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Posts posted by Frannie

  1. Socks is so cute.. I can see where he'd grow on you. Our newest cat - daughter's- has been so good...but my black cat just doesn't accept her. The good thing is, Daughter's cat sleeps in daughters room @ night. So our black one feels free to come out from the room she stays in all day long. There is still growling going on during daylight hours..

  2. Public transportation - good because it reduces pollution and accidents.. bad because you are the mercy of their schedules or lack thereof. Glad now that you are safe and warm... really makes you appreciate your home, eh? And adds a little more compassion for the homeless

  3. inu-kijo wrote:
    Hahaha, I should come to your house then! ; P

    any plans for the new year??

    weird.. just got locked out o fthe thread.. You can come any time you'd like Kijo.. would have to sleep on the sofa bed and fight off the three cats and the big hairy dog.. but it's yours whenever you want

  4. Mangoberri wrote:
    Frannie wrote:
    Mango.. add me as a friend and I will loan you the blue mask.. can't help you out on the other though, sorry. Add a little note with the friend request so I know who you are, please

    aww. thanks hun. will send you a little gift on the way Smile

    okies... mask has been sent.. sorry it can only be a loan... I had to ask other friends for the space thing.... but already returned it
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