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Posts posted by Joshua116

  1. **PREFACE**

    hello all,

    i feel that 100%, i just had a meaningful dream, even if it was just from myself

    it's a theme which to my understanding, is common

    before i went to bed, i was browsing a dating site that i'm on

    i browse but i fear actually talking to any of the ladies on there

    i partially fear it because i feel like NONE of them are God'd Will for me in the first place, but i'm sick of being lonely so i sign up to these things

    i'm NOT saying this dream had anything to do with that but it's just possible,

    i know it means something

    anyways, on to the dream

    i found myself back in a classroom with kids from my highschool (was not even thinking about these people, haven't in a long time)

    there was a "closet" that had like a small 'urinal' in the classroom for some reason and i had to go use it

    unfortunately, the class started laughing, snickering, at ME, because of this

    the teacher at one point walked up to this closet and covered up the area where i was peeing

    APPARENTLY the class was laughing at me because there was an exposed place in this "closet" where they could see my privates

    i finished up in there then to fight the humiliation of the situation, i walked out of the bathroom with my fist held high then sat back down

    while a lot of the kids were laughing, one kid named Justin gave me a handshake, like everything was cool and that i had just done something neat...yeah

    the class was reading some weird book or poem at the time

    the teacher walked up to the group i was in and all of a sudden the teacher was the wife of the Pastor of the Church i currently attend

    the class then dismissed and i had to grab some stuff that was mine and take it with me to the next class

    i remember seeing 'stuff' like textbooks, book bags, and even some guitars (?) that may have belonged to another student

    i somehow got out of that class and headed for my next class

    that 'Justin' kid from before then turned into a different Justin i have just recently met in one of my Church Small Groups

    it was like i was following him and we were both trying to find our next class

    the rest of the dream gets blurry as i pretty much seemed to not be able to find my class/find it on time and would rather not walk in late so i remember something going on in the cafeteria where i just hung out there

    it was like some Special Needs Children/or Strictly Female type class/activity but here i was in there, stumbling over cables and tables and what not

  2. i recently dreamed that i and my friend Greg who i met in Church group were driving these rental cars

    i say "rental car" only because at the end of the dream we took the cars 'back' somewhere

    greg walked ahead of me into the building and then as i was about to walk through the door, a young lady walked out

    this young lady is someone i've asked the Lord about many times

    her name is Lauren and i had first met/became aware of her existence the same way i met Greg, through Church group

    i wasn't sure why Lauren was in THIS particular dream, wasn't expecting it

    she is the same girl i talked about in my last dream about pouring grapes on somebody:


  3. hello all,

    i have not posted here in forever, i've gone through several jobs and have started serving at my Church lately since i last posted

    i have been seeking the Lord, asking Him to tell me WHO my wife will be

    i have had my eye on several females at my Church, therefore i am confused which is why i ask the Lord

    in my dream last night, i dreamt i was at a dinner table with some people, looked like it was people from my Church group

    sitting across from me was one of the young ladies i have been asking the Lord about

    the vibe was good and i was making good conversation, then at one point she says "What would you think if I did this?" and proceeded to just playfully drop some candy wrappers in a pile in front of me

    then i responded by pouring grapes on her head

    everyone was laughing or thinking a fight would start

    the girl then let me put my hand on her face which i held there for a prolonged period of time

  4. me and some people from my group were floating through a narrow canal on a raft

    there werwe some shops on either side

    i was up front having to turn the thing by leaning hard one way or the other

    at one point, my group leader gave a message and because of the message, i stopped us and went in to one of the shops

    i think my group leader went in with me

    all i know is i bought what looked like roses and they were intended for my Grandmother

    i then put $10 down on this check that was also intended for her

    i then decided to make it $20

    some people were then asking me if i would then have enough for like gas and stuff for myself

  5. my dream started with me at my grandparents' former florida house (reoccuring symbol)

    i was having a birthday party, but not just any, it felt very important and significant, like Spiritual

    the problem was that there were tons of people, tons of guests, friends of friends, people i didn't know

    i felt insecure even though i was being honored

    i also felt insecure wondering if a certain girl from Church was there

    i remember looking for her, asking people if they could confirm her being there or not, got different answers

    the dream then shifted to a huge high school (reoccuring symbol), as huge as a whole city

    my "birthday party" was still going on

    the amount of guests was just mind blowing

    there were all these activities, especially fun things for little children

    same thing, i looked around for the Church girl

    i felt somewhat excited about the party but again, nervous and insecure

    at one point, i saw Howard Stern and members of his shows talking about something to do with Morality, they were
    talking about how someone (me or otherwise, I can't remember) had changed

    that's how i knew the "birthday party" was about more than just a birthday

    i kept trying to LEAVE my own party though

    last thing i remember was riding a Ski Lift and then dropping out half-way to get away from everyone because
    i felt like i needed to improve by myself more

  6. hello


    i was just going over some dreams with Cats of my own and how people say Cats can mean Rebellion or Witchcraft

    if the Cat was over your husband's head, it could be about his MIND, his THOUGHTS, thoughts about your Stepgrandpa

    the Stepgrandpa could secretly be a bad person

    a Family thing somewhere, not necessarily the Stepgrandparents

  7. in my dream i was in some house babysitting this baby animal

    it was pink in color

    i got the impression it was a baby hippo, something pig-like but kind of dog-like too

    it was a very sweet animal

    i kept it from walking into walls and would touch it to get it straightened up again

    then the dream had shifted to me with some members of this latest Small Group i joined

    the sun was setting and we were walking on remnants of a Freeway

    it honestly felt like we were all looking for something that pertained to ME

    we were trying to get to some sacred place

    it was a serious feeling

    the freeway itself was no longer driveable

    it's hard to explain

    we were taking certain paths along ruts and cracks in the road

  8. this morning i was tempted like i usually am but somehow i made it through, as much as i wanted to fall, i also didn't:

    afterward, i fell back asleep and had a harsh dream:

    school classroom

    in the dream i was aware of some kids, lots of kids, kids who seemed to be in Gangs were going to do something big, something to change the school, change daily life as we knew it

    in a classroom all of a sudden these terrible gun shots rang out from outside in the parking lot, already a firefight with school security

    however, they were overwhelmed and no match for the Gangs whose bullets kept hitting our window and as they just advanced closer

    everyone was huddled down, laying down, even the teacher who was a strong guy but even he was scared

    i was closest to the door so in the chaos, i took it upon myself to unlock the door and just started running

    yet as i should have known, the Gangs foot steps were close behind

    they caught up to me no problem, no matter what i did

    because i ran, i was now, along with some others, going to be subjected to beatings to see if we would survive

  9. i had several dreams this morning,

    one was that the Pastor's wife of this Church i've been doing to died

    it was so real

    i kept thinking about how this would affect the Pastor and his kids

    i remember being about to check his Facebook page to see what he said

    then the dream shifted to me in this room at like 4-5 cats, especially this one was just constantly coming after me

    all i had was a towel to swipe them away

    i've had dreams of cats many times, even mean ones

    IF this dream was from the Lord, i'm sure it's symbolic of course

  10. i had another dream that

    my sister, her husband, and i were riding some kind of slay during a snowy night

    we were responsible for...something serious

    a feeling it was time to do this lingered and as we dropped down out into the night we broke off and separated but i had to keep making sure they
    stayed on the path, my sister was getting stuck

    a very strong impression of a Fighter Jet also lingered throughout the dream

    whether it's from the Lord or not, I've up'd my Bible reading in real life

  11. dream:

    in some unfamiliar town, i got off a school bus after having problems with other students

    things were heated and hateful but i made the best effort to end it by walking off the bus

    felt relieved and the Lord's peace like never before

    walked back to the school just to see any old teachers or classmates

    found my last english teacher that i had but it was like he was teaching music now (i doubt he even works at that school anymore, haven't seen him in 11 years now)

    we hugged and talked about the Lord surprisingly

    dream changed to a motorcycle sitting in a corner inside our house :shock:

    dad wasn't home but my mom was telling me that dad wanted to have the bike parked inside the bathroom

    dad pulled into the driveway as i was in the process of pushing the bike in the bathroom

  12. the other night i dreamt i got let go from some second job i don't even have in real life

    i dreamt i showed up that night, it was like at a restaurant and everyone was giving me weird looks

    i knew something fishy was going on

    a young gentleman who was apparently some manager type person approached me and was being angry at me

    he basically fired me even though i had never seen him before

    i had simply forgotten to show up one night or maybe more and now they were done

    the young manager guy disgruntledly gave me a check for $188 as my total i had earned while there

    i only think it means something because the number 188 which is new to me, never seen it

  13. what does it mean to see an Ex-Girlfriend with corn rows as her hair? lol

    she had planned and promoted a concert where my female cousin was going to sing in French

    i didn't speak with my Ex in the dream, don't even know why she was there

  14. hello

    in the dream

    cats at my grandparents' former Panama City home where again, my family used to take us on vacation

    my mom was present

    one cat had a basketball size EGG coming out, i helped get it out and it started hatching immediately

    cats/my cat have been in several of my dreams

  15. huh? seriously...

    1.) who are you and why are you being randomly rude? why are you starting a fight where this is none?

    2.) i'm not the only person that shares the same dream multiple places. it's common practice to get confirmation/different perspectives. how do you know about how "perfect" an interpretation i've gotten?

    if you didn't have anything to say, why did you respond at all? don't burden yourself.


  16. in my dream

    there was a Jewish king but he looked like a long haired british king/viking...like Beowulf or something

    his name was King James

    he was supposedly a son or descending of King David

    i kept hearing the name of this place named Ionia

    then i saw Ionia...i saw it come into view from an aerial view

    it seemed to be a coastal land on the water...the water was beautfiul crystal clear Blue

    i saw the fish and all these minerals in the water

    this "King James" was angry and upset about something his "father" David had done

    i got the impression James was trying to be a good king and that King David accomplished 'something' but the way he did it had King James upset

    i knew King James was a King over Jewish people

    'Ionia' was in my dream a place of Greek-Jews

  17. in my dream there was a prophecy about a secret/lost Hebrew scripture being found in America

    i was in my room and my dog was with me

    after i heard about the prophecy my dog walked to a corner in my room and started "digging" in my floor

    she found the Scripture

    i remember telling my mom about Paleo-Hebrew which is what scholars say is the original Hebrew

  18. the dream took place in a school classroom

    each kid was having to get up and go sit at this one table at the front to do some kind of specific assignment

    i felt like someone either shared a Bible verse or something that made me think about Jesus' Crucifxion in an otherwise non-religious environment, it felt very dead to Spiritual things otherwise

    as i was sitting, i realized i had no underwear, i felt exposed but i was covering up with a blanket

    the Teacher...who looked like Pastor Mike then told me to it was my turn to go up and sit at that table

    i was supposed to write about or fill out some questions about 'Manliness/Being A Man'

    i felt like the bell was about to ring, class was to let out but i couldn't leave until i finished
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