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clair a bell

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Posts posted by clair a bell

  1. smorkle wrote:
    @clair - that's what addiction does to you. i know, i suffer from psfc addiction too!!!

    @bunny- i'm in southern california you're just a hop skip and a jump away compared to these other girlies!! lol

    Yep i get it Laughing
    My other half doesnt though
    Nearly hitting 2:30am so im saying
    Sweet dreams to all xx

  2. smorkle wrote:
    myladyyawo wrote:
    What time is it there Jeanie? It's only almost 6pm here and I'm still cooking chicken, carrots and oriental rice. Mmmm any luck yet?

    we are in the same time zone congratulations!!! it's 6:03pm now.

    i finally got on...but with a different pet account. she has less stuff so i tried her and now i'm on. finally!!!! ahhhhhhh!!!


    LOL, i answered for the both of us!!! LaughingLaughingLaughing

    Off topic
    BUT 6:03PM
    Its 02-13AM here
    Im up way toooo late

  3. tweet40 wrote:

    clair a bell wrote:
    Can i get the doll? Dont know its name!!
    And which milk are you wanting congratulations

    you mean the pink one from last week? Smile
    sure.. the normal white one from the store Laughing like we have any other milk lol


    Yes the pink one
    Thank you hun, will send it over as soon as ps loads Laughing
    Plus you could have wanted chocolate or strawberry
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