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Everything posted by Pedobear

  1. So we can steal your secrets at Hyrule1. uhhh Oyeah, I was gonna make your world 512x512x256, but I got bored and forgot what I was doing xD
  2. Wouldn't say that if I were you. But you don't I am NOT a slave woops sorry, first time I read this I thought it said NOW instead of NOT xD
  3. why do people always think I like to read?.... XD ty xD
  4. didnt I say like...ehm....completely the same before? xD
  5. Alright zellie, ill help ya to stay alive Take a hockey stick, golf club or tennis racket (instruments will work too) Take something what can be used as a shield, like that annoying maths teacher Take something to alarm others, I suggest a mailpidgeon Then, go to the bathroom and lock the door Go sit im the shower with the showerdoors closed ALWAY go sit behind the maths teacher If he starts bout quadratic relations, you use the hockey stick Then, sing "eye of the tiger" for about 3 to 4 days Mouf will get bored and go after any other minecraft girl: Taia, viviana (SRRY FROG) mooselini (DONT KILL ME ONION) citychik or stargatedestiny Thatll be $25 for dumb useless advice
  6. Zel, come online when you can, Ill try and help you
  7. there seriously is no reason why we should delete it, the only reason we should imo is when it lags the server onion said it doesnt, so its a no from me
  8. sharok, you dirty little genius, GO4IT
  9. with some big juicy sauce over these 2 things
  10. I dont like deleting shit people worked for random people; *KEVIN 4 PRESIDENT*
  11. finn, we already had this conversation with eric and others onion said there arent too many worlds I suggest we /whide some more
  12. Pedobear

    My Gaurdian?

    screenshot the crap out of the people who are bugging ya ALSO, I think we should stop buggin the little girl mouf... (next week finncorp? *wink wink wank wank*)
  13. Im for repromoting when they rejoin, but I dont think any of them will join
  14. [ABA] Freebuild, allied server
  15. I dont do that on command mouf, you should know that by now
  16. so eric, time to demote some?
  17. well, we only need froggers and zellies vote now, GET ON YOU 2
  18. I voted 3 weeks because people can forget they go on vacation, and most vacations you can forget are like 1-2 weeks
  19. Pedobear

    My Gaurdian?

    LMFAO onion, but on topic.....I should go with mouf if I were you, he can kick/ban/demote/molest the mean experts
  20. Well, we have admin now, a great builder, sharok, an amazing mod, eric, and a combination, mouf We are good now guys, imo its lock time for this
  21. Ty for telling, I was going all angry german kid already
  22. none of them for now, just tell him he isnt ready
  23. Submitted by triddin on Wed, 04/20/2011 - 19:34 WoM Game Client 1.7.5 is up. This version has some new /client commands to disable chat times, and font anti-aliasing, font size has been reduced by 1/9th. There's a few bugs fixed, and can now individually set environmental effects without having to set a texture to make them activate. For those that want the old font/chat style, simply copy lib/minecraft/default.png to lib/default, then set /client fontaa off. If you don't want chat times in text mode, type /client chattimes off I'll continue to address your concerns over the following days.
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