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Posts posted by dawnbrans

  1. NenaDaconte wrote:
    maiiz13 wrote:

    i would like to buy
    1 Rudolf
    and 1 Owl Doll

    How much?

    Hi maiiz13 Smile the Owl is 1*3333, and for the Rudolf please offer
    I've sent you a f/r.

    Riuna wrote:
    can i have 2 toasters and 2 fans for 4x3333? Laughing

    Hi Riuna, 3*3333 is ok Smile

    dawnbrans wrote:
    How much for your 5 piggy dolls and 5 Black Kitty Plushies?

    Hi dawnbrans, 7*3333 for all Smile

    Awesome, will accept f/r and send 7*3333 over now. Thanks!!!!

  2. ewoks wrote:
    dawnbrans wrote:
    Are the black kitty plushie,lucky cat,Blue school set,Cancan set,Halloween tree seed,blue tinkerbell wig and pink tinkerbell wig still available? If so, how much are you wanting for them? f/r sent

    Hi Dawn, we are already friends in my orig account. Im Fay Cham, Pet Ewoks. I had to hire a helper since I can hardly do anything w/ the first acct with the recent boo-boos of PF. May i just finish my pending trades in this account pls. Thanks!

    Laughing No problem, just let me know when you are ready & how much, thanks!!!

  3. yellownancy wrote:
    dawnbrans wrote:
    I got 3 Happy Kitty's in a row yesterday & was jumping for joy!!! I just Love that new kitty

    You are so lucky! I still have to find ONE!
    But I'm not discouraged yet...

    I have 12 of these adorable kittys & am sending CJ one now

  4. Agne wrote:
    I don't know where to start...
    Well, I really enjoy playing and I love you guys!
    I think the main problem are cc items... I love them soo much, but my mom hates ps and she said she won't gimme any money for the game she hates anymore... I could buy them from my savings, but I want to buy a better computer cuz now my ps is really really slow... and one more thing: if mom would know that I bought some cc's from my savings she would get really angry and I think she would ban me from the game for all the time. Ofcourse, I could trade them, but as I think everybody knows I'm really poor and just can't afford cc's. Finally, there are always angels in this forum and I don't want my Honey and I live from them pocket...
    What should I do? Sad
    Do you think quiting ps is a good thing for me?

    You know your PS mommy will take care of you so no need to quit or cause problems between you & your RL mommy!! I would be extremely sad if you ever left

  5. Tiddly Winks wrote:
    dawnbrans wrote:

    Awww that is Sad!!! Bailey sent you a little gift, fingers crossed that it is not another racoon

    Awww you are so sweet. It was a leopard, and Tiddly Winks is just thrilled. She posted a letter to Bailey in the chit chat forum. Thank you soooo much. You have gone and made my day.

    Glad to do it!!! Bailey & I can't stand to see sad pets going to visit Tiddly now to check out her new outfit!!!!
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