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Everything posted by Moufisto

  1. Credible. Yeah. Tooootally credible.
  2. *raises hand, ready for a high five* *blocks the high five using oversized afro. my work here is done.*
  3. You can't fool me with this mouf! If I give you my PayPal you'll hack it like shizl. O_O!!! FRAMED!! FRAMED I TELL YOU!!
  4. Still having the issue here btw.
  5. O_O this wasn't my doing either When did you notice this? just now?
  6. Yep, I've been having the same issues this morning and all yesterday. :/ not sure what's up though. Wait it out I guess, maybe it'll fix itself on this one.
  7. Admin's can be asses too!
  8. I FOUND THE SECRETLYDYDYTHING It's the moon. I hate double-post ; JUST KIDDING It's a toilet-dog. With a bone. (Watchout. It's dangerous, with its bone it has an attack power of OVER 9000!!) (btw, the the servers down for me again :/ silly thing.)
  9. Yeah, no. I'd like to see that. Wait, in game or on here? on here he could xD
  10. I'll look into it, Thanks Sloth.
  11. Alright guys. You should all know 11014GRF by now, a current Adept, and one of the only who show as a promising decent Expert. Hrs: 183, 144k blocks built, 74k blocks deleted. 11354k blocks drawn. (Wow. Closest to me anyone has got. sorry i still beat him with 82060k blocks.) Kicked: 22 players. 110's a master when it comes to building. He follows a particular style though, a very 'modern' style at that. I'm sure you could compare his building skills to that of an modern architect. His moderation, is a questionable aspect, however no one is sworn or held to go get as many griefers as they can. are they? He hasn't abused his powers. He has only been a dedicated player when it comes to just buildin' shit really. same case as me in that, I don't have a problem with him becoming an expert, and wonder what you guys thought in this.
  12. Wait what? Rephrase? I meant if they're bugging you about this right now about a past case (cafes arguement) then threaten them and rule with an iron fist or something.
  13. Easy! Slave labor! Alternatively you don't have them all there at the same time instead you be honest with your turns and keep check and have an indicator to whose turn it is next but this requires people to be honest with their moves. which i doubt they will be!
  14. If they're giving you shit for Cafe being IP banned just threaten them with it too I suppose. It's not up to them.
  15. Wait what? No. LOL I take it this was made before i answered on msn. I see why you thought so though, but I wouldn't be using my own name when scamming.
  16. Moufisto

    GRF's stuff

    Welcome to.. my pants. *renames world, Moufs Pants.*
  18. Moufisto

    GRF's stuff

    OMG Bigflip was the maker! XD
  19. <--- Click fail >_> it says only admins are allowed to click it
  20. Still. that was way too quick to accuse, not even knowing it.
  21. what? we're having trials? oh wait, yes! we are well, the list was originally meant for a mad 5 players worth, but since we're no longer moving the point of it kinda went out. Eh *shrug* yeah i agree it's a hard one. And Eric, you might want to meet these guys then and give us your thoughts?
  22. New candidates. Oherokon - 85 hrs, 110k blocks built, 25k blocks deleted. Ohero started out as someone who was going around repairing things randomly, from what i found. Never griefed, hasn't made an ass of himself to my knowledge, but other than that I'm not sure about his case. Seems like he's worth a shot as adept I think. Herzition - 81 hrs, 43k blocks built, 31k deleted. Herzition is the dude with the Ash Catch'em skin, which is how i remembered who he was anyway. He's Ash to me. xD Anyway, him, Grizz and Oherokon all came around the same time. he's always around, not building as much as treeman or ohero obviously, but like Ohero, hasn't made an ass of himself either to my knowledge. Not much else I can say for him either though. I also see him a worthy advocate. Comments?
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