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Posts posted by judgehopkins

  1. I had a very vivid dream of being in/getting into a car on a ferry that was about to leave and/or cross a body of water. I was not driving the car but was climbing into/riding in the back seat.

    In my waking life I had some major changes several months ago, that were not of my own making. As of now, there is a lot of uncertainty regarding the next immediate phase/step of my life.

    Thanks for any insight ahead of time

  2. Last night I had a dream involving a dog walking around
    on the ground searching for an object and walking between
    people's feet.

    Currently in my waking mode, I am looking for some legal services pertaining
    to my past and am having a hell of a time finding someone who knows how
    do deal with the issue.

    the issue is incredibly complicated and involves employment/civil/educational/
    contracts/fraud and now has criminal possibilities too. I am not going to be charged with
    anything, but the people who perpetrated the problem against me are.


  3. I had two dreams a week ago, may not be related.
    1) traveling great distances through cities outside of borders over a long period of time.
    Then reentered original map/land by crossing back over border.
    2) Then I was in a cage watching several chimpanzees/monkeys dancing on a row..
    Then the chimpanzees left the cage and dragged dead desiccated chimpanzee
    mummies out of the cage behind them. Then a large gorilla was let out of a cage
    At the end of the room. The gorilla then roared and then my visual perspective
    Of the gorilla. Then I woke up.
    3) for context I've been dealing with a lot of legal issues from school from quite
    Some time ago where I was falsely accused for misdeeds and my paperwork
    Was falsified. May not be related.


  4. Had dream overnight where I was the subject of some sort of non-invasive health testing. I was shown a chart of my blood vessels. Then I also had a Tube put down my throat and withdrawn And then “given the all clear"/ heard "now he's ready."

    There were no overwhelming evil emotions with this nor were there anyny visions of hideously mutilated bodies that were for some reason

    Living even though the mutilation would have rendered the body unable to live.

    The dreams of the mutilated bodies usually occurred the night prior to the day of me not getting the job that I was looking for.

  5. Dream that felt like I was playing a video game. My field of view was from behind person. At one point I was lying with a pregnant woman. Then I was running around outside a building.

    While I was running around I would stumble onto money, like in a video game. Then I find a dumpster with a pile of money in it.

    I've been posting on here off and on fire years. Several dreams of significance have come to pass.

    I certainly don't know what to think about this one...


  6. So about a week ago I had a dream where I was walking/driving through
    a downtown area of a city, which I did not recognize. Then, I was in my
    vehicle and attempting to move the vehicle and it was rocking back and forth.

    Then I had an exterior view of the truck and I saw that the rear wheels of
    the vehicle were stuck in a pool in a park and holding it back and then, from
    what I can recall, the truck got unstuck from the pool and started moving forward.

    Side note, I have numerous encounters with people that I have known on opposite
    sides of the country in what would otherwise be highly statistically improbable over
    many years. Many of these were a day to the year apart from other encounters in
    large and/or distant places.

    Along the way I have been in a massive holding pattern waiting for something that
    the calm and quiet voice promised.

    An interpretation would be appreciated.


  7. If i could have a prayer said by you and/or your friends? I would really appreciate it.

    Just had a dream that I was going to the church I grew up at, which i avoid, that is another story. Started playing with large tigers, which then started attacking me. And then I was playing with a baby that was missing its hand.

    Then I went into auditorium of the church, all the lights went out. People were rushing out the door. And a person in the dream said to me "nothing like this has happened since all the missionaries were sent out the same year my mom was." And I'm like all, what about Wayne Grudem, and "then a bunch of other 20th century biblical scholars...

    I haven had anything that specific/vivid in a dream, esp. When I was having a conversation with the dream, in years.

    The last ones happened 3+ years ago, before I was in Miami, and all the night prior to me not getting the job positions I was looking for. One involved baby whose mother I was talking to and could remove its skin and the baby waved at me, another involved a woman who was talking and was missing a quarter of her face. And another set of hands torturing a flayed body.

    At one point I received a letter at work from a person that ultimately didn't exist didn't exist. Claimed healthy care credentials. Ran a search on state licensing site, they didn't exist.

    I didn't get the jobs. I've also had visions of the future that came true.

    I've also had a calm soothing voice speaking a girl's name, and that girl have birth.

    Dream last week of a sequence of cards with scenarios being arranged/rearranged, they were being explained, and then one was explained as " the Master" or "the end" or something...

    I was on my laptop today trying to send an email for the same type of position. Computer ran an update and didn't restart. Same happened years ago.

    My fear is that it is all happening again... Don't know how to explain... Possibly demon trailing me again... Last time the visions showed me this, it was with all the jobs I wanted, then prior to that for 1 month while looking for job I wanted. At one point, 1st time, a full year and a half.

    Ali this while running in to people I know in exotic unfamiliar locales on the opposite sides of the continent, curiously coordinated with each other.

    Thanks again!!!

  8. Had dream last night of a matching band or possibly bands and drum lines moving in unison.

    I've also had numerous unplanned encounters with acquaintances in waking life on far different parts of the country from people from my past. On occasion curiously times to coincide with prior encounters.

    Had dream several years ago with a cloud that I was humming with and then the cloud came at me. When this happened, all sorts of people that were acquaintances with me start to thank me out of the blue. Same thing happened q year prior.

    Also, recently adopted hobbies associated with someone promised in a vision many years ago. Adopted in an effort to prepare myself to take joy in this person taking not in what they enjoy.

    Got in line to purchase access, was deterred for 15 minutes to get the evening rate. Got in line for the evening rate, guy walks straight up next to me and asks if I want to split a two for one coupon... Saved $18!

    Any insight appreciated.

  9. I had a dream last night of various statues fighting, they were shades of gray, black, and/or white. And at one point there was one of these statues shooting out of the sky, like lightning, then began fighting.

    All the while there was a voice announcing "oh, here comes a ..."

    Interpretations would be appreciated.

  10. I had another dream this AM.
    They seem to be coming more regularly now...

    I was in a towering vehicle, like a baby's high chair in a town. Then I was following some people around town into a large cathedral into which I was getting ready toenter., but has not yet done so...

    I also posted other dreams yesterday

  11. In the past, about 3+ years ago, I found myself having a series of dreams that led forth to one of the
    most difficult periods of times in my life. I made it through this with much difficulty. Through this I also
    found myself on opposite sides of the country, separated from the familiar by both time and space, encountering people from my home in large cities when the statistics weighed heavily against the encounter.

    After several years of quiet, in January of this year, I was once again 1000 miles from home with a friend when in downtown Key West I encountered an acquaintance on Duval Street. This occurrence is almost identical in form to that encountered in 2010/2011.

    At one point I had a dream of the Still and Quiet Voice speaking the name of a coworker. The image was of a happy gentleman, the followed by a woman delivering a child. Then a few weeks later there was a dream of me driving a vehicle through the woods, then stopping with the door open, the door closing, then driving off, the whole time the Voice was speaking the same name. At this time I was away from where I lived for a month.

    Upon my return, there were occurrences in my daily life that reflected in some way, shape, or form, those statements that were spoken of in the visions. And as was noted in the driving vehicle, I was taken from this person at that time.

    Now there have been a series of dreams in July, September, and now almost weekly for the last several weeks...

    July was a vision of me carrying a loved one, and then kissing the loved one on the forehead in a tender manner.

    September, a dream of an intimate encounter with a female, similar to a dream in which this same girl's name was spoken in a still and calm voice.

    October, dream 1) a sort of training situation, akin to a job training/orientation. Dream 2) a face of a/the girl resting on my chest. Dream 3) two skylines separated by a distance in which I ask "is that Flint? is that Detroit?" then not being able to afford something due to "fake money."

    The dreams are always gray scale and many of them speak to emotional longings.

    Any insight would be appreciated.



  12. 3 or 4 weeks ago I had a dream of an angry muscular man (think weight lifter build) with an angry grimace.

    Then in the last 3 weeks my job has been threatened twice, although I will say the first time was
    legitimate, the second was blown out of proportion.

    Then two nights ago I had a dream in which I was driving a car off road, chasing a calf, or another animal, and
    we ended up driving off road. We cornered the animal after by cutting it off on its path. Then we attached this leash to the animal near the base of its neck.

    Over the last three years there have been several successful and unsuccessful attempts to keep me from pursuing my career. A couple of times, before I had found the position that I wanted, I had dreams of hideously deformed creatures, the night before I was found out that I didn't get the job.

    Three years ago I had a dream where I was told, "you are a terrible physician," then woke up, and for the following month I was unable to successfully obtain a position I interviewed for. At one point I was haunted for 15 months and, when looking at major life categories, found myself facing down lies and legal manipulations that were unfounded or disproportionate to what happened.

    I will also note that once every three months or so, for the last three years, I have found myself in a situation where without a doubt I was the only person who would have been the perfect response. One being a girl with a seizure disorder, another running into people on opposite sides of the continent a year to the other apart, multiple timings on airplanes.

    I have had multiple dreams of hideous creatures, then a period of trouble, sometimes insurmountable, frequently disproportionate to the perceived wrong.

    If someone could interpret this last dream? And as always prayer.



  13. Thanks for the input. These are all great points.
    Over the last several years this, and other websites have been very helpful.

    What strikes me about the last several dreams has been the timing of the dreams. The dream will be right before I am set to receive a decision about a job opportunity. The website of the "Long Island Paranormal Investigators" has a section on demonic dreams and notes that G-d will not allow demons in dreams to appear completely human, they will be missing parts of their faces or their skin etc.

    In one dream that I had, a woman was missing part of her face, in another, a baby was able to remove its skin, in another there were four arms torturing a person on a table. In all of the dreams I heard a voice or was able to speak with the person in the dream.

    With the woman missing her face, I could see her speak, and I thought, "how can a person live missing part of her face?" With the baby missing her skin I spoke to the mother, "No, you need to go to the hospital." To which she replied "No the doctor said its okay..." With the arms torturing the body I heard, "We're done here, there is nothing left. It's over."

    With this last dream, the following day I received an email from a person who is looking to leave the current position that they are occupying.

    There has been a lot of miraculous timing in my recent past. Since I have been unemployed, every time that I am set to run out of money, I find money, or receive money that was "set aside," unbeknownst to me, exactly when I needed it.

    In fact on two occasions, when I approach the thrown of grace in an emotional "funk" in prayer I am MARKEDLY interrupted. The first time, I was riding my mountain bike and I told God what I was going to do, after 45 minutes of telling God the future, I crashed off of my bike far far harder than I should have. I actually thought I had broken my pelvis, I couldn't walk without a limp.

    The second time I was 75 miles from home and was depressed, I was praying for 25 minutes, we pulled over to a farm stand and I was interrupted by a friend of mine who I hadn't seen in three months.

    The day that I crashed off of my mountain bike was a year to the day from when I ran into someone I knew in Los Angeles. I was only in LA for 25 hours. The day I crashed my bike I went into Manhattan and I ran into someone else I knew.

    So, the big question is how do I tell whether this last one is of the Holy Spirit or the Devil. I have been praying that God would change my heart but it hasn't been changed.

    I just don't know what to make of this last one...

    Thanks again

  14. So I have had several dreams, from both the Holy Spirit and of Demonic origin.
    Recently the ones of demonic origin have preceded a desired event. They will start off with some symbols that are utilized from different websites. Then, right around the time that the thing that I am hoping for occurs, there will be a grotesque dream and I will not get what I am hoping for.

    Two nights ago I had a dream, in the middle of the night, in which I was carrying objects, such as if I was moving. There were no "symbols" per se. Then later in the day I got an email about a job that, if I got it, would require me to move. In the past I have had dreams of future events that come true. I have had a few with "symbols," and I have had several of a grotesque figure.

    What I am seeking is to know whether the dream I had two nights ago was of the Holy Spirit, or Demonic? Demonic dreams that I have had have been of grotesque figures or had "dark" backgrounds with "shadowy figures" or have flat out told me that I was a "terrible physician."

    Dreams with a source from the Holy Spirit have either been in "poor focus" like a poorly made film or picture, and have two or three details that can be identified. If there are "symbols" in the dream, it will also be with, "the still, small, voice" the "gentle whisper."

    What I want to know, besides waiting for the dream to become fulfilled, is how I can tell if the dream from two nights ago is of the holy spirit or demonic in origin?



  15. so I had a dream last night in which I was excited about finding a box
    that was buried. Inside the box was a bunch of statues of horses. Everyone
    was very excited about finding these horses buried in the ground.

    Also, I have been looking for a job for quite some time. I have been pretty fortunate
    in that I have had "stores" of resources bestowed upon me from unknown sources at the exact time that I needed it, such as a massive refund of money from an exam, refund of security deposit, and money in an online bank account which I thought I had emptied.

    Interpretations welcomed and thanks ahead of time.


  16. So I have been praying a lot about a work situation. I interviewed three
    weeks ago for a position and I have not heard anything back. I sent an
    email for follow up last night.

    Then I had a dream that I was on a field practicing with a marching band.
    I was in a marching band in high school, but that was fifteen years ago.
    And there were no overt emotions associated with the dream.

    Any ideas?



  17. When the first two dreams occurred, I was looking for a job.
    The day after the dreams, I was denied both jobs.

    I am still looking for a job, I was in communication with two
    different employers the night before the last dream.

    Both jobs are waiting for paperwork to come through at the
    moment. The one job I will love, and the other I will settle for.

    The first two were jobs I would have loved.

  18. Over the last six or so months I have had a series of very grotesque dreams.
    The first two dreams were right around the time that I was looking for a job.
    The first dream was a woman that was missing half of her face, as her skull had a saw taken to it but was able to talk. Then I didn't get the job. The second dream, about three months later, I saw a dream of a baby sitting on a mother's lap and the baby was missing it's skin but was playful, the baby was also able to put the skin back on. The third dream I had was of an individual that was flayed open with muscle exposed and chest opened and still breathing, around whom there was a group of people whom were torturing the body.

    In the first dream, a thought was in my head, how can this person be speaking with half of her face. In the second dream I was speaking with the mother that was holding the baby and telling her that she needed to take the baby to the hospital, at which point she starts to talk to me.

    Last night, the dream in which there was the body that had been flayed and tortured, the "things" that were standing over the body said something along the line of "stop we are done here," at which point the body was covered up.

    If someone could give me some insight I would appreciate it.



  19. I do appreciate it... In the dream the lion was sitting next to me. I have experienced a lot of spiritual warfare with a lot of macabre content, or been under direct attack several times over the last several years.

    There have been times when I have been attacked utilizing authority structures, similar to the pharisees charging Christ before Pilate. I have also had dreams where I was told, "you are a terrible ..."

    Through all of it, even with miracles of timing on opposite sides of the continent one year to the hour apart, I have been shown what was done through me.

    Thanks for the idea,


  20. I don't know... In the dream the third eye had been falling out of my head and I kept putting it back in.

    I have been looking for a job for quite a while and several times when I get close, I have a dream of a grotesque creature/ person then the day I would have the dream I would be told I didn't get the job.

    This started several years ago when I had a dream of a black dwarf attacking me, then a year and some time later, I had a dream of the dwarf being lifted off of me.

    In my prayer life, I will have a moment where I will "tell God what I am going to do" then moments later I will run into a person miles away from home. This can even happen on the other side of the country.

    I was thinking that the lion was protecting me from being attacked by the enemy? I play role playing games on the occasion, but I feel like a lot of the arguments against playing them run a slippery slope...

  21. Ok, so I do not know what to make of this one, and any one who can
    help me would be greatly appreciated.

    Two nights ago I had a dream where I was reclining and I had, what
    I thought to be, a lion sitting next to me. I couldn't see the face of the
    animal, but in the dream I could pet its back.

    Then last night I had a difficult time sleeping when I first went to bed.
    I felt like there was some conflict or something.

    Then tonight I had a dream where I had a third eye in the middle of my
    fore head. I could see better with the third eye than just with my original

    I don't know if this is demonic attack, or what. There has been "stuff" going
    on in my life with these dreams for quite a while, and I did pray for a dream
    from God as evidence of conflict or what was going on, but I did not expect
    a dream of a "third eye."

    After the first dream of the night, I had another dream of a room with a lot of damage in it and belongings strewn about.

    Then I had this dream with this emphasis/ feeling of California?

    I would appreciate ANY insight into this new one.



  22. Ok, so I do not know what to make of this one, and any one who can
    help me would be greatly appreciated.

    Two nights ago I had a dream where I was reclining and I had, what
    I thought to be, a lion sitting next to me. I couldn't see the face of the
    animal, but in the dream I could pet its back.

    Then last night I had a difficult time sleeping when I first went to bed.
    I felt like there was some conflict or something.

    Then tonight I had a dream where I had a third eye in the middle of my
    fore head. I could see better with the third eye than just with my original

    I don't know if this is demonic attack, or what. There has been "stuff" going
    on in my life with these dreams for quite a while, and I did pray for a dream
    from God as evidence of conflict or what was going on, but I did not expect
    a dream of a "third eye."

    I would appreciate ANY insight into this new one.



  23. I have been waiting for a possible new job in Oregon. We have been speaking for about three weeks. About the time that I was supposed to find out whether I was going to get the job, I had a pair of dreams.

    One dream I was sitting at a desk and I think that I was sharpening pencils, then I cleared the desk of everything that was on it. Then that same evening, I had another dream where I was standing on top of a boat fishing for bass. I cast the rod a couple of times, then right before I woke up, I saw a fish chasing the lure that I was using to fish with. Then I woke up.

    Now I "almost" got the job, or, put another way, I need to finish an exam before I will be able to start the job. The exam is in three and a half weeks and then I need to get scores back.

    So, I think those are most of the important details.

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