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Posts posted by jsteadbalm

  1. WOW.. That's a beautiful way to express Jesus love and desire to meet with us... I almost cried... I can recall so many years being a christian but not ever really understanding relationship... Wow... I regret that it has taken me this long... but to God be the glory I learned the truth about being saved... I thank you for sharing that with us... What a wonderful reminder that Jesus is our friend who sticks closer than a brother... Goodnite everyone and God bless...

  2. Sis. Mia.. Thank You for the instructions... I am not an interpreter but i like to help when I can to get people to look deeper into thier walk with Christ... I have in times past had some to come to me concerning thier dreams... I am and have always been one who tread lightly in these matters... I believe that God will give us insight if we would just spend time with Him... You said it so well in one of your post concerning seeking the Giver and not just the gift... I realize that God's ultimate desire is to spend time with us... I used to depend heavily on my dreams but now I am seeking Him face to face... I am glad and blessed to find this site... I am new on the web and not sure how to maneuver so pls bear with me and help a sister out... God bless

  3. Hi Sis... You know God is always keeping a caring watch over us... His promises to us are also yes and amen.. 2Cor 1:20... I am concerned that you said that the dreams started after the job was promised or when you received it... Are you having doubts concerning the job? When is your start date? Maybe these are anxieties in the subconscience.. God's promises are sure.. Relax in His Word.. How's your devotional time? I only ask because I have been delivered from so many fears in my life.. It has only taken place through pray, study and devotional time in the presence of God.. The more time I give over to God the less time the devil has to play with my heart, mind and emotions... Hope I helped a little... God bless

  4. Hi Sis.. You were on the road with your famiyl going in the direction you needed to go but you got impatient due to traffic... You made a choice to go your way and ended up on a street you were not sure of and in a house with a woman who seem to be nice but had many to attend to.. Maybe this woman is you in thr future if you get off course... Sometimes we can put ourselves in regrettable positions when we are impatient.. The bible says to be anxious for the nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made unto God and the peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep your heart and minds through Christ Jesus Pilippians 4:6-7... Stay prayerful... I am not an interpreter but I just wanted to share what was impressed upon my heart... God Bless

  5. Thank you Sis for the lessons of wisdom.. I've learned to write, pray, study, listen and pray some more especially in this area..The bible says that God who at sundry tmes and in divers manners spake in times past unto the fathers by the prophets has now in these last days spoke to us by the Son. Heb 1:1-2a..
    I am grateful for a personal relationship with Him.. I have found through my experience the more time I spend with God in prayer, devotional and study time the less He needs to wait until I am unconscious to get my attention.. My dreams are a rarity and come mostly when He wants to seal a matter in my spirit.. Thank you again for that wonderful reminder to seek the giver and not the gift... God Bless

  6. Sis.. We know marriage is a serious commitment... A step not to take unwisely... I too had a prophesy given about getting married.. Just stay prayerful and do not grieve the HolySpirit.. Especially if He sends warning signs... I am a divorcee and now happily remarried to a wonderful saved man.. BUT I could have avoided all the drama and hurt that I caused myself and children, had I listened to that still small voice who unfortunately even began screaming to no avail in my heart... I am not an interpreter.. Just a women who learned some lessons the old fashion way.. God Bless... I hope I am not coming off in a negative way... I mean well.. So if I have upset or offended pls with all the love of Jesus pls pls forgive me.. Thank you Sis...

  7. Hi Sis.. Just reading ur post... Do u think maybe you have anxieties due to the newness of the job and most times with any new job ur on a probationary period.. Probationary periods tend to keep many on edge.. You are watched during that time to make sure the position is not overwhelming and to let you know the company is there to help you if you have any questions or concerns.. I am not an interpreter but I have been in your position as a new hire... I pray that your dreams are just unfounded fears and we know that God has not given us the spirit of fear but the Spirit of Power, Love and a Sound Mind...2Tim 1:7... God Bless Sis.. I will be keeping an Eye and my prayers on your concern...

  8. Hi JoJo.. I am new in the room.. I was reading your topic and I was thinking the same thing... Wisdom... Old men are suppose to represent wisdom.. usually wise old men have white hair but yours had black.. Black is usually asssociated with sin or grief... Teeth are for the mature.. babies teeth are hidden... This old man had brokened teeth due to maybe lack of proper care or harm done... Maybe he lost them because of sin or grief due to lack of wisdom that comes from experience and maturity... The new teeth is gained through growth.. Learned lessons from previous mistakes... David said before I was afflicted I went astray: but now have I kept your Word..Ps 119:67.. Jesus learned obedience through the things he suffered..Heb 5:8... Old man wisdom comes in many forms but his job is to mature us... I am not an interpreter but I enjoyed reading and taking in the responses... I believe that we learn and grow best when we do it together... God bless

  9. Thank you Sis... I pray everyone is having a wonderful day in the Lord..
    I am trying my best to navigate this site.. I am not sure how things work.. I read the rules concerning how we ought to converse and respond... Always in the spirit of love, respect and humility.. But are we ever online at the same time? If so, pls tell me how.. I just read posts and some are not current... Thank you for assisting me..
    God bless

  10. Sis.. Congrats all around... The Lord never ceases to amaze me... His faithfulness and mercy towards us cannot be compared to anything in this world... May the Lord continue to bless you... Remember to walk as Salt and Light...

  11. Grace and Peace... I found your site because I was seeking out some assistance with a dream I hada few days ago.. I have been reading some of the postings and I believe that I did not stumble upon this site by mistake.. I am looking forward to meeting everyone.. Mia congrats on the books... God is faithful... I will keep this site in prayer.. I am going through a financial storm at this time but like every storm.. This too shall pass.. I realize that prayer can go where my money cannot.. So until then I will pray that God release the wealth of the sinner upon the righteous according to His promises towards us... God Bless
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