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About caliban

  • Birthday 12/16/1972
  1. anybody want a bluebird from snowwhite eggs? ive got a spare one send me a note in ps if u want it
  2. but ur lucky, i cant stay to long, i have drive my gf to work in 10 minutes
  3. Hey Mindy .... did you see my post about Pookie?? Love Tim Gunn .... Wish straight men would dress that nice and not be stuck on themselves .... I wish that I could watch it with you , but I am only here for a few more minutes .... I have an early shift tomorrow .... gotta be at work at 7 .... hehehe (tnx tanya for pointing me to that one ) That is one fo my personal favorites ... this one too .... :focus: not to bad either these :coolglasses:
  4. same here silly girl as always
  5. eyh... instant dessert maker! bananasplit in under 5sec ... how u doing kujo?
  6. who ..... me scared ...... I have little boys like you for lunch!! :girl_devil: me for lunch little btw... im 1m96 i was talking bout pookie
  7. hehehe (tnx tanya for pointing me to that one )
  8. oopsie.... i think i scared her off.... was i that rude?!
  9. Yes it has been ...... I think the lowest it got here was 16F They ae worried obout our strawberry crop this year ... 20s, 30s?! minus? celcius? silly boy .... we are F kinda girls ...not C.... :heat: now.... what should i think about that.... u telling me ur not a c but more like an f? or more like :shok:?
  10. been great! warm enough, no colder than -10C 8) i know!! gb is having terrible weather ha ha ......-10 ......That is cold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! of course I checked the weather the other night at work and it said the airport was -4 C .... That is unusual for us. IMOM has been stuck on trains and waiting for trains, and all sorts of stuff. Gill had an interesting NYE ... I think she wound up spending the night in a train station ... oh... *sending out warm happy thoughts towards the wnw* bit slow with sum things... nye= new years eve...
  11. been great! warm enough, no colder than -10C 8) i know!! gb is having terrible weather
  12. i knew where u girls where at, i just havent had a decent amount of time to come and irritate u all
  13. hi tanya!!! how ru? long time no c 8) hi mindy!!
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