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Posts posted by Frannie

  1. hmm wish that map would enlarge. I placed London in my pohone for weather updates (so that I can think of my UK friends when I check weather. Would rather out an actual city though, where someone lives.

    Have you heard from Nicky? (whole different thought but it just popped up)

  2. Little Sh*t is doing alright. Has some bruising on the belly incision, but it's a nice closure. They removed a growth from her neck (no biopsy report yet) and that is healing nicely, but makes me hurt when I look at it. It's right where her collar would hit and I'm not sure she'll be able to wear the collar again. They said no jumping or running.. but how does one stop a cat?

  3. oooooo this sounds like it could be something that could fill the hours. Even if you get nowhere with it, it's something to do.

    Mark's been on vacation all week, but we've just done little things, besides playing nursemaid to a recovering cat on Wednesday. I think we're going out to a Mexican Restaurant for lunch today. Not my favorite cuisine, but he loves it!

  4. hmm meeting news.. I arrive noon Saturday. Sophie etal arrive lat afternoon the same day. I believe Kijo will be there before me. Other than that, we are a little loose, depending on weather situations, etc.

  5. Lol @ the Pavlovian response. I do love my coffee. In fact, it's the only thing that I had to make sure Tanya had, as far as hospitality requirements. Would have stopped for a coffee maker between airport and her place if I had to.

  6. Robin is ok, I suppose. Something seems to be bothering her, but she's so tight lipped I'll probably never know what it is. Lots of short one word answers, lots of deep sighs. Sure you know how it goes. Brb big ol hairy dog is waiting at back door. Lately she forgets which door she leaves out of. At least I hope she's at the back door.

  7. Zoonie wrote:
    I've been reading up about Lionel Messi (plays for Barcelona and the Argentian national side) - can't believe he only just turned 23, and, what a nice guy he is. He has his own charitable foundation, all for the benefit of vulnerable children, to help with their health and their education.

    nice... love when they publish the good works...

    I have to love you and leave you Gill (to use one of your quotes) laundry needs switching, blah blah blah

  8. was one of the largest battlefield sites with massive casualties for both sides. I'll spare you all the details of the campaign, as I imagine they can be dry. My brother and I are both huge Civil War Buffs. He actually would enjoy the trip more than Mark, but Mark will go anywhere... as long as I drive LOL

    A summary:

    July 1 (1863-07-01)–3,
    1863 (1863-07-04)
    Adams County, Pennsylvania
    Union victory[1]

    States (Union)
    CSA (Confederacy)
    George G. MeadeRobert
    E. Lee
    23,055(3,155 killed
    14,531 wounded
    5,369 captured/missing)[4]

    23,231(4,708 killed
    12,693 wounded
    5,830 captured/missing)[5]
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