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Posts posted by Frannie

  1. Good morning. Sad day here, we are going to have to put Robin's little cat Zoe down. She had been attacking the other pets yesterday morning, so we placed her on Robinson bedroom. After about an hour, she went after a sleeping robin. Three stitches to the scalp and countless wounds and scratches. Don't know what set her off, but can't trust an animal after its turned.

  2. Chicago is a main city.. Jacksonville is an international Airport as is Seattle, I'm sure. If you can pre clear on flights.. then I guess it doesn't matter about weather aiport is international r not. Been a long long time for me

  3. well.. i hope you can pull off all this planning, I'm sure you can. Sounds like you will have something to keep you busy LOL. Just remember that it will be easier to fly into one of the major cities, might even get a direct flight. Customs will have to clear you at some point. Been so long since I've done any international flying

  4. I like that you have something to be excited about! I suppose I may start quilting again in earnest, come Fall. There's eno0ugh to keep me from ever being bored in Summer, but if this game is declared dead, then I'll need something to fill the hours. I never quilt much in Summer, though we will have or Retreat coming up in August, which is always a wonderful time!
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