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Posts posted by dreamer3315

  1. I am in labor and feeling birth pains.   I didnt even know if it was a boy or girl.  No one was there for me and I try to call this guy that I am seeing to let him know I'm in labor, but somethings wrong with my phone.  Its like its torn up and no matter what I do the call won't go through.  I see the nurse and tell her i want an epidural.  Then a few minutes later she comes back by and I ask do you have my epidural..she had forgot to put the order in.  My cousin shows up to be there for me.  IRL me and my cousin do not get along.  I continue to try to restart my phone to text my guy friend but am never able to get the message to go through. I am feeling very sad and frustrated like this is important why isn't he here.

  2. I dreamed last night my employer (no employer irl) was paying for me to get a haircut that I really needed. He gave me his credit card..I went to the salon and the lady began cutting my hair in a tapered cut. I seemed in a hurry seemed like I was on my lunch break and needed to get back to work. I was happy with the cut as it is a cut I've wanted for a while now.

    Irl my husband and I are entering divorce and have been praying about this as we have tried everything over the years to fix our marriage...just really feel this dream is speaking to that.

  3. I dreamed I was in my hometown of Bainbridge GA. I was talking to my ex husband and asked him for $100. He handed me the money and seemed to be sitting with a group of friends that were patting people down as they walked up. Next I see a huge green snake on top of rows of houses. The snake is so long it covered miles and miles of houses...and I heard the snake was 150 years old. I could somehow control it with my thoughts and I directed it to in front of where I was standing. Then with my mind I crushed it...actually saw it broke in two. I felt relieved and happy to finally kill this snake that has hindered people for all those years.

    In real life I am in the process of divorce and looking at moving back to my hometown. This town is filled with poverty. I help people that struggle with budgeting/finances/credit get on the road to financial wellness. I feel like God is speaking to me in this dream concerning destroying the spirit of poverty that rest on this city (green snake)...but wanted to share and get thoughts. Thanks!

  4. Dream begins with my husband and I on a deck with water. We are having a good time when a preacher I know appears. (Irl..my husband and I had a very bad experience with this man and he took over four grand from us). Oue phone starts ringing and we decide to not pick up and he gets angry. He then prophesies to me and says that I need to take my mirrors down because they are demonic and are affecting my husband in some way. (Irl these are two beautiful Drexel mirrors I bought for really cheap and I painted them. They are on my walls now and I am about to repaint them blue). I tell him no I'm not getting rid of my mirrors cause there is nothing wrong with them. I say I have painted them red and yellow and green...and I can see the mirrors on the ground I've sprayed primer on them and am about to repaint blue. I felt controlled and upset like he was pulling something out of thin air to say to me....and that I was standing up for myself. I was certain there wasn't anything wrong with them.

  5. The dream begins with me sitting in my car. I couldn't see the make/model/color but I knew it was my car. My car was filled with green grass. The grass was everywhere and I could not reach the gas pedal. My feelings were "wow how did all this grass get in my car". I wasn't upset just a bit aggravated. EOD.

    I know this is speaking to an area of my life, just not sure where. The thoughts I got is that a car that's filled with grass can't go anywhere. Just not connecting the dots of what God is saying. Any thoughts?

  6. I dreamed my husband and I were trying to sell our home. The home was beautiful inside and well decorated...but the front yard was unkept and weeds growing. The realtor tells me that the reason people are not buying our home is because the front yard is not kept. I look at my husband and say well honey that's your area (IRL my husband takes care of all the yard work). I felt towards my husband like I did my part now you do yours.

  7. I dreamed last night I was told by a woman that my son was in the morgue. I told her no he wasn't. My mom called me and told me how my son died...he was riding a bicycle...on the side of the bicyle were two very sharp pieces (like where the training wheels would be). My mom said my son was doing tricks on the bike and it cut open his head. I was very sad. EOD.

    IRL: my son was diagnosed with a mental illness a year ago and is extremely paranoid. He recently left his home to live with my mom and has recently left her home. We don't know where he is. I know God is speaking to me about him as I am really worried, but just can't seem to understand or plug the symbols in this dream. Please pray for my son. Thanks!

  8. I have been going through removing a thing from my life I've dealt with and held on to since childhood. God has also recently moved us to a new ministry....He also placed a desire to build a place for the homeless, prostitutes, troubled youth etc inside of me...to foster real change in the lives of his ppl...this will become a reality very soon. Not sure if that ties in.

  9. I dream I am cleaning...not sure what or where...all of a sudden I see a large white snake hanging vertically in the air with what appears to be a book or piece of paper covering the middle of the body. There is a faceless man in my dream I tell him I've cleaned everything else but I can't clean that area because there is a snake there. He says to me that's OK and not to go clean that area. End of dream.

  10. My husband dreamed that he was in his company vehicle picking up his daughter.  The house is in a huge field.  The child starts running up to him.  He remembers feeling like "I can't pick her up in this vehicle because I'll get fired"...IRL it is against company policy for him to have any passengers.  So he embraces his daughter and tells her "I have to take you back to your mom"...He knew he would come right back and pick her up in his personal vehicle.  End of dream.

    IRL, he has not had visitation with his daughter for 5 years.  When we first married the mother let us keep her every other weekend, but due to him not wanting to come inside her home and wait 30 minutes every time we would pick her up (mother would never have her ready at approved pickup time)...mother decides he couldn't visit anymore.  We still pay child support/health insurance, etc and now can finally afford legal representation to get this resolved.  We have been praying about when will be a good time to get this figured out and now he has this dream.  I emailed an attorney today, but am pausing due to this dream.  Please help!

  11. I dream I was dying due to something being wrong with my chest causing me to be out of breathe. I knew I was dying, told my husband so... and seemed at peace with it. I was depending on this other lady that had the same condition to give me one of her organs that would save me, but she ended up dying and I could not get the organ. I could feel the gradual shortness of breath and didn't seem like I panicked.

  12. Will do Mia! So funny I just spent months in therapy learning the very same thing about thought replacement! This makes me smile and I will take comfort in my Father's goodness!!!! I have such peace today about the situation and I know it's my Father's goodness towards us!!! happy dance

  13. Thanks so much Mia for your response. Yes I do feel like that about my relationship with my son. It seems that having a relationship with him should be effortless...but so much has happened over the years it is almost impossible. The last time we had a great relationship was when he was 12 and thats where the downward spiral began...I have not been able to regain his love and affection since then. So much damage has been done, but I have done the very best I could to raise him as a single parent. I also have a daughter with special needs. Just not sure where to start. I can't even call him b/c he wants nothing to do with us. The only connection I have is with his caseworker (had to place him in foster care six months before his 18th birthday b/c he wouldn't stay with us and he had nowhere else to go). I feel helpless all the time. Sorry I'm venting :( Thanks so much for your prayers for us it means more than you know.

  14. Dream begins with me being at a prison (looked like a flea market with cells where vendors would be set up). I am eating soup and I know my son is in this prison. I began to walk at least a mile to where his cell is. On the way I see and speak to three people that I know who are ministers. I have my soup in my hand to take to feed him. When I get to his cell, he is so small and malnourished. I could tell he hasn't been eating the food there. I give him the soup. He has a sore in the top of his head and he is exercising. I tell him please son eat and that he can't keep exercising b/c he isn't eating. A guard (really nice older man) comes to his cell and I ask can I please send my son other food besides what they are feeding him. The guard says no he has to eat what we are feeding him.

    The next thing I know, I'm on my way back to see him again this time, I'm carrying leftovers of tomato & rice that I'd just got through eating with my mother and step father. Doesn't seem like enough. I feel heartbroken to see my son this way. End of dream. God has given me pieces of this and I welcome any thoughts.

    **The night before seems like the same theme: I dream I am a worker at subway. I'm waiting on a customer and it takes me 5 hours to fix the sandwich. I still don't fix it due to bread being one place, veggies being another, I dropped the bread, etc....End up asking my coworker to fix the sandwich. I saw the customer disappointed and rolled his eyes.

    IRL: I am extremely worried about my son's mental heath. He has been in and out of juvie since he was 12. He's now 18, out on his own & and was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Just last week, my husband and I went to visit him...and he ran across the road to get away from us. He is extremely paranoid and we are praying God will restore our relationship. Please pray for my family. crying

  15. Thanks so very much for all of your responses! This happened today and God blew our mind!!!!!!!!!!!! He fought for us and confused the other side. I cannot believe how confused they were!!!!!! Reminds me of 2 Chronicles 20 where God confused the enemy. Yes my husband is fine right now. You know you read the stories of how God fights in the bible, but when you witness it first hand rofl crying Praising God right now out of the building :)

  16. Wow! WhiteShadow you are are on the money! We are going through a battle with my husband's job and have been for the last two years. It is now coming to a head and we have been praying on which way we need to go. Just know your interpretation gives so much comfort and we are praising God for this hope and safety He is providing! crying crying crying happy dance happy dance happy dance woo hoo woo hoo

  17. I dream that my husband and I are on a roller coaster ride. This roller coaster is huge...looks like it spans hundreds of miles and is really high. I'm on the ride sitting in the seat and I can see him in the distance on the ride also, except It looks like he's tethered to one of the rails up high and is floating. We are both laughing and smiling. All of a sudden, I see whatever he is holding on to he is disconnected from it and falls. I am screaming and very scared, but he ends up hitting a large body of water. We were very high in the air and there is no way possible he could survive this fall. I just know that he's dead. I race the the ER only to find him in room with a slightly swollen face and a broken leg. I hug him in relief and told him I thought he was dead. He says oh no that wouldn't have killed me.

  18. I dreamed last night my husband, myself and our daughter were right in front of a tornado.  I was holding onto our daughter (she has special needs and I was holding her tight in my chest)...and I could feel the wind blowing really hard.  When the tornado lifted, I was looking around for my husband but he wasn't there. I was very afraid at the end as I knew he had been swept up.
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