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Posts posted by Bee1

  1. not this airport - it's one of the small ones outside of London (it will take me an hour on train to get there) so there are handful of overpriced shops and (hopefully) one pub/bar with maybe few eating places. I have got a book and my iphone loaded with music so I should be alright.

  2. if I catch the train I'm aiming for and there will be no problems I should be at the airport 1 hour 55 minutes before my flight is leaving - I rather sit at the airport and wait then miss the flight.

    Back home however I will have to take a bus (20 minutes) then coach (2 1/2 hours) to get to airport.

  3. some of the stuff I do can be done by other people but some it's only me so yes I'm expecting lots of work when I return - I already have pile here that I should try to do today but i just told one of my bosses that I will unlikely finish it all today as I'm leaving early (45 minutes but it's still early)

  4. it's amazing what animals do for their owners. I read in newspapers this morning about dog who trained himself to know when his owner is about to have epilptic seizure and he starts jumping and barking to let her know. They said he can sense/smell the chemical changes in her body.

  5. it's great you get to spend some time together every now and then. Sounds like a good day.
    I've gotta find time to stop at cemetery this year - I didn't go last year when I was home and then I felt bad about it.

    How's the cat's potty training? Any progress with that?

  6. Hello Frannie

    yes I am! Had to leave earlier this morning but Mr B helped me with the case to train station. Got my ticket extension to get to the airport so i don't have to worry about it and found out that I can take a bus from office couple of stops and then just less than 5 minutes walk to train station to catch my train.
    I'm all sorted now - just have to hope that trains are running on time

    How are you?

  7. definitely! Already got 3 meetings up planned and it's also my sister's b'day on Sunday. No getting up early in the morning and no bloody church bells at 8am the weekend (her flat is double glazed and no church nearby).
    I really need the break and it will be nice to be home (after a year).

    I'm using my X's suitcase as last time I went home airport baggage handlers managed to break both of suitcase handles so on my way back from London airport I had 25KG suitcase on wheels with no way of pulling it so I ended up carrying in in my arms - not fun at all. Had to bin the case and have not replaces it yet as I have my eye on Samsonite but it's very expensive

  8. yep - 25 minutes walk to train station, 10 minutes walk from tube station to my office and then 12 minutes from office to different tube station to catch connecting train to airport. There will be some walking in between but I don't mind. I should be taking earlier train with my X and hoping that he will give me hand with the suitcase as we will be walking to station together (it's his suitcase LOL)

  9. That's great Tanya! So glad you and Kijo had wonderful time

    Tomorrow I'm flying home tomorrow - I'm getting excited now.
    Two more days of work (my flight is in the evening so I'm dragging my suitcase to work Sad )

  10. Frannie wrote:
    back.... but getting really sleepy again

    you can go back to bed Frannie if you sleepy - it's close to lunch time and I will need to go to a bank to let them know about my travel so I will be away from computer anyway.
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