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Posts posted by Stephanie444

  1. I visited a new church a few months ago where I didn't know anyone, and there was a woman there who seemed a little off, but it was a "spirit-filled" church, and she wasn't really acting up too much. She offered to pray for me at the end of the service and gave me the most accurate prophetic words I had ever received in my life. Maybe it was just a coincidence, but what she said seemed pretty specific to me. I was a little weirded out, but figured God really had a message for me, despite the source. When she talked to me after the service, she seemed a little off again, but everything she said while she was praying was completely logical.

    I didn't see her for weeks after that, and when she did come back to the church, she was completely out of control. She went on a really irrational stream-of-consciousness rant about demons tormenting her and about certain movie stars. The pastors and church members prayed for her, and at the end, she kept talking about being delivered but she was still very irrational, talking non-stop from topic to topic, and could not calm down.

    When they were praying for her, they treated it as if she was demonized, but she kept talking about how she needed to come to this church to be in the presence of God, that the Holy Spirit was here, etc. -- things I don't think a demonized person would be able to say, nor would they want to be in church at all. I think she's mentally ill, and it causes me to wonder, if God really gave me a message that day, why did he do it through her? I know that God can speak through donkeys and can speak however he wants and through whoever he wants, but why doesn't he choose a more credible source if he wants us to believe him?

    What do you think? Has this ever happened to you?

  2. Last night I had a lot of dreams that I'm not sure are from God or not, but tell me what you think! In the first one, I dreamed that I found a book describing the death of a particular person who did die in real life a while ago (not sure if he was a believer or not, but a lot of people were praying for him and there were some indications that he had a change from being very hostile to Christianity, and I still pray for his wife every day). I picked up the book, which was thick, new, and had a white cover, and it turned to a very thin old, worn book that was a different color (blue, I think). Then all of a sudden the book came to life as if I was now reliving this person's last moments that the book was describing. I was inside their house, and there are a lot of details I don't remember. In one scene, I saw a picture of a hideously ugly pet dog they had or perhaps their children had (which I knew in the dream was some sort of demonic being) with the word "highwayman" written above it. But there were also pictures of Jesus on the walls that looked almost like icons or something you would find in a church. (In the dream, I didn't think much of this, though, or think that it meant anything.) The name Jesus was also written on the walls, and one had some letters missing. I knew that this was because some unknown person from outside their family who was something like a prisoner in their house had been writing it (e.g., praying to be rescued from the house) but was interrupted because as he had been praying before he had even finished, he was rescued from the house.

    Do you think this is from God and if so what does it mean? What I took from it was that it seemed like there was a mix of good and bad influences inside their house ... a lot of spiritual warfare but God also at work. Does that sound right?

  3. I know that the question "how do you know a dream is from God" has been asked a million times, but I specifically want to ask that if you know a dream to be supernatural because it contains information in it you couldn't have know, how can you be sure it isn't coming from a deceiving/ demonic/ lying spirit? I know there's a verse somewhere in the Bible that talks about the false prophets promising peace when there was no peace and having false dreams, and Ahab was enticed to disaster by lying spirits.

    Specifically if a person has a dream about something that they WANT to be true and has no real way of finding out for sure one way or not whether it is, is this God speaking comfort to the person or another spirit deceiving them? How can you know?

  4. I could use prayer again.

    I'm dealing with a lot of fear over an issue that no one can really work through with me except God.

    I need wisdom. I need freedom from my fear.


  5. I had two dreams about similar subjects on the same date six years apart. In both dreams, there were times mentioned. One of them was 2:57 and the other was 10:45. What could these numbers mean, if anything?

  6. Hi, everyone.

    Could you please pray for me?

    I've been feeling an amorphous sense of heaviness and oppression today that isn't normal for me. I'm not sure why.

    I've been praying a lot, but I still seem to feel a lot of anxiety. I'm not sure if it is because of the things that are going on in the lives of the people I'm praying for or if I'm just putting my feelings onto that.

    Thanks! I appreciate it.

  7. Could someone explain what it means when you are trying to talk or scream and no sound comes out?

    I had two dreams like this. In one of them, my neighbor was being kidnapped and gunpoint by terrorists and I was trying to scream but no sound came out. In the same dream, I heard this demonic voice and I tried to yell at it and rebuke it in the name of Jesus but again no sound came out. In another dream, I was going to go visit someone whose husband died, and when I knocked on the door no sound came out (but someone heard anyway somehow and let me in) and then I went inside and saw her crying and when I tried to talk to her no sound was coming out of my mouth or it was very faint and I had to apologize for my voice.

    What does this mean? Is it about spiritual warfare?

  8. Habakkuk -

    Yes! I have had this happen to me a couple of times.

    In one case when I was in college I was praying for a family that my classmate whose name I did not know - it was a big class :-) - had prayed for in class. I was using the words that the girl had said in her prayer, then said, in my prayer, "Just like that girl said, what's her name?" and all of a sudden a name popped into my mind. It didn't sound familiar at all, but there's no reason why it should have since I had never known her name. So I wasn't really expecting that to be her name, but then I found out that it was!

    That's definitely my best example, but I've had a couple other times when there has been a thought that just suddenly pops into my mind like that when I'm talking to God. Basically, he answers!

    I've had the pictures, too, but mostly God speaks to me through feelings. This gets frustrating because it's not always easy to put feelings you can't express in words into prayers, but I guess it's also possible to just pray "in the spirit" without words. I like praying this way and I think it's an important and valid way to pray, but I also think for me it's important to discipline myself to try to formulate words.

  9. Well, my death dreams NEVER have a positive feeling to them. I always wake up sad, scared, or at least a little disturbed. I'm pretty sure for my dreams, death is a negative thing.

    I don't think that they always mean the person is literally going to die - but they can, like in a couple of cases I mentioned. I think they at least mean the person is in some kind of physical or spiritual danger. It's hard to say when they're about people I don't have contact with.

    Anyone else have these kinds of dreams? How did they manifest?

  10. Hi.

    I was wondering if someone could help me out with what it means to dream of someone's death. For a long time, I've had quite a few dreams about people dying: friends, family, aquaintances, world figures, children, babies ... etc. I probably cannot count on both hands the number of people who I've dreamed died.

    Often, it's about an unbeliever which I take as a warning to pray for them. Some of them have been recurring (not the same dream, but different dreams about the same person dying) and the person who I had the dream about many times over many years eventually did die (it was kind of inevitable, though). I dreamed a handful of times each about two disabled children who I know dying. Once I had a dream that one of the students at the school I taught at who is from a strong Christian family died, and a couple of weeks later another student in the same class, also from a Christian family, died.

    In general, though, what do these dreams mean? Last night I dreamed of the death of a well-known Christian who has an awesome ministry. I dreamed I was reading an article on the internet that said he had put his head down to rest at 10:45 AM and died. He's an old man, but seems to be going really strong and in good health so it was still a surprise. At first I was really sad, but then I reminded myself, "Just think of the reward he'll get in heaven!"

    Do you think these dreams in general are a call to pray? Or are they necessarily prophetic?

    Thanks for the help!

  11. In the same night, I had two dreams about arrests. I was wondering if you could help me figure out the common thread in them. They are probably related because I had one, fell asleep again, then had the other (like Pharaoh!). If these dreams are from God, I know what they are about and what they mean to me … so I don’t need an interpretation per se, I would like help seeing the connection between the two. Thanks!

    In the first one, I was being arrested for something someone else did (I was in the wrong place at the wrong time or for some reason I was being blamed for someone else’s actions). My mom was the one who had to arrest me and she was distraught and crying over the possibility of having to shoot me, though I was trying to make it clear that I wasn’t resisting arrest: I feel like I was trying to hold my hands up to surrender but they were tied behind my back because I was already being arrested.

    In the second one, I was plotting with a wanted man to use armed resistance to resist his arrest. He had given me a pistol to use. But actually, I was lying to him, and as soon as we walked into the house where he would be arrested (the dream was set at my parents’ house, in the hallway and living room), I threw the gun under a table so it would be out of sight and threw my hands up to surrender. In some way, I represented him, so my actions were his. He was stunned that I had deceived him when he saw me “surrendering for him”. I held my hands up until law enforcement came even though they were taking a long time and my arms got tired. As he was being arrested I asked him, “Are you mad at me because I tricked you? But I saved your life.”

  12. What standards to you use to tell if I dream is just from your own thoughts or really a message from God?

    I had a series of dreams about a situation that was extremely important to me that I will not in this lifetime probably know the outcome of for sure. The last one in particular was very explicit - it was symbolic, but the message was obvious and if that dream was from God than the situation definitely had a good outcome.

    But how do I know? Did I just dream that because I wanted it to be true or was it really from God? What are the tests?

    Thanks for your help!

  13. Wow! What a cool dream ...

    I'm not an expert or an interpreter either ... but this dream sounds pretty vivid to me with a logical and cohesive plot and a message: that usually leads me to believe is from God. Natural dreams at least mine tend to be fuzzy, random, easily forgotten and not really with a beginning to end logical plot.

    I hope it's a literal prophecy that will one day be fulfilled in this life. :-) Keep praying.

  14. I had a couple of dreams in the past couple of nights which I'm not sure are from God or just natural dreams from my own thoughts. I'd appreciate your input!

    1) I was driving a large vehicle when all of a sudden a huge white vehicle with a dummy in the driver's seat came at me head on and blocked my path at an intersection. From then, my car started driving itself as if it were programmed on autopilot, turned around and took a detour until it eventually got back to the same intersection and the other vehicle was gone. Then I got out and went inside a church where one of my professors from college who is also a pastor was. I wanted to ask him to pray for me for my upcomming trip to Egypt (which is coming up in 2 weeks in real life). He looked older than in real life and was busy talking to a bunch of people and kind of ignored me when I tried to talk to him so I left the church.

    If this dream is from God, I wonder if the car part has something to do with my career / calling / direction issues that I'm going through right now trying to figure out the next step in my life?

    2) I went to go visit someone (who in real life lost her husband this year and I pray for her every day) to ask if I could use her washing machine. The washing machine thing was kind of excuse to see her because I really wanted to visit her. I got to her house and the door was ajar and I could see another woman inside through the crack. I knocked on the door, but I felt like as hard as I knocked it didn't make barely a sound. The woman either heard it anyway, or saw me through the crack in the door, and was kind of awkward and embarrassed but let me in when I asked, "Is Hope [the person I'm praying for, not her real name, but I did use her real name in the dream] here?" She said yes and let me in. I saw "Hope" sitting in a chair at a desk and she looked different than she does in real life: she was fatter and uglier and had more makeup on than usual. I sat next to her and as soon as I did I saw that she was crying. I got uncomfortable and didn't know what to say. I started to ask how she was but she didn't really answer, then launched into asking if I could use her washing machine. Just like when I was knocking on the door, I felt like my voice when I was talking to "Hope" wasn't really coming out. I was trying to talk but no sound was really coming out or it was very faint. I had to say, "Sorry, my voice," and repeat myself. But she understood anyway.

    What do you think? Do they sound like dreams from God or just my own thoughts?

  15. God used a dream to encourage me in prayer for a particular family.

    When I was a college student spending a semester in Egypt, I prayed that I would get to meet a family whose salvation I had been praying for for years who I didn't know (I had only heard about them). The students in our group all had to stay with an Egyptian family for a week so I prayed that miraculously my friend and I would be placed with the family I had been praying for. One day my friend and I were fasting and praying and I had a feeling that the answer was "no". I felt God tell me quietly, "But maybe you'll meet another family who you'll care about." I resisted and told God I would not care about anyone else (so of course I ended up having a major experience with the Holy Spirit that week where he crushed my heart with the family we did end up staying with and I ended up praying for them really intensely also! Just like God to do that!)

    So the first night I slept at this family's house - let's call them the S. family and the original family I was praying for who I didn't know the A. family, to avoid confusion - I had a dream. First, an important detail to mention is that the way I started praying for the A. family, who were an elderly couple and their daughters, was that they had had lost someone in their family who had been architect.

    In my dream, my mom came up to me and told me, "I know what you're going to do with your life. It's nothing you're planning on doing now." "What?" I asked. "It's something sad." "What?" "An architect."

    Then I was riding in a car through an area of Cairo that was all ruins - there are parts of Cairo like this that are really beat up. I looked out the window of the car and saw that the A. family's house was being destroyed and rebuilt to be turned into a church.

    So what their house being destroyed and turned into a church means is pretty obvious. But the play on architect was very clever: the fact that my mom told me I was going to be an architect for one thing was "sad" because of their relative who died - but what it meant was that in praying for them I was "designing their new house" -aka, the church.

    Awesome dream, huh?

  16. What does mountains covered by crashing waves mean?

    I thought perhaps it has to do with God's judgment because when the Bible talks about the waters covering the mountains (as in Psalm 104) it's a flood reference. Does this sound right? Is there any other significance to mountains covered by waves?

  17. I was walking through a hallway of doors and I was going to stop outside this psychic’s door to pray for her. There was someone else whose door I stopped outside of to pray for, but I don’t remember who. Someone was following me who was like an annoying little brother character. As I prayed, he would throw berries at their door as if to cause a distraction, but I ignored him and prayed all the more intensely.

    Am I right in thinking the message was that there is spiritual warfare meant to distract me from praying? Or was the attack on the people I was praying for?

    What do you think?
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