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Everything posted by Moufisto

  1. yeah i knew you knew I'd propose this (no i mean it ) but i DID IT ANYWAY O_Q MONOCLEEE anyway! NO NO NO AND NO to that name It's gotta be something respectful to the participants. agreed, not SOTW. Also, i feel like i'm ripping the idea off them. but then again, we tried it before they did it. it just fucked up.
  2. Alrighty, there's a contest going on in another server called SOTW. the idea of it, is that people get together and build individually the best thing they can. The winner, gets a special rank of his own, though i think that is for forums not in game, among other less notable rewards. now there are two reasons why i bring this up here. This is exactly the kind of thing we should've or should be doing. Competitions. We never had a really distinguished reward though, all we had was a promotion for offer to the winner, which brought up more problems cause it conflicted with our normal routines in promoting people. that's A. B, is that I've sent Onion a copy of the map and its contents, to put up and show you guys what happened while i was away from the serv. this is what i was working on. ^.^
  3. LLZOLOLOLOOLOL coming in. I'll sort it out.
  4. A nice name indeed Frogger (Can I call you "Frogger"?). It sounds very Spanish When I'm older, I'll call my children Angelina, Froggerfourhundrednine and Will, Smith. EDIT: Nah, I'll make Angelina an abortion, my third son is gonna be called Moufeh Smith. Honoured. Last edited by TheCraftsman on Mon Feb 14, 2011 10:19 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Didn't want a daughter xD) ITS A MAN HOUSE, SO THEY SAY! *sings*
  5. WELLLLl something screwed up cause i couldn't get in for a while D====!!
  8. Moufisto

    waccess ...

    Nothing at all Eric. Come get some HOT DICKINGS!! And then I'm off to eat some hickory smoked HORSE BUTT HOLES .. From a cup!
  9. Moufisto

    waccess ...

    Can you give me a free tour, plssssssss. I wud rely b glad u no. I'll give you a tour yeah I'LL GIVE YOU A TOUR TO MY BEDROOM HELL.
  10. Hahaha, no. You, RO, RO, OK. RO. RO, NO MC OK! NO MC, DO RO. ­­>.> ..>.>
  11. HERE'S MY PLAN FOR THE NEW MAP. It will be armament time, before i was just doing random shit, but this one will be purely military. Edit: FUUUU-- posting a pic up doesn't work for me -_-'
  12. Hello, Just want to inform those who may ask or wonder where Moufworld went, It was hidden until now, but was there. But now, there is too much in it, and simply looking in the direction of the middle crashes my minecraft (sloths too :/).. So, it's not dead. dw. but, i'm dump mapping it and if any of you want it feel free to grab it from me. Not sure why you'd want it, but it's safe, dw.
  13. Moufisto

    my world Terra

  14. WOAH i just turned red. TRIPPIN' OUT.
  15. Moufisto

    waccess ...

    XDDD those silly adepts! I wonder how the tour went, i wanna ask the novice now @_@
  16. Damn you for stealing my bottom quote thingymajigg.
  17. well since no one seems to give a shit, alright then.
  18. Really? Sure why not, he can be our ol' nemesis server.
  19. Actually, question: I'm willing to take craft on trial for expert, and watch him. Do I have permission to do so?
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