is talking to me and all of a sudden her face morphs into a demon face and voice. I command the demon to leave her at once in the name of Jesus and it goes and she is normal again. She later tells me that this demon bothers her when she is alone and tells her worrying things to updet her. I instruct her that all she needs to do is call on Jesus and it will go. She asks me if this is a demon possession and I tell her no. I am not wanting to believe such a thing can happen to her.

    I had another dream in the past where I saw her lying on a mattress asleep in my childhood home. When I woke her up as she opened her eyes her pupils were large and black like a demon you see on tv. I commanded the demon to leave immediately in the name of Jesus and it did and she was ok.

    What could all this mean??

  3. Hello!
    I only remember a short portion of this dream a few days ago:
    I dreamed I stumbled upon several pairs of beautiful silver dangle earrings that I had put away and forgot about. They were exactly the kind of earrings I would love and wear in real life. I was very happy to rediscover them....

  4. No actually. IRL I am trying to get into medical school. It has been a couple years now. I already work in the medical field in a different aspect but want to go to medical school. One dream I had recently was where I was in school (not sure if it was medical school) walking with some classmates and I passed by a medical school student who I hoped would not recognize me. I have worked with this student just recently IRL at my current job. This student is doing an internship for the summer at my hospital where I work. As I thought this in the dream, I saw myself wearing the clothing I wear for my job position now. Just like you see in cartoons where a bubble pops up at the top of the screen when the character is thinking about something. This has given me hope that maybe this means my day is coming and perhaps at the same school this student goes to....

  5. daphanie02 wrote:
    I love this dream! The Lord is already giving you confirmation ahead of time that no matter what storm may rear its ugly head, you will make it through unharmed. So when the situation arises, this dream will bring you comfort through what ever lies ahead. Glory to God!

    I should also mention too that recently I have been wondering about a couple of hopeful dreams God had given me in the past as to whether they would manifest. I was thinking how so many of my other dreams He has given me HAVE come to past but these couple of hopeful dreams have not yet. I was thinking that maybe I had been wrong and maybe they would not come true although I wish they would as they are about a special desire of my heart. I had been getting a bit discouraged about it. Perhaps God is trying to tell me that just as he brought the other dreams to fruition, he will bring these particular ones to fruition as well. Perhaps He wants to assure me that the dreams He gives me are an assurance of just that.....

  6. Good morning!
    My dream today:

    I was outside with others, can't remember exactly what we were doing. As I turned around from the group I saw many other adults herding a large group of children in a line into a building frantically. I looked up at the sky and saw that it was turning dark and cloudy as a hurricane was on the horizon (it appeared just like you would see a hurricane on t.v. but had a pinkish-red hue to it) heading straight for us. I and my sister hurriedly went also into the building for safety. The children and us all gathered together in a large huddle under some tables against a wall for protection. A large window faced us and we all looked outside watching as the hurricane was barreling down upon us. I then remembered a dream I had about this very event and told everyone that God had given me a dream about this and that we would be ok. Everyone cheered, happy that we would be ok. I then told everyone to shout out the name of Jesus for protection. The children and I began to chant out loudly, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus..." We looked to our right out another large window and could see the hurricane coming, not sure if it was another hurricane or the same one. My sister got up and went to the back of the building to find an even safer place for us to hide. There was a covered manhole on the floor which she lifted up the top to look in. It was dark inside and seemed to have some water down below. I said to myself that it probaly was not a good idea to go down into it as it may not be safe. I was comfortable in the fact that we would all be ok...

  7. Ok so not a fan AT ALL of this family which makes my dream all the more curious.

    The dream:
    I dreamed I was a close family friend of the inner circle of the Kardashians. Kim and her family were planning a big birthday party for her grandfather. I was invited. Somehow the media got wind of the party and lots of everyday people who don't know the family starting showing up on the party day parking outside in the family's parking lot. There were a lot of cars parking. The Kardashian security guards made the uninvited people leave. I noticed then the parking lot held a lot fewer cars. I remebered thinking how special I was as I was in the inner circle and belonged. As this was the party day I realized how I should have gotten their grandpa a gift although I knew the family really would not really care if I got him a gift or not. I was so close to the family almost like a member too. But still I thought it would be in bad taste not to. As I set off to purchase him a gift I remembered how one of the Kardashian sisters told me how their grandpa liked a certain fashionable brand of house slippers. I decided I would buy those slippers to make him happy. When I got to the mall I could not find the exact brand and saw some that were similar. I decided I would still try to get exactly what he liked as this might not sit well with the family who would think it was kind of tacky not to get exactly what he wanted, like I had gotten a "knock off" gift instead....

  8. Ok so I had this dream about a month ago before the "Time for a shower" dream recently. Please read that one first then this and see what you think.

    The dream:
    A co-worker of mine IRL who assists me in a medical clinic at work walked up to me in my dream and smiled and said, "I have the perfect mate for you". I remember thinking to myself how I'm already married but still I felt happy about this and was ready to meet him. All this seemed perfectly fine to do. Then I was in a school like setting and passed by a cafeteria full of men of all different types, one guy walking passed me was extremely tall with very very long legs looking like a basketball player. The other guys were mostly milling around or sitting down at the tables in the cafeteria as if they were waiting for me to look and choose. Some were black, some white etc. As I passed by and saw all this I was happy and excited wondering which one was "The One". I walked hurriedly by to get to the school showers so that I could clean up and make myself look presentable. Then I woke up....

  9. I dreamed this morning this:
    I was preparing to take a shower in a school like setting. There were others I had to compete with to get my own shower stall. I went about gathering up my supplies to use in the shower such as a shower cap, towels etc. Some of my supplies were a bit ragged not the best in quality but I had to use what I could find. Unfortunately by the time I was ready all the stalls were taken. I set out down a long hallway to get to something like a principal's office. I went in and asked the ladies there if I could use the available shower stalls they had as there were some inside their office. The office ladies said no that none were available. I was disappointed and left out closing the door behind me. As I turned to leave down the hallway one of the ladies stepped out and quietly gestured to me by winking her eye and pointing to a closed door nearby. At first I was puzzled as to what she meant but went and opened the door and to my delight was a brand new private bathroom with shower. It was so new I could smell the fresh paint on the walls. I was happy I had the place all to myself and proceeded to lock the door so that I could have my shower....

  10. I dreamed this morning:

    My mother, myself and I think my sister went to a mall. We were standing at a counter not sure if it was the makeup area or not. The person behind the counter handed us each free complimentary gift bags. I remember thinking it was Christmas time. When she began to hand us one of the bags I went to get it but it went to my sister instead. I remember being a bit disappointed but I realized the bag I received was just as great. I was happy with it. Next we decided we would go further into the mall to do two things, one thing I can't remember and the other was to get our nails done. For some reason getting our nails done was going to be a big mall event and we knew a lot of people would be going to do the same thing. In fact as we walked further I began to see long, long lines leading up to a couple of tables where people were getting their nails done. I decided I would go ahead to get mine done instead of doing the other thing we had set out to do first. My mother and sister went on elsewhere while I approached the line to wait to get my nails done. Somehow I was able to reach the table quicker than I thought although the lines were very long. When I approached the table I was perusing the different items that were available to be put on my nails as decoration after they would be painted. My hand was resting on the counter. When I looked down I realized the girl at the table went ahead and painted my thumbnail a gold color and some of the paint was chipped. I was annoyed that she went ahead and did not ask me what I wanted first. I told her that that was not the color I wanted and proceeded to grab a fuschia nail polish for her to use instead. This is a color I would like in real life. She was supposed to paint it with the new color I gave her but when I looked down again it was painted gold and was chipped. I was angry that she didn't really care to follow my request and did a sloppy job. I decided I would report her to her boss. After reporting her I left and sometime later in the dream she approached me in a hostile manner as she was angry I told on her. She was going to try to beat me up. She began throwing locker locks at my children who were with me at that point but missed. She tried to throw some at me but missed. She was a big girl and I thought looked tough but I was going to stand my ground and figured I could take her. I was not scared. Then later in the dream someone helped me to get her restrained in a hospital bed until her boss could get there as she was being very aggressive.....

  11. I was listening to one of my favorite pastors on the morning radio today on my way into work. This pastor is well known and well regarded. The topic he spoke on was about God speaking to his people. To my astonishment he said that God does NOT speak to people in dreams today and to disregard this. According to him dreams are confusing and not well understood and God would not speak in this way. He quoted some scriptures from the old testament about old men dreaming dreams and young men having visions and that this was not for today. What gives?? I don't believe this though as God has given me too many dreams that have come to pass that there is no way this could be true. I am just amazed that he would tell people this. ??????

  12. Destine I hope I don't offend as you don't know me on here. I post on occasion. I have been reading about your dreams and although I don't have an interpretation for you I feel as a mother myself to young daughters I should put my two cents in. Please tell your mom about these concerning dreams. If my daughter were having these dreams I would want to know so that I could stand in the gap and pray at the very least. I am very protective of my children and I'm sure your mom is the same way. You should not be going through this alone. It is concerning since the dreams are recurring with the same people in it. This guy seems to be close to your family and therefore has access to you. I can't say for sure if he is the actual one to fear but it sure looks like it as God keeps giving you these dreams over and over. Your mom needs to know so that she can protect you. Please again know I am not trying to offend just afraid for the situation and don't want to see you get hurt.

    P.S. I am and have been praying for you too. God bless you!

  13. OK this sounds strange but it really happened. I was just reading articles online and I came across a headline about Justin Bieber. Immediately as I was reading it I sensed I knew exactly what the article was about to say. In fact I thought to myself "I've already read this...". Except that the article is from today and in the past few hours. I have not read any online articles today at all. Even his picture and the other picture of the young girl I knew I had already seen before. I am thinking God gave me this vision of the article in a recent past dream that I have forgotten about?? I wonder why? Is it a confirmation that things are as He plans it? Interesting....:)

    The article: http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/justin-bieber-attacked-by-fan-onstage-at-dubai-concert-201355

  14. Update again:
    So first off thankfully my mother was found not to have a heart attack and is doing better. We buried my father in law and things are getting better. Turns out this dream had nothing to do with any of this. I woke up this morning to let my pets out. As I opened the back door couldn't believe my eyes. There it was, a HUGE hot air balloon hovering just above our rooftop. The guy was having trouble landing and apparently was trying to land in my neighborhood and perhaps my backyard. He struggled for a bit but blew hot fire and up he went. He hovered around the neighborhood for several more minutes then ascended up and flew away. I said a prayer that he would make it safely back to his real landing spot. The balloon appeared just as it did in my dream, red white and blue like the American flag. Amazing!
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