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Posts posted by exo152

  1. We have been interceding for our son for weeks now. He is our miracle child, born to us after many a diagnosis that we would never be able to have children. Before his conception, and as I carried him the Holy Spirit gave us many prophecies concerning his future. We kept these things in our hearts, wanting him to hear from God himself. A couple of years ago he came to us, and confessed he was called to ministry. For a time he did well, was annointed and excited and bearing much fruit. Then he was asked to join up with another branch of ministry, which he did. This other ministry began to suck the life from his first calling, and he eventually laid the first down. The second ministry quickly became a secular venue and withered away. He has since said he wants nothing to do with ministry at all. Feeling like his life was going nowhere, he moved out of state to get a job and live with relatives. We were concerned since the relatives he has chosen to live with, although in the ministry themselves, are not strong in the Word of God, are somewhat flakey in thier teachings and are extremely manipulative people. They have been encouraging him to do things that are clearly wrong according to the Bible, saying it will be a great witnessing tool in his life. He doesn't realize how manipulative they can be (we never shared with him the problems we had with them in the past) and he trusts and respects them. (The Holy Spirit has shown us that they have a "territorial" spirit where my son is concerned). We recently (by accident or the Holy Spirit?) intercepted a message they had sent to our son when he was home for a visit and it became clear to us that they were trying to turn him against us. We had known it in our spirits but that was an unexpected confirmation. We confronted them about it and the man apologized while his wife lied her way around it. Since then our son hasn't responded to our texts and does not call. If we call him and he is alone, he sounds like his wonderful self. If one of them is with him when we call, he sounds as if the conversation is awkward for him. He recently told me he is putting out fleeces to see if he is really where he is supposed to be, so we realize he is questioning things.

    Our daughter, in the meantime, has always been a dreamer of dreams. From the time she was a toddler she has very vivid, very spiritual dreams. Just last week she dreamed that we were at my mother-in-law's house and our son was with a former girlfriend. This girl is very pretty and a really sweet Christian girl. They were talking together and were clearly back together. But then a knock came at the door and it was another one of my sons former girlfriend. In real life he had dated this girl for a couple of years, had talked marriage and future, but he broke up with her because she wasn't truly committed to Christ and she was verbally abusive and controlling.

    The dream has given me hope that our son is returning and will be restored to the place God has ordained for him. Please intercede with us that when he does God will strenghthen him against temptations that will try to take him away. Thank you!

  2. We have recently been interceding for our son. I posted a prayer for him on this website under A PRAYING PLACE (prayers for my son!!). This last week our daughter (preteen, who has been having spiritual dreams since she was a toddler) came to me and said she'd dreamt we were all at my mother-in-laws house. My son was there, with a former girlfriend. In real life this girl is very pretty, a sweet Christian girl. They only dated a month or so. In my daughter's dream my son and the girlfriend were talking and obviously together again. A knock came at the door and when it was answered another former girlfriend of his was at the door, wanting to see him. This girl he dated a long time in real life (couple of years), talked marriage and future with, but they broke up because she wasn't really committed to Christ and was extremely verbally abusive to him.
    This dream our daughter had seems to be speaking to me in light of our prayers for our son. I would welcome any thoughts or insight you may have. Thank you!

  3. Thank you! I just talked to my son this weekend (I called him) and he confessed he'd been putting out some "fleeces" to see if he was really where he was supposed to be. I see the need on his part to put out a "fleece" being the tug of the Holy Spirit on his heart. Please agree with us that God will clearly show our son His will and that the enemy won't manufacture those fleeces instead. Thank you again for the encouragement! I have needed it!

  4. Please join together in prayer with my husband and I for our son. He was born a miracle child (I was not supposed to be able to concieve nor carry a child full term). The Lord gave me many promises through the years for him, before his conception, during the time I carried him and after his birth. Just two years ago he came to us and shared that he knew he was called of God to minister (we had never shared the prophesies the Lord had given us about him, wanting him to hear God for himself). He began ministery and was excited, annointed and doing well, when he was asked to help in another ministry during his off-time. He jumped right in and soon became sucked completely into this other ministry, which just as quickly became a secular venue instead of God-lead. He lost his passion for ministry and even today will say he will never do ministry again. He is now living with a family member who greatly influenced him when a teenager. This man and his wife are in the ministry, but they are not strong in the Word and are very flakey in thier teachings. What is more they are very manipulative and controlling. We discovered, by accident (or the Holy Spirit) that this man was counseling our son against us, trying to drive a wedge between us and him. They have been encouraging him to do things that are ungodly and rebellious, saying it will be a great witnessing tool. Our son is naive and trusting and has strong soul ties to this man and his wife. We confronted them with what we had discovered and the man apologized, but his wife clearly lied about it all. Now our son isn't even contacting us or responding to texts. Please pray that God open his eyes to the truth and draw him back to his true calling. Thank you so much!!

  5. I dreamed I was walking thru my backyard, near the old house we converted to a schoolhouse for our children (we homeschool). I was trying to find a bouquet of flowers to give my mother-in-law, but it was late fall and there were few flowers left. I was looking for autumn-toned flowers to match a plaid ribbon I was tying around them. Then I noticed a man, who I assumed was our neighbor, walking in his yard across the field from us. I thought to myself, "there he is, working in his grape vineyards". But soon, he was in my backyard, and I knew he wasn't my neighbor. He was in shadow, carrying an old grain sack and he was kneeling in my yard, placing small, gold-looking grains around the most beautiful purplish-blue tulip-type lillies. I was thinking, "I didn't realize we even had those flowers there." and "but that will really help them grow." They were growing, evenly spaced, single flowers, full and vibrant. Then he disapeared and I continued to look for the faded fall flowers for my mother-in-law. I wasn't pleased with the bouguet, thinking it looked bedraggled, but I didn't want to add to it from the lillies, thinking their color wouldn't match my theme. "She won't care." I told myself and I knew that was okay because it was true.

  6. No, I think you may be more right than not. The first dream actually already happened irl the day we left the big church. And the reason we left was our son (who was in the foyer looking worried), confessed to us that he was upset at not fitting in and was uncomfortable in his classes). That last day I really did have to use the restroom but made myself wait until the service was over. Sitting there, the Holy Spirit reminded me about the dream. My son was even wearing the same outfit in the dream that he was wearing that day. When we left, we had to drive through road contruction and it was raining.
    And I was feeling embarassed because it seemed that we weren't fitting in with anyone in the big church, like there was something we were doing wrong that was causing people to not accept us.
    I will continue to pray about the meaning you got for the church with the white chairs. Your feeling about it really struck me because the church my mother-in-law is now currently attending has already let us know they would welcome our family and my husband has already been offered a position of ministry there.
    Thanks for sharing!!

  7. I recently had two dreams, a few nights apart, I believe about a church my husband and I were attending. In the first dream, we were in a large room (this is a huge church, with close to 800 in attendence), and the pastor was teaching, Along the wall was a buffet of wonderful smelling foods, mostly pies and cobblers and sweet rolls, all homemade and all smelling divine. Every so often someone would leave and start eating the food. They were enjoying it so much they just stayed there, laughing and talking with each other and eating. I noticed the others in the room were nodding off and looking bored. Then an announcement was made that all the children would be bussed to the public school for some public school funtion and I recalled being concerned because my children are homeschooled and I knew they would be left out. I went out, finding my son in the foyer, hands in his pockets and looking around as if worried. We took our children out, heading for our car, when I had an overwhelming urge to use the bathroom. The closer I got to our car, the more I knew I couldn't hold it and started to go right in the parking lot. My daughter grabbed me and said, "Mom! People are watching!" I stopped, completely embarassed at what I had almost done. We got into the car, a large, beat-up blue vehicle that I had never seen before and I was driving (my husband always drives when we are together). I am short and couldn't see out the windshield, so someone handed me a child's booster seat. I sat on it, able to see clearly and remarked "wow, I should have done this sooner." As I was driving the urge to use the bathroom hit me again, and I wet my pants, thinking to myself how much better I felt. Then I drove the vehicle through what looked like muddy roads and lumber (construction) and it was raining. We stopped at a new looking, brick building but it was mostly empty, filled with white chairs and a white screen at the front. The only person I recognized was my mother-in-law. She was sitting a few seats ahead of me and my children and when she looked back at us she looked concerned and worried. (irl we have a great realtionship and she is an annointed woman of God).We only sat there for a moment before deciding to leave and I noticed the chair I had sat in was wet from my pants and I was embarrassed and hoped no one connected it with me.

    The second dream, which I dreamt just a few days later was back at the big church. My husband and I walked in but the santuary was empty. I felt an urgency to set up the chairs that were stacked against the wall. As soon as I would set a chair in place, someone would sit in it. I knew I had to hurry as it was almost time for church to start. But no one would help me. One large lady was sprawled in the floor and refused to move, so that I had to angle the chairs around her. Then two young men, dressed in plaid shirt, boots and cowboy hats came in and jumped in to help me as soon as I asked. Half-way through, I turned and noticed the musicians were arriving, carrying thier intruments. But large, billowing, tan curtains covered the platform. They looked confused, then started stacking thier instruments against the steps to the platform, and turned around, leaving. The bassist put his bass with them, then pull aside the curtain to see what was going on behind it, then dropped it back in place, shaking his head, and following the other musicians out. About that time myself and the two young men had gotten the chairs placed but when I turned around to survey our work, there were only four people in the santuary. Everyone else was gone. My husband waved to me from the back, a little white-haired lady waved at me from the front and two others were in the shadows. From behind the curtain, I heard the pastor begin the welcome everyone and I thought to myself, "he doesn't even realize no one is here!".

    Since having these dreams, my husband and I have left this church, with no bad feelings, for a church closer to our home and more homeschool friendly. I believe I know what most of the first dream meant, except for after we left the church, but the rest is still a mystery. Thank you!

  8. Hello,
    My husband and I have just recently entered a season of rest after over twenty years of ministry. But the Holy Spirit recently impressed upon my spirit that he was going to start giving me dreams, about family situations, the church and the country. I have had dreams from God before but not regularly, being used in the gifts of the Spirit instead. And just as the Holy Spirit spoke to me, I have begun to have more dreams than ever before. I have prayed and searched the internet for reliable websites to find some training in this (a dear friend of mine who is used much in the prohectic and dreams moved across the country about the same time my husband and I stepped down from ministry, so I felt a little alone in this without her to advise me). I have enjoyed reading the information given about dream interpretation, especially focusing on your emotions in the dream. Thank you for all the hard work that goes into maintaining this website! God Bless!!

  9. Wow! You hit the nail on the head! I actually dreamed this dream during a season of my life when my husband and I had just stepped down from many years of youth ministry. We had a year that was a God-ordained rest. The dream, I felt meant the coming ministry for us. A year later we were called into pastoral ministry. And it played out exactly as the dream went, including the fork in the road and running out of gas (the church's finances literally seemed to dry up). Again we felt led to a God ordained rest and stepped out of ministry as of June of this year. But this year has been the hardest I have ever remembered stress-wise....finances, my parent's health, the unexpected death of a nephew, our oldest son in a horrible car accident while visiting family out of state, just to name a few. In fact it has seemed as if we barely recover from one thing before another strikes. I have had a bout with shingles (which the doctor told me was stress-related) and also have had to stand against panic-attacks. Thank you again. The dream has been coming back to me a lot here lately and with all the attacks against our family this year, that tornado was really getting to me!

  10. Hello,
    About ten years ago I had a dream in which my husband and I were on a journey. We were holding hands and with great anticipation entered a white dairy barn. As we walked through it we kept saying, this is the way. But we eventually came to narrower and narrower passages until we came to a cramped space with the exit nailed shut. Patiently we backtracked and as we left we found ourselves before a wide, beautiful white, wooden bridge, arched over a deep, blue, placid river. "This is it!" we told each other, walking over the bridge hand in hand. But before long, boards on the bridge were missing, then more and more until we found ourselves jumping from one floating board to the next, until they were all gone, just the river before us. Again we backtracked and made our way back to the beginning of the bridge to a road. We climbed into a car (little red cavalier that we owned at the time) and drove off. Again we were filled with anticipation. "This is it!" We drove until we reached a crossroads. We could either go left or right, and we sat for a while debating which direction to go. "Right." We finally decided. But as we drove along, sure of our choice, the car began to sputter and eventually ran out of gas. We were still undaunted and got out of the car, again hand in hand and walked down the road. Before we had gone very far we came upon a small house sitting a ways up the hill with a huge barn close to the road (this actually resembles the house we own now, but we were living elsewhere when I dreamed this). Immediatly people poured from the house, plain people, but very loving and kind. They urged us to stay and eat, said they almost had the meal ready. And they had gas for our car that we could use to get us back on our way afterward. We went to the house and sat at the table while they finished preparing the meal and setting the table. I got the feeling they were almost a ministry of helps. But before they were done I noticed something out the large front window. I got closer and was terrified to see a huge tornado swirling straight for us. Behind me everyone was carrying on as usual. But I was so frozen with fear that I couldn't warn anyone. Then I awoke. I have never been able to forget the dream and feel, with the last year's events in my family's lives, that we are just about to that farmhouse. But I still do not have the interpretation of what the tornado means.
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