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Posts posted by musicladyalways

  1. No problem. With me going through so much I've learned how to disassociate "my feelings" in my dreams and real life. It's helping me to understand my dreams more. I believe God is going to repair my marriage fully. :) I think He's been trying to tell me for sometime through my dreams and He's trying to get me somewhere in Him before it all comes together. The last post I wrote that was labeled "Literal or what" you put"He's going to come sooner than you think, suddenly even" ... I did not really understand but the Lord showed me.. you had no idea I was going through in my marriage when you wrote that. You were just interpreting the dream. So, I believe he will repair it and I have just been seeking the Lord and whatever dreams I have I get on here and get help because you really help me. Thank You for allowing God to use you. Thank you for being one of the ones who are LIVING the life. The TRUE christian life. I was just so about to be depressed and sad about my marriage. I thought it was just over because I have not heard from him. I believe God is going to and has already started to work on him. With my deepest and sincerest appreciation I thank you. I felt like all these other people who prophcied about my marriage where a bunch of phonies. But... I guess not. :) Love you sooo much for being True to the call of God on your life.

  2. Dream I just woke up from: I was at my mom's home. I ended up Downtown somehow. I somehow ended up almost in a police car. There was a young lady who led me through a series of doors and rooms. We took back hallways, back door to entrances and back streets in order to get into this building. As I entered the room(work/computer place)) there where college/teen girls sitting at computers and they looked familiar. I was feeling like: I am supposed to be helping them. Why am I here and it looks like they are about to help me? Two of them had pictures of themselves on the computers. As I continued walking. I was led to a room where there were two guys and a young lady. They were supposed to take me somewhere but instead showed hospitality and told me I could stay there and sleep in the bed with the guy until whoever was supposed to come. I laid down and when I looked up everyone had left, closed the door and had left the room to my children and I. I then woke up to a woman calling me asking me if I had gotten up and gotten my room cleaned and bed made. There was a knock on the door and a lady brought me something. I don't remember what. I ran out of the door and gave her a huge hug. I went to the room and began cleaning up wondering how they got all of me and my children's clothes from my mom's and how they got all 3-4 crates of there toys there. I looked outside and saw three girls waling.. two really closely. I began fixing things. I had a computer outside the door hooked up and a lady came and said it could not be hooked there because it was a hazard. So she began to remove it for me. I was thinking: hmmm I hooked that up.. I continued to clean up and women and girls began coming out of nowhere watching me clean. One woman asked me "Do your children have vitamins?" with an attitude. Before I could speak another woman says"Yes, they all have their own individual bottles. Huge bottles in fact". The other lady says "hmm" with an attitude. Then she asked "what is all of this stuff on the floor. You're going to cause bugs. Is that juice or something?" I replied "No, my tide liquid package busted." after that she left me alone. So, ended up going to a room where all of the girls where and they were all sitting. One of the ladies said with an attitude, "I am going to send her to Furr's (An all you can eat place here) to eat. Then someone else said they would do something else. Literally: Right after that. My mother woke me up out of my dream and said "It's time to get the children ready for school" Feelings: I wish you wouldn't have awakened me. I wanted to finish the dream. Literally: I have been moving from location to location for the past couple of years. Feelings about moving from place to place: I wish my husband would settle us. I'm tired of moving place to place.

  3. I had a dream: My husband was being so nice. He was treating me so kind. Feelings: I thought he didn't love me. I thought he doesn't want me. My literal feelings are: He wants a divorce. He does not love me.( I do not remember where we were.. who else was there or anything.)

    I have the feelings part down on learning to interpret myself. Not sure of the rest My literal feelings are: He wants a divorce. He does not love me.

  4. I have been worried about all of my children because we have been through so much lately. I have been wondering what he would do in ministry :) I also have been wondering and considering and asking the Lord to allow us to be a family singing group.. even as they grow up for the betterment of the music ministry the church as a whole needs. Putting on concerts ect. You are right on!! ;) Ohhh and maybe he is setting me up!! I've had so much warfare between our family!!

  5. Nothing I have been praying about has been fixed BUT!!! My mother's garage door has not been working for about a month. I touched the button without noticing and it began working. My mom says "wow look at that!" I was in total amazement. She had really been trying to get her garage to come up and it just wouldn't. I felt like it was a "sign" that God is hearing my prayers as I fast and seek him.

  6. javascript:emoticonp('crying')My life has been in chaos and shambles for the past year. I'm waiting on God to do something for me. I believe the prophetic word given by a few people who do not know me as a way to keep myself encouraged. It seems as this situation will never end. I am beginning to do somethings differently in my life. Through this whole situation I almost lost myself. God's Grace and Mercy kept me. I've learned so much. I don't really understand why we have to go through so much. I just want to be happy again. FULLY happy. Not just happy with myself and my children. Prophecy is good and but.. I want my family back now. It's seems as if it's not going to happen eventhough I'm holding on with by the little thread I have left. crying I can not talk to anyone about what is going on specifically because a part of this problem is CONFIDING in people for GODLY wisdom and things being said that are not true. crying I am now beginning to feel really emotional on this issue even as I type. All I know to do is to ask you all who have Godly wisdom and a prayer life is to pray that God's Will be done. crying

  7. Previously I closed my eyes and saw a red brick tall wall. I was trying to see around and over it

    Then After praying for hours.. I saw myself in a wedding dress taking pictures. Then I saw myself between two horses, one black and one white. There was a white sheet in front of me blowing in the wind. I got on the white horse and it began to ride fast with me telling it too. It already knew where to go. It took me to a huge green field beautiful grass and trees. Just beautiful. As the horse continued, there was someone in the distance, I could not see at first, then I heard a voice say.. that's your husband. As I got closer it was him. He was just sitting and waiting. Now, while I'm seeing all of this.. I see myself not having any kind of communication with him for a while. I see him scrolling my facebook page looking at photos of me working out with the trainer pushing me to keep on training. Tears where rolling down my eyes and I was pushing.

  8. I had a dream my husband and I were were just laying down next to each other in peace having a conversation worry free. And he said, I know how to lie on the phone too, and we both laughed and I rubbed his head. The conversation was about how sorry we both were. We were so happy and peaceful and it was like our marriage had just started over.
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