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Posts posted by Frannie

  1. Tuesday morning here, sure feels like a Monday, though. lots to do today and the rest of the week. getting ready for our vacation out west starting Friday. unfortunately, a dentist trip has to scheduled before then. lost a crown over the weekend, post and all. at least no pain, root canal on the tooth years ago.

    bought a new lap top this weekend and it should be delivered tomorrow. am excited about that. but not looking forward to transferring everything. for once, though, was proactive, instead of losing files.

    that's about it for me..now off to get some work done.

  2. Just leaving a post. Friday morning here. hope everyone is happy and well. I miss having my first coffees of the day with you. three day weekend here in the States, not much planned. I leave for Arizona next Friday and return the 18th. Margarita and spa time. Woo hoo

  3. nods... how much time will you have once you arrive at the airport? And how great that you live in an area with great public transportation. Chicago is like that.. but certainly not here in Ohio

  4. Oh i firmly believe that. This one comes and seems to check my breath.. Most times she leaves me alone after that... but sometimes, she just keeps rubbing against my head.. waking me full awake. Sure enough, I tested and was very low

  5. had to come inside.. keys are just too tiny on that phone.

    the cat is just rebelling against something. she's certainly not a kitten.. 12 years old.. just has her own mind sometimes

  6. I'm good, thanks for asking. Robin had the day off yesterday and we had a nice time. Went for lunch to a diner, made me think of ps. It's all old timey and red. Then toured a local cemetary, very old graves.
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