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Posts posted by tjw

  1. happy dance Oh THANK GOODNESS!! Yes this does resonate with me. I worry about my kids the way the world is going now a days with kids being mistreated and our culture seeming to be turned upside down. Seems everything right is now wrong and everything wrong is viewed as right. I find myself all the time telling them often that what they hear on tv ie the news or about entertainers in the media is not right and to follow what God says. I worry that they will get caught up in this rebellious cultural mess that is going on in America right now. My oldest is 13 going on 14 yes. You are awesome! This eases my mind. I am sooooo glad God has my back. I pray for my babies everyday especially for their safety. I see God wants to reassure me that He's got things under control....Hugs to you! Thank you.....

  2. Ugh whenever I dream about my children I get worried and really hate to post anything for fear I will hear bad news about what it means but I would appreciate any insight as I feel God is trying to speak to me.
    I have had two similar dreams in the past couple weeks:
    1st dream: I was in a patient's house (I work in the medical field). I was talking to the patient and her family as she was lying bed. I was telling them all about my experiences as a health care worker and where I used to work. My kids were in the other room. I heard one of them call out "Mommy..." but it seemed like whatever else was trying to be said was muffled. I finished my conversation with the the patient and her family and went to get my kids in the other room. They were gone! I realized that I was purposely distracted and they had been kidnapped! I was frantic leaving the house to find them. I searched in my car and as I was driving on the freeway I looked to my right and there they were on top of a hill looking distressed. I hurriedly got off the freeway and drove by the hill and parked. There was a large fence seperating me from them. I climbed the fence and jumped over and got my babies. I was so relieved....

    2nd dream: I was with a crowd of people trying to get away from a band of rebels. We would hide in and out of places to get away. At some point the rebels caught up with us and had us lay on the ground. They began to shoot and I got wounded in the leg. The wound did not hurt too bad. I almost didn't know I had been shot. As I got up to run I realized my kids had been snatched. I asked around if anyone had seen them. Someone told me where I could find them. I went to a school of some sort where I was told they were. I went into the school and had to walk down some stairs. Then at some point the stairs dipped down in a wierd way at the bottom and had an opening you had to go through and then climb down a steep ladder. A couple of teachers peered up through the opening and began trying to help me navigate my way in. They knew I was on my way to get my kids. I woke up.....

  3. Update:
    My father in law has died. He lived with us. He was very sick in the last 6 months. Although he was sick we thought he was getting better. This took us by surprise. Our finances are pretty tight as we prepare for his funeral. My husband is so worried and stressed about money and that he died. At the same time his mother is battling with his drug addicted brother who is giving her the blues. He is worried for her health too as she is very old. To top it off, my mother had a mild heart attack yesterday too. I think this is what the dream was about. Please pray for us.....thanks...

  4. OMG Mia thank you! I am so glad you said that. I had really been beating myself up about this mistake. I even had been thinking about how I need to stop trying to do everything perfect because nobody's perfect....God is sooooo good! :) God bless..... happy dance

  5. OH yeah just forgot too, this situation that happened to me with the surgery being cancelled and all happened to her a few times as well in the past and she had been embarrassed and upset about it. Now thinking about what Daisy said too...makes sense now....

  6. Interesting Mia. Just so happens on yesterday I had to fill in for a co-worker as she was off for a few days. I really don't like to do it but as a part of my job have to. I work in a medical clinic and am good at my position as I do it day in and day out. Her clinic I only work when she is gone but feel stressed when I do as it is not as familiar to me. I am always concerned about making mistakes in her absence. On yesterday I missed reporting on an important test result and a surgery had to be postponed. I was kicking myself about. She can be pretty uptight about things and that is her personality. I did tell her what happened but she didn't get mad about it though. I do feel sometimes she can be a bit prickly when approaching her about things. At the same time feel for her because her clinic area is very stressful and she does not get a lot of help. She often talks to me about what happens there and I commiserate with her. I try to give her tips about what she should do to help the situation.....

  7. I dreamed this morning:
    I was at a gathering of family and friends at a family home. One of the friends there had just given birth. Someone else was holding her baby. I went over to the baby as he was so cute I wanted to hold him. I went to pick him up. When I picked him up I began to sit down on the floor with him but it was kind of awkward and his little feet touched the floor. His mother became upset and asked if I would give him back. I was a bit embarrassed as I was clumsy with him but I did as she asked. I thought I might get upset with her as she was stern but then she began to cry lamenting how hard it was breastfeeding her baby and you could see her large engorged breasts. I felt sympathy for her as IRL I had similar trouble with myself trying to breastfeed my children when they were babies. I began to give her tips about how she could reduce the breast engorgement and better breast feed. We both walked out into the garage. Once outside her breast milk began gushing out as it was time to nurse her baby. My breasts then began to swell up and leak milk. There were people outside looking as the garage door was open. My shirt was off as if I were in the process of nursing a baby and the milk was flowing. I tried to cover myself to contain the milk overflow. Someone attended to the lady while I went back inside. Next I was in a room with my sister and told how when I saw that woman's milk flow it stimulated my breasts to do the same. She just kind of looked at me funny and said "Uh huh"....
    End of dream.

  8. Daisy wrote:
    I agree, it could be a call to pray.... .... I say all this to ask you is anyone in your life who these two could possibly symbolize? Sometimes people can symbolize others in dreams. Is there any couples in your life that maybe has had a tendency to have aggression or abusive tendancies that you could think of off hand that this could be pointing to have you lift up in prayer?

    Daisy , I thought about that but no one in my waking life could I compare this too... scratching chin

  9. Hello!
    Not sure if this dream is about the actual singers but nothing like this is going on in my personal life. The dream was very vivid. My dreams tend to be symbolic but I have literal dreams as well.

    The dream:
    I dreamed that Rihanna was very angry at Chris Brown as he had been deceptive. He was continuing to have an outside relationship while courting her at the same time. She was fed up and decided she was going to kill him. She tricked him into coming to see her under false pretenses. He was to meet her at a swimming pool location. He thought everything between them was ok. They went swimming. She was on a float. She tricked him into swimming under the float to see or do something. When he went under she took out a gun and shot him in the head. Although he was hit he thought to himself how he could not believe she would do that to him and was struggling to keep alive. Other people that were around at the scene were also shot by Rihanna although they had nothing to do with her anger. She just wanted to take her revenge out on anyone close by. I was a bystander watching all this unfold but got away safely......

  10. I remember only this one part of my dream that I had last night:

    I was in a hot air balloon and determined it was time to land. I pulled the handle above my head to start to descend but I must have pulled something wrong and the balloon began to drop furiously. I was afraid I would crash. But a man was with me in the balloon and grabbed hold of the handle and landed us safely....

  11. Now this dream was just plain weird. I dreamed recently that I went in my daughter's closet and found a shoebox on the floor. I took the top off and there were 3-4 snake large eggs. I was startled as one of the eggs began to hatch and numerous small baby snakes began to come out of the egg. I screamed and ran out of the room and shut the door so that the snakes could not get out. But at least 2 slithered under the door. I was scrambling to get away and get my kids away so that they would not be bitten. Then a small cute puppy walked up to a pile of goop lying on the floor that apparently came out of the snake egg or was what became of one of the baby snakes. He picked up the rubbery goop in his mouth and began to shake it around like a dog would a bone. I thought to myself that if this cute puppy did not get poisoned by this then it can't hurt us. The other escaped snake seemed to turn into a harmless worm. End of dream.

    What is weird is that I had completely forgotten that prior to this dream I read a story in the news about a toddler boy who found some eggs outdoors and brought thm home and placed them in a shoebox in his closet. His mother found the shoebox and the eggs had hatched with live baby snakes coming out. After this dream I read about this story again and remembered....Is this just a soulish dream or something? No meaning really?... scratching chin

  12. I dreamed this morning that I was at a large apartment complex. There was an apartment in the complex that was considered a hot commodity, one that many buyers wanted to purchase. My husband and I owned the property. The apartment was located outside strangely. There were no walls around the apartment. It was if it were a part of the outdoors. I remember thinking it was outdoors but tucked away inside the complex somehow. My husband negotiated a deal and someone bought it from us. Plans were in the works to furnish the site with the latest classy furniture such as you would see on one of those decorating shows on HGTV. I asked my husband how much we got for the property and he said there was an 800 dollar deposit upfront and then we would receive a monthly check somewhat of a lesser amount. I remember being a bit disappointed that the monthly amount was a bit less than the deposit but overall very happy with the deal... scratching chin

  13. Merry Christmas all!
    My dream this morning (I remember just bits and pieces):

    I dreamed I was getting ready to get married to a handsome man (IRL already married). I was happy about this. At some point I applied a red flower to my wedding gown which stained it a bit but I was able to cover it and it was not so noticeable. I was not too upset about it. I took off the dress later and looked at myself in the bathroom mirror. I smiled and realized my two front teeth were crooked and loose. I looked at my lower half and wished to myself that I had shaved a bit better. I was a bit disappointed that my appearance was not 100% perfect for my soon to be husband. I decided to put on some pretty lingerie under my wedding gown to please my fiance. But I did get married and I was happy. I then found myself at my job which I was preparing to leave early to go home to my new spouse. My co-worker commented at her surprise that I had just gotten married yet I went in to work anyway. I was calm and happy on my way to see my new mate....

  14. I had this awesome dream this morning. I think I know pretty much what it means but would like some input.
    The dream:
    I was getting my hair done at a beauty shop and the stylist cut my hair in the back but I did not want her to cut it. I like my hair long and IRL get nervous when it's time for a trim hoping I won't get my hair chopped off too short. Then the stylist was styling my hair a second time and for the second time she cut my hair in the back some more. As she was doing it I could see her holding up the hair just before she was about to cut it. The hair ends were a bit ragged but still I didn't want it cut. IRL I know that trimming the split ends helps your hair to grow but still I hate getting it done in fear too much will be chopped. This second time it was cut just made me angry and upset. I began to cry and become vexed. The stylist then offered me a free makeover to make me feel better. This made me excited and happy. IRL I never had a makeover before and wouldn't mind one. ;) A very chic celebrity type makeup artist came in the room and began applying makeup to my face. I was feeling good. As he was working on me a crowd of people stood off to the side watching me get done up. I could hear music in the background playing a song by the "GoGo's" called "My Lips Are Sealed" or is it "Our Lips Are Sealed"?? Anyway, I was almost ready to then get my hair done when I woke up. I woke up feeling happy. Loved this dream....:)
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