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Everything posted by Moufisto

  1. Petty details. But you're right. Well, assign it is then.
  2. since when was i given this power "Zelda, if you're still on; I want you to recommend people to be promoted. You can suggest anyone you think be fit for adept and expert, as from what i know you have been in most."
  3. Correction: I just promoted zelda to admin. I can do that >__>
  4. hmmm? zhuge was talking to me about that today. Saying how the heck you have 500 something hours. He says its awkward how you got froggered and might bleed. Interesting way to put it We can't control this. this is up to master onion. I asked him about kevin and he never responded -.-
  5. I told you Zelda, you have permission to assign any adepts or experts. Oherokun to expert?
  6. Also, Doomwatcher is promoted to Adept. If there's an issue with this you can do as you please with him.
  7. Zelda, if you're still on; I want you to recommend people to be promoted. You can suggest anyone you think be fit for adept and expert, as from what i know you have been in most. If you have an idea on whom should be, because we really need to promote some as it's clear our staff aren't active on the whole. ^that, being a generalization. no finger pointing.
  8. Done and done. Edit: He was already banned. someone heard ya XD
  9. Generally i'd have a problem with it, but his info seems clean, and he wasn't in for very long. things seem relatively untouched by cuboid (as bots are sometimes programmed to do..) so i think we'll let this one off. Sure, he's a risk. but if he were planning to destroy stuff, he'd had done it by now.
  10. I do like chocolate muffins. mMM Mmmm! yum yum.
  11. I square you Moufie XD ...what? Zelda used Confusion! Moufisto Is confused! Moufisto used Logic.. Moufisto took 20 dmg in his confusion!
  12. Excuse me? HATED YOU? Stop these bullshit accusations, i never said that. WHO said this?
  13. I didn't even.. >.> I just wanna catch up that's all.
  14. I would give you a prize but i don't know what to give >:DDDD
  15. http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/230494-%E2%96%88%E2%96%88%E2%96%88%E2%96%88%E2%96%88-247-m-o-o-s-e-c-r-a-f-t-survival-%E2%96%88%E2%96%88%E2%96%88%E2%96%88%E2%96%88/page__st__220 (12th page) Fuckin' genius mate. I'm off to find this server.
  16. Well, there's always going to be that one annoying guy who sometimes crosses the line sometimes and makes an ass of himself and pretty much asks to be banned. but that's my job, cafeworld was just hilarious. :<
  17. missing the past eh? You miss cafeworld?? I... Uh... .. AHHHHH!!!! *cries off like a little MANLY TESTOSTEROME girl with a doll, but watchout cause that doll is EVIL pure EVIL omg yes, that's right, EVVVIULLLLL*
  18. Zelda, it's actually a logical process of boredom + missing the past = search for it :O
  19. YEs matti you may come on this 3p1c 4dv3ntur3!
  20. I'M SETTING OUT TO FIND CAFEWORLD!! *onto adventure*
  21. Note: SnowTD97 has changed his account to SnowTD. their IP's may vary, but he has shown me proof that it's the same man. (logged in via both accounts and told me so) anyway. So i gave SnowTD mason, and here are his old stats for record: Hours: 109.4 Built: 60116 Deleted: 34511 Drew: 2792K Wrote: 3310 messages. Old IP: That's some insane stats for a Mason. Makes me wonder....
  22. Isn't it a little difficult to play minecraft like that? And can you fall off while its turning? Curious The mod is so awesome, that any consequence is irrelevant. FOREVER. XD
  23. EXPLOSION! But I think we need a new one... Damn! my firewall(s) wasnt strong enough.... i had 103427 firewalls online.. *like button*
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