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Everything posted by Stephanie444

  1. I could use prayer again. I'm dealing with a lot of fear over an issue that no one can really work through with me except God. I need wisdom. I need freedom from my fear. Thanks!
  2. Wow. I feel a lot better now. Probably as you were writing that I was spending time in worship. I'm pretty sure it was a spiritual attack. THanks
  3. Hi, everyone. Could you please pray for me? I've been feeling an amorphous sense of heaviness and oppression today that isn't normal for me. I'm not sure why. I've been praying a lot, but I still seem to feel a lot of anxiety. I'm not sure if it is because of the things that are going on in the lives of the people I'm praying for or if I'm just putting my feelings onto that. Thanks! I appreciate it.
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