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Posts posted by Josephine1

  1. I am a Kenyan and am happy to know that you people are with us in prayers. there has been a series of accidents of late which is alarming, fire, road accidents, people dying coz of taking illicit brews.

    2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

    Please let s us not cease in prayer.

    God bless you all!


  2. Thank you I, A.M. I try to rebuke and bind everyday. What I do not do everyday is anointing with oil though I anoint my children everyday and every night. I will make a point of anointing the house and also the compound. Even yesterday I remember Reverend told us to anoint even the gate and dare poverty and sickness to cross the line. God bless

  3. Hallo Diane, I saw your message but unfortunately I am not yet allowed to reply on pm. My baby is doing well, she still attending therapy sessions.

    You know what Diane, I have been seeing my baby in dreams talking, walking, running, playing on several occasions and I believe this is a confirmation from God that all is well and it has already manifested in the spiritual realm, we now have to wait for it to manifest in the physical. I talked to my Pastor about this and he confirmed that this can only be from God as the devil can never give me a dream of victory and Pastor showed me how to pray to accelerate the manifestation in the physical.

    Thank you so much for standing with me in prayers, please do not stop, let us trust in God to quicken the manifestation of that dream. I am so positive about it. Healthwise the baby is doing very well, its only the milestones that are delayed.

    Yes, no more attacks now, glory to God.

    thank you so much and God bless you abundantly.

  4. Spirit husbands sometimes do take the face of your ex to confuse you. Renounce him, cancel the covenant made in the dream, repent of your sins, cover yourself with the BOJ and FOG before going to bed. Seek deliverance from a deliverance minister. God bless

  5. Thanks Scott, come to think of it, there is this church we used to attend and we would fill more emptier when we came out than when we came in, until my daughter (at that time she was 9 years old, she is 11 now) told me she will no longer go to church. Then due to some circumstances I left that church and joined another, from that time things have never been the same again, we have experienced God's blessings in an abundant way, we have been taught how to pray, how to live holy lives, it is wonderful. My daughter actually is the one who hurries me up on Sundays so that we go to church. So after reading your response, I believe, this tanker is a symbol of this church, the Reverend in this church is truly a man of God who loves us with all his heart, it is an experience I have never had before. So maybe this is a confirmation that I should stay in this church and God will rain His Spirit upon me and my house abundantly.

    Yes lola21st, I have been seeking God for Holy Spirit baptism, to be filled with the Holy Spirit, speak in tongues etc but yet this has not happened. I am encouraged now to keep on trusting and have faith in God that this will come in His time.

    God bless you people of God mightily.

  6. What does rain signify in a dream?

    There is this dream I had that we had no water at all in my house. Then my daughter saw a tanker transporting water on the road, she rushed with a wheelbarrow, running alongside the tanker to at least get a few drops that were pouring out of the tanker. Only to realize that the tanker was delivering the water to our house, before it could empty its contents, it rained heavily such that water on the ground could reach our ankles.

    What could be the meaning of this?

  7. Deborah and Connie, thanks!! I have had quite a revelation reading your posts. "Bind the strongman and all the others will flee!" I feel quite relieved to know this and self deliverance, yes Connie I have an experience on that while praying with a book. I got delivered and I was all alone in my bedroom, of course I confirmed it with my Pastor and he told me, yes, that experience was deliverance!!

    to God be the glory forever and forever!! No matter where we are He is able to reach us in His own mysterious ways, as He has promised He will never leave us nor forsake us and He is a rewarder to them that seek him diligently.

    God bless you all!

  8. Wow!! thanks Mamaz, this is quite an eye opener, and now I get to understand this dream in a clear way (since the police/Angels dispersed the people, I have never had the dream again). God is truly faithfully and His promise stands that He will never leave us nor forsake us and He will never suffer the righteous to be moved. To God be the glory and all honor. Now what about my baby? In the second dream they were asking for my baby and once I give them the baby they will leave me alone. I remember in the dream I told them I will never give them my baby in Jesus name (yes I remember saying that, In Jesus Name).

    God bless you mightily Mamaz for taking your time to enlighten me.

  9. Praise be to God Almighty, all glory and power to Him who is in the highest!!

    You know what Diane, I think as you prayed last night, something must have been happening in the spiritual realm because my little girl just did not want to sleep, almost the whole night she want to stay awake and play, she likes throwing her legs as if she is riding a bicycle and her hands as if she is boxing, I cover and and she throws the blankets away with her little legs and hands. When she would realize that i have drifted off in sleep, she would cry aloud and when I wake up she would smile (by the way she has not smiled in a long time and that made me just stay awake and watch that smile and thank Jesus) I kept telling her that we have the victory over and over again, I believe you and I were in the spirit. I kept repeating that our victory is sure and it will stand by the power in the blood of Jesus and no matter what the devil will try it will not harm us. The day before yesterday I met a man of God on the road and he told that we have the victory but that does not mean we should sleep, we should always keep vigil.

    I give God all the glory as I look forward to my little girl sitting by herself, feeding herself (she turned one year on Wednesday 13th July), standing up, walking and doing all the things that a toddler should be doing.

    God bless you mightily Diane, I will surely keep you posted.


  10. BelovedoftheLord, yes yes yes there are spirit husbands and spirit wives. These are very very dangerous evil spirits, once they have sex with you in the dream you belong to them (a covenant is made b/w you and that spirit) and henceforth your marriage or any other relationship you try in the physical will never work. They rob you even of your finances and they make sure your life is miserable. You should learn some spiritual warfare and get to know how to fight these spirits. Before anything happens in the physical it has happened in spiritual realm and that is why we are always advised to wake up at the midnight hour and cry to God and cancel all the work that the evil spirits are planning against God's people. These evil spirits are very busy from midnight to 3.00 a.m. invoking curses on God's people (woe unto the sleeping Christian!) God bless you.

  11. Hallo Jasmine, you should thank God for the protection He has given you. You are lucky that in your dream you never got to the part of having sex. Your friend is not really him but what we call a spirit husband. Your sister, grandma, and grandpa were angels sent to protect you from the spirit husband. Sex in the dream is very dangerous, once you have had it you belong to that spirit, and it is very unlikely after that to have a lasting relationship in the physical. These spirits normally take the forms of people close to us, friends, spouses or someone we like a lot. Pray against spirit husband, rebuke him and command him not to ever visit you again. Jesus truly loves you Jasmine.

  12. Thank you so much my dear sister, as I read your message I felt in my spirit that this is a confirmation from God that all is well with me and mine. You are an angel sent from God to put my heart to rest. I glorify God, to Him I give all honor and praise. God bless you so much for obeying to relay this message. (To update on the recurring dream, after the police dispersed those people I have never had the dream again) Glory to God!

  13. I have just joined this site and am really amazed by what am learning. Someone please help me on this. I have had this recurring dream that is now making me to be concerned. I have had it three times now. It is about being attacked at night in my house by strange people. In the first dream, they broke the door but did not manage to get it. In the dream I could see that I just woke up, half the door was broken but nothing was taken. After some time, I dreamt that these people had come again in a bigger number, managed to break the verandah door but did not manage to enter the house and I could hear them saying "we want the baby and we will go". (Note: my baby at that time was 7 months). Funny thing is that we opened the door but they did not enter its like something was preventing them from entering (note: we had anointed our house a few days earlier). After that second dream, I anointed the verandah also. The third dream these people came, a greater number this time, but did not manage to enter even the verandah they were just hovering around the yard, I could see a nephew of mine telling me to stay in the bathroom and not come out, strange thing is that even in the bathroom I could see what was happening outside (my bathroom is on the other side of the yard). Then all of a sudden I saw a lorry full of police come and dispersed those people. Please what could be the meaning of this.

  14. I have just joined this site and am really amazed by what am learning. Someone please help me on this. I have had this recurring dream that is now making me to be concerned. I have had it three times now. It is about being attacked at night in my house by strange people. In the first dream, they broke the door but did not manage to get it. In the dream I could see that I just woke up, half the door was broken but nothing was taken. After some time, I dreamt that these people had come again in a bigger number, managed to break the verandah door but did not manage to enter the house and I could hear them saying "we want the baby and we will go". (Note: my baby at that time was 7 months). Funny thing is that we opened the door but they did not enter its like something was preventing them from entering (note: we had anointed our house a few days earlier). After that second dream, I anointed the verandah also. The third dream these people came, a greater number this time, but did not manage to enter even the verandah they were just hovering around the yard, I could see a nephew of mine telling me to stay in the bathroom and not come out, strange thing is that even in the bathroom I could see what was happening outside (my bathroom is on the other side of the yard). Then all of a sudden I saw a lorry full of police come and dispersed those people. Please what could be the meaning of this.
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